Venipuncture Flashcards
What are the General Guidelines for Blood Sample Collection?
- Minimum stress to patient is required
- avoid hemolyzed sample
- fill vacuum tube with syringe
- mix anticoagulant tubes gently
- set serum tubes at an angle and allow to clot
What are some Patient Condition Examples?
- is the animal in shock?
- dehydration status
- is the animal breathing?
- is the animal BAR?
- are all the vains blown?
- is the animal a neonate?
What supplies are needed for Venipuncture?
- needles
- syringes
- cotton balls
- vet wrap
- muzzle
- proficent person to restrain the animal
- hydrogen peroxide
How is Venous Blood collected?
- with a needle and syringe
- or a vacutainer collection system
What does the method and needle gauge depend on when collecting a Venous Blood Sample?
- vessel size
- amount of blood required
- intended use of sample
- technician preference
The reason you are drawing blood will dictate:
- limb to be used
- amount of blood needed
- time frame involved
- your expertise
Why do you wipe the area with 70% isopropyl alcohol?
- helps remove dirt
- causes vasodilation
- improves visualization of the vein
Where is the Cephalic Vein located?
-crainial aspect of the foreleg
How is the animal restrained during Cephalic Venipuncture?
- sternal recumbancy
- standing postion
Where is the Medial Saphenous Vein located in the Cat?
-medial aspect of the rear leg
What gauge needle is used to collect blood from a cat?
- 22 to 25
- attached to a 1 or 3ml syringe
What veins in a cat is most prone to hematoma formation?
-medial saphenous
What vein is used in At Home Glucose Testing?
-marginal ear vein
Why is Arterial Blood Sampling used?
- best way to asses pulmonary function
- blood gasses tell us about patients ability to ventilate and oxygenate
What is Arterial Blood Sampling used for?
- meausre CO2(ventilation) and O2(oxygenation)
- performed on a blood gas analyzer