Venepuncture (F1 12/11) Flashcards
The LO’s
- Apply the principles of the Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT) to the procedure of venepuncture
- Describe key patient safety and health and safety issues relevant to venepuncture
- Describe the recommended procedures for dealing with accidental needle stick injuries and blood spill
- Describe correct and safe disposal of waste within the clinical environment
The LO’s
What is Aseptic Non-Touch Technique?
- ANTT is shown to reduce the risk of patients contracting a hospital-acquired infection
- Don’t touch needle, even with gloves on.
- These key parts and key sites are places where if contaminated could cause transmission of micro organisms to a patient
- Key parts: any piece of equipment that comes into contact with another key part or a key site
- Key sites: any site where there are open wounds or medical device access sites
How do you select a good vein?
- Use veins in the antecubital fossa (anterior to the elbow).
- Cephalic and median antecubital veins commonly used.
- Use a straight vein: above or below a bifurcation
- To select a good vein remember:
- Easy – veins can be seen and felt
- Relatively easy – veins cannot be seen but can be felt
- Difficult – veins can be seen but not felt
- Very difficult – veins cannot be seen or felt – Look elsewhere!

Which areas should be avoided in venepuncture?
- bruises
- bifurcations of veins
- arms with IV
- scarring
- the side mastectomy was on (venepuncture on the same side as a mastectomy carries a risk of secondary lymphedema in that extremity if the lymph nodes have been removed). Lymphedema is localised fluid retention and tissue swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system.
- Hardened Veins: blood clots?
- Altered sensory perception side e.g. stroke.- no literature on this
How do you take blood using a needle and syringe?
- Wash your hands
- Check patient details
- Explain procedure: sharp scratch
- Any arm can’t take blood from?
- Arm straight, heart level
- Apply tourniquet
- Palpate for vein (if has pulse beware is an artery)
- Clean skin
- Needle with bevel side up at 20 degree angle, whilst holding skin taught with left hand
- Now attatch the blood bottles Remember to keep the needle straight, don’t move it with your left hand.
- Tourniquet off, then needle out
- Thank patient and label bloods