venatio, part 2 Flashcards
postquam ad mediam paludem navigavimus, Barbillus Phormioni signum dedit.
When we approached the marsh, the water was becoming muddier, and reeds thicker.
haedos Phormio in aquam iniecit.
Phormio threw the kids into the water.
sanguis haedorum crocodilos trahebat, qui praecipities haedos petebant.
The blood of the baby goats was dragging the crocodiles,which were heading straight for the kids.
tum Æthiopes crocodilos agitare coeperunt.
Then the Ethiopians began to hunt the crocodiles.
hastas emittebant et crocodilos interficiebant.
They were throwing spears and killing the crocodiles.
magna erat fortitudo crocodilorum, maior tamen peritia Æthiopum.
Great was the courage of the crocodiles, greater however the skill of the Ethiopians.
mox multi crocodile mortui erant.
Soon many crocodiles were dead.
subito ingentem clamorem audivimus.
Suddenly we heard a large clamor.
Phormio dominium vocabat, quod hippopotamus, quem Æthiopes e palude excitaverant, scapham Barbilli everterat.
Phormio was calling his master, because the hippopotamus, which the Ethiopians had awakened, overturned Barbillus’ boat.
Barbillum et tres servos in aquam deiecerat.
It had thrown Barbillus and three slaves into the water.
quamquam ad Barbillum et ad servos, qui in aqua natabant, celeriter navigavimus, crocodile iam eos circumvenerant.
Although we quickly navigated to Barbillus and the slaves, who were swimming in the water, the crocodiles already encircled them.
hastas in crocodilos statim emisimus.
We threw spears into the crocodiles at once.
tum Phormio, nos ad ripam fluminis duxit, ubi scaphae, quas comparaverat, deligatae erant.
Then Phormio, led us to the bank of the river, where boats, which he had obtained, were tied
ubi crocodilos depulimus, Barbillum et unum servum servare potuimus.
When we drove off the crocodiles, we were able to save Barbillus and one slave.
sed postquam Barbillum ex aqua traximus, eum invenimus vulneratum.
But after we dragged Barbillus from the water, we found him wounded.