Veil of Ashes Spells Flashcards
Spell Verbals
1st - 8th
I summon an elemental bolt of <fire, ice, or lightning> x(damage)(element).
The caster throws an elemental bolt at the target, which does 5 points of elemental damage multiplied by the level of the spell used. This spell may be memorized at spell levels 1-8.
1st - 5th
With Ethereal force I Repair your Armor. (followed by stating X repair.)
Caster repairs the physical armor of a target (or body of a construct) for 4 points per level of the spell used. This spell may be used at spell levels 1-5.
With Ethereal force I disarm your item.
Any item that is being held must be dropped and cannot be picked up again by the spell target for 5 seconds. The caster must specify the item to be dropped. The named item must be specific enough for the target to understand what the target of the spell is, without further clarification. If the target is holding multiple of the item that is specified, the target chooses which one to drop.
As an example, if the caster states “With Ethereal force I disarm your sword” and the target is holding a sword in each hand then the target chooses which one to drop. If the spell caster wishes to be more specific, they could say “With Ethereal force I disarm your “Right Sword” and the target would have to drop the sword in their right hand.
With Ethereal force I endow you with strength
The target’s next action that requires strength will use this spell. If the target uses their
weapon it will add +2 damage for three attacks. The spell will also be used if the target
attempts an action that would require great strength. Examples would be moving at full
speed while carrying an immobilized or willing character for 10 seconds (up to 25 feet),
throwing an immobilized or willing character up to 10 feet, but the character must end up
in a safe location that the player is physically able to get to. This skill can also be used to
attempt to move a heavy object but is subject to the ruling of the Marshal on hand.
With Ethereal force I shield you from harm.
This spell when cast on a target grants 10 extra armor points. This armor will take
damage before the character’s physical armor points are affected. The Shield spell will
not exceed your max armor points.
With Ethereal force I endow you with great strength.
The target may use this spell when they wish to, and not only on their next action, unlike
the Endow Strength spell. If the spell is used in combat, it will add +2 damage to all
their attacks for 60 seconds. This spell may also be activated for a feat of great
strength. Examples would be moving at full speed while carrying an immobilized or
willing character for 10 seconds (up to 25 feet), throwing an immobilized or willing
character up to 10 feet, but the character must end up in a safe location that the player is
physically able to get to. This skill can also be used to attempt to move a heavy object but
is subject to the ruling of the Marshal on hand.
With Ethereal force I light my way.
This spell creates a faint glow that emits from an object. The light produced is of low
intensity and will only create a soft glow around the object. The spell must be represented
by a true light source, remembering that it should not be brighter than a standard
glowstick and should not focus light into a single point, as a flashlight would. Any
standard glowstick is an acceptable phys-rep for the light spell.
With Ethereal force I detect magic.
This spell can be cast on any item or person to see if the object has magical properties.
This will only be known to the caster and is not evident to others that are in the area. This
spell will not show what kinds of magic are on the item or person, only if there are magical
effects present. Casting this on a person would not tell you if they are carrying magical
items, like a sword or a ring, because the magic is only present on those items explicitly.
With Ethereal force I repulse this being.
This spell only works on living targets. The target shall not come any closer than 10 feet
to the caster. If the target is closer than 10 feet when the spell is cast, they must halt any
advances towards the caster, but may still move away. The caster must hold their hand
up with their palm facing the target. Any action that causes the caster to drop their hand
will break this spell.
With Ethereal force I dispel lesser magic.
This spell will remove the effects of any spell that is level 3 or lower on the target.
With Ethereal force I shatter your item.
This spell may be used to either destroy an item or harm creatures that may be shattered,
like skeletal undead. The item can be no larger than something that can be held in one’s
hands - swords, shields, brooms…etc. If used on a creature, you would say “shatter your
body” in the verbal. If the creature is affected by shatter, they will typically take 25 body
The Shatter spell will not have any effect on a weapon that is being empowered by a
weapon rod. i.e. if you have a Weapon Rod active on you that contains any magical
benefits, that weapon cannot be shattered. In this scenario, you will say “No Effect” when
hit with the Shatter spell. If the spell targets a weapon or a shield that is not being
empowered by a weapon rod, you take the effect of the Shatter.
With Ethereal force I trap you.
This spell will trap one foot (target’s choice) to the ground. The target may still move but
must keep one foot planted firmly to the ground.
With Ethereal force I enchant your weapon.
With Ethereal force I grant you a lesser spell shield.
The target of this spell can choose when to activate the effect, but only if the target has
not had the spell removed through dispelling magic, or death. Upon activation, the target
may call +2 magical damage for 5 minutes, at which time the spell is consumed.
With Ethereal force I bind your arms.
The target will have their arms bound to their sides and is unable to use them in any way,
including wielding weapons or casting spells.
With Ethereal force I shatter your armor.
This spell may be used to either destroy a target’s armor or harm creatures that may be
shattered, like skeletal undead. This will immediately reduce all physical armor points
worn to zero. Typically this spell will do 40 points of damage if the creature is affected.
With Ethereal force I slow your body.
The Slow spell reduces the target to half speed, making them unable to run or use the
Dodge skill. This spell will not lower movement speed below half.
With Ethereal force I grant you an Elemental Shield
This shield will protect the target from the next elemental spell or effect that strikes them,
no matter the source (Fire, Ice, Lighting, or acid). The target must say “Elemental
Shield” to denote that they were protected from the effect. This is a visible effect.
With Ethereal force I decay your mind, 10 Body
This spell will do ten points of body damage to the target.
With Ethereal force I silence your voice
This spell will silence the target. This prevents them from being able to speak or cast
I fatigue your mind and command you to sleep.
Target is put into a deep sleep. They may be woken up by either shaking them for 10
seconds or dispelling the effect.
I bend your will to be under my charm
The target of this spell will get near the caster and treat them like their closest friend.
Target will not know that the charm spell was cast on them and no amount of role-playing
will convince the target that they are charmed. The target will listen to suggestions from
the caster, but will not do things they normally would not do. The charm is broken if the
caster attacks the target.
With Ethereal force I dispel all magic.
This spell will remove the effects of any spell that is level 6 or lower on the target.
With Ethereal force I grant you a reflect magic
The target of this spell receives a spell shield that will reflect the next spell that hits them,
that is 6th level or below, back at the caster. The player must say “reflect” when hit by the
spell to announce to the caster that the spell has been reflected back to them. Spell
protections are not intelligent and will protect the target whether the spell was harmful or
For the Elemental Bolt and Heal Wounds/Cause Wounds spells, reflect will work on any
spells that do up to thirty (30) points of healing or damage. Any damage or healing above
that will bypass the Reflect Magics protections and will take effect.
I confine you in a magical web.
This spell will confine the target in a magical web that covers their body from neck to the
ground making them immovable. When webbed, you must stand still with your hands at
your sides. The target may still speak and look around but may not take any further
action. These bindings are magical and may not be cut away by physical means, only a
dispel magic or breaking line of sight will free a person from a web. Once the caster is
dead or unconscious, the web is broken.
With Ethereal force I grant you a Spirit Shield.
This spell will protect the character from Death, Doom, Life, Critical Slay, Fatal Blow,
and Waylay. If the character is hit by a Death, Doom, or Life spell they are immediately
put at 1 body, and all remaining spell protections and enchantments are removed. If
struck with a Critical Slay or a Fatal Blow, the player is left at 1 body. Spirit Shield will
completely protect the character from a waylay, but the Spirit Shield is expended.
When struck with a spell or ability that this spell would protect your character from, you
must state “Spirit Shield” to denote you were protected, which is a visible effect.
This spell can be cast on a dead or unconscious target.
With Ethereal force I rot your mind, 20 body
This spell will do twenty points of body damage to the target.
With Ethereal force I drain your life
The target of this spell has their energy sapped from them. They will only have the
strength for minor actions, such as crawling on the ground, speaking softly, or consuming
a curative “potion”. The target is not considered subdued and may defend against any
killing blow.
I imbue a wizard’s lock to this item and grant you the key.
The Wizard Lock spell will create a magical barrier around a single object such as a
chest, the outside walls of a building, or a single room within a building. A lock and key
must be physically represented by two objects that are designed to fit together, such as a
piece of wood with one side cut out so that the two pieces will fit back together. While the
key is placed in the “lock”, the wizard lock is lowered. Removing the “key” from the lock
will raise the Wizard Lock, securing the object it was cast on. This effect is a translucent
magical effect and may be seen by anyone. The effect on buildings is not distinguishable
from a Ward spell and works the same way as a ward.
With Ethereal force I dispel greater magic.
This spell will remove the effects of any spell that is level 8 or lower on the target.
I confine you with an Ethereal Prison.
This spell will instantly forge a magical prison around the target. The target is completely
immobilized and may not move or speak but can still see. The target is not rooted to the
ground and can be moved by anyone unless they are rooted to the ground by other
means. While under the effect of an Ethereal Prison, the target is not affected by physical
or magical damage. The caster can release the target from an Ethereal Prison on a three-
count (releasing one.. two… three). The Caster may also choose to deliver a Killing Blow
to the target following the standard killing blow rules. Additionally, a caster may also cast
an Ethereal Prison on themselves and may also release it on a three count.
With Ethereal force I grant you a Spell Shield
The target will be protected from the next spell that is 8th level or lower that hits them.
The target must say “Flash” to denote that they were protected from the spell. 1st and
2nd level spells can be flashed without removing the Spell Shield. This is a visible effect.
Spell protections are not intelligent and will protect the target whether the spell was
harmful or beneficial.
With an Ethereal Tempest, I enchant your weapon with fire, ice, or lightning.
The target of this spell can choose when to activate the effect, but only if the target has
not had the spell removed through dispelling magic, or death. Upon activation, the target
may call +4 elemental damage for five (5) minutes, at which time the spell is consumed.
I inscribe a circle of defense to safeguard me from harm.
This spell will create a magical sphere around the caster that will prevent anyone or
anything from entering or leaving the circle. The circle must be inscribed on the ground
around them before the spell may be cast and can be no more than a 6-foot radius. The
circle may be raised or lowered at any time by the caster announcing “Circle up” or “Circle
Down”. The caster must hold a weapon or their hand in the air to show that the circle is
up, and must lower their weapon or hand when the circle is down. If the caster leaves the
area that they cast the circle on or is subdued, the circle is expired.
I release and doom your soul.
Target of this spell is instantly killed and will immediately go to dead status. A spirit shield
or a mask are the only defenses against a Doom.
I summon forth an elemental surge of <fire, ice, or lightning> x(damage)(element)
Caster throws an elemental surge at the target which deals 50 points of elemental
damage. This damage is blocked by armor.
With Ethereal force I shackle you to this plane
The target of this spell will be unable to leave this plane by any means for the duration of
the spell. In addition, a target that is struck with a Planer Shackle may not phase, teleport,
rift, or step through any portals.
With Ethereal force I forge a lock and key to ward entry
This spell will allow the caster to ward a single room. A shield will surround the room barring anyone or anything from entering or leaving. This effect is a translucent magical effect and may be seen by anyone. The effect is not visibly distinguishable from a Wizard’s lock spell. The lock and key must be represented by a unique item that is two pieces designed to fit together, which must be approved by staff. While the key is placed in the lock, the ward is lowered but is raised as soon as it is removed. However, if someone is standing on the ward then it will not be raised.
I call upon the darkness of night to shroud my form in shadow.
This is a self-cast spell only. After casting, the casters’ physical form becomes a discorporeal shadow and is immune to all physical and most magical damage and effects from battle magic. An Ethereal Imprison will trap a person that is in Shadowform, but they will still be immune to effects as stated above. If not forcibly removed from Shadowform through dispelling magic, it takes a 3-count to reform into a solid body by stating “Returning 1, Returning 2, Returning 3”. Until the person is fully reformed they will continue to be immune,
as stated above. While in Shadowform, the player must have their arms crossed over their chest. You may walk, but not run, and may hear but not speak. You may not affect the physical world in any way. The character is recognizable to anyone who knows them while in
Shadowform. All active spell protections are still in effect while a character is in Shadowform.
1st - 8th
I call forth the Primal to heal your wounds, X (healing)
When used as the Heal Wounds spell it will heal the target for 4 times the level of the spell used. If a character is at the slain status, you must use a 6th level or above version of this spell
to heal them.
1st - 8th
I call forth the Primal to cause wounds, X (corruption)
When used as the Cause Wounds spell it will cause damage equivalent to 4 times the level of the spell used. The damage of Cause Wounds is taken directly to your body hit points, thus ignoring armor points. If a character is at the slain status, you must use a 6th level or above version of this spell to heal them.
I call forth the Primal to disarm your <item>.</item>
Any item that is being held must be dropped and cannot be picked up again by the spell target for 5 seconds. The caster must specify the item to be dropped. The named item must be specific enough for the target to understand what the target of the spell is, without further clarification. If the target is holding multiple of the item that is specified, the target chooses which one to drop. As an example, if the caster states “I call forth the Primal to disarm your sword” and the
target is holding a sword in each hand then the target chooses which one to drop. If the spell caster wishes to be more specific, they could say “I call forth the Primal to disarm your “Right Sword” and the target would have to drop the sword in their right hand
I call forth the Primal to endow you with strength.
The target’s next action that requires strength will use this spell. If the target uses their weapon, it will add +2 damage for three attacks. The spell will also be used if the target attempts an action that would require great strength. Examples would be moving at full speed while carrying an immobilized or willing character for 10 seconds, throwing an immobilized or willing character up to 10 feet, but the character must end up in a safe location that the player is physically able to get to. This skill can also be used to attempt to move a heavy object but is subject to the ruling of the Marshal on hand. You may have up to three (3) total attack spells cast on a character at one time, but you
may not benefit from more than one attack buffing spell at a time.
I call forth the Primal to light my way
This spell creates a faint glow that emits from an object. The light produced is of low intensity and will only create a soft glow around the object. The spell must be represented by a true light source, remembering that it should not be brighter than a standard
glowstick and should not focus light into a single point, as a flashlight would. Any standard glowstick is an acceptable phys-rep for the light spell
I call forth the Primal to bless you.
This spell will fortify the target’s body and provide them with 10 additional points of body. This body is the first to be lost after armor.
The body provided by bless cannot be healed, once the 10 points are gone you must receive another Bless. This spell is also not a healing spell so it cannot be used to heal a person that is unconscious or worse
I call forth the Primal to endow you with great strength
The target may use this spell when they wish to, and not only on their next action, unlike the Endow Strength spell. If the spell is used in combat, it will add +2 damage to all their attacks for 60 seconds. This spell may also be activated for a feat of great strength. Examples would be moving at full speed while carrying an immobilized or willing character for 10 seconds, throwing an immobilized or willing character up to 10 feet, but the character must end up in a safe location that the player is physically able to get to. This skill can also be used to attempt to move a heavy object but is subject to the ruling of the Marshal on hand.
I call forth the Primal to Repulse this being
This spell only works on living targets. The target shall not come any closer than 10 feet to the caster. If the target is closer than 10 feet when the spell is cast, they must halt any advances towards the caster, but may still move away. The caster must hold their hand up with their palm facing the target. Any action that causes the caster to drop their hand will break this spell.
I call forth the Primal to Repel this Undead
This spell only works on Undead. The target shall not come any closer than 10 feet to the caster. If the target is closer than 10 feet when the spell is cast, they must halt any advances towards the caster, but may still move away. The caster must hold their hand up with their palm facing the target. Any action that causes the caster to drop their hand
will break this spell
I call forth the Primal to pin you
This spell will trap one foot (Target’s Choice) to the ground. The target may still move but must keep one foot planted firmly to the ground
I call forth the Primal to dispel all lesser magic
This spell will remove the effects of any spell that is level 3 or lower on the target.
I call forth the Primal to shatter your <item></item>
This spell may be used to either destroy an item or harm creatures that may be shattered, like skeletal undead. The item can be no larger than something that can be held in one’s hands - swords, shields, brooms…etc. If used on a creature, you would say “shatter your body” in the verbal. If the creature is affected by shatter, they will typically take 25 body damage. The Shatter spell will not have any effect on a weapon that is being empowered by a weapon rod. i.e. if you have a Weapon Rod active on you that contains any magical
benefits, that weapon cannot be shattered. In this scenario, you will say “No Effect” when hit with the Shatter spell. If the spell targets a weapon or a shield that is not being empowered by a weapon rod, you take the effect of the Shatter.
I call forth the Primal to heal disease
I call forth the Primal to inflict disease
When used as a Disease the caster will first complete the verbal and within 10 seconds
may then throw 3 packets which each do “5 Disease”. You may choose when to throw
each packet, but any other attack or spell cast by you will conclude this spell and you will
lose any of the 3 packets that were uncast. Damage caused from this tagline to a target’s
Body Points will cause the target to be unable to run, use the Dodge skill, and their
damage will be reduced by Two (2) in combat. The damage-reducing effect will stack with
other damage-reducing effects.
Heal disease will remove the “disease” effect from the target.
I cripple you with fear
I call forth the Primal to remove your fear
The fear spell will cause the target to fear the caster and they will attempt to get away
from the caster. They may not attack the caster while under the fear effect but may
defend themselves while attempting to flee.
You do not have to run away, you just must make your best effort to get away from the
creature or player that cast the fear spell on you.
Remove Fear will remove any fear effect that is currently on the target. The caster may
target themselves with a “remove fear” if they have been feared.
I call forth the Primal to grant you a Lesser Spell Shield
The target will be protected from the next spell that is 4th level or lower that hits them.
The target must say “Flash” to denote that they were protected from the spell. This is a
visible effect.
I call forth the Primal to Bind your arms
I call forth the Primal to Unbind you
The target of a Bind spell will have their arms snared to their sides and is unable to use
them in any way, including wielding weapons or casting spells. Unbind will release the
target of any bindings, either the Bind spell or mundane bindings.
I call forth the Primal to shatter your armor
This spell may be used to either destroy a target’s armor or harm creatures that may be
shattered, like skeletal undead. This will immediately reduce all physical armor points
worn to zero. Typically this spell will do 40 points of damage if the creature is affected.
I afflict you with a curse of weakness
I call forth the Primal to remove this lesser curse
Curse Weakness will cause the target to lose 4 Proficiency and reduce all damage called in combat by
four. Weakness will not reduce the damage you call below the base damage of your weapon. Remove
Lesser Curse will remove any 4th level or lower curse.
I call forth the Primal to silence your voice
This spell will silence the target. The target cannot speak or cast any spells.
I fatigue your mind and command you to sleep
The target is put into a deep sleep. Shaking a person that is asleep for 10 seconds will wake
them up (waking one, waking two…etc). This spell can be dispelled.
I call upon corruption to Poison you
I call forth the Primal to Purify your blood
The target of Poison has their energy sapped from them. They will only have the strength for minor
actions, such as crawling on the ground, speaking softly, or consuming an edible or drinkable healing
solution. The target is not considered subdued and may not be killing blowed. Purify will remove the
poison effect from the target.
This effect is persistent and will remain even after the caster has died.
I call forth the Primal to grant you a Poison Shield
This spell will grant the target a shield that will protect them from the next non-
magical poison attack that hits them. When struck with a non-magical poison the
target must say “poison shield” to denote that the poison was negated. This shield
has a visible effect.
Effects from all Apothecary Gasses are considered poisons, and thus a poison shield
can protect you against them. Ingested poisons are not protected by a poison shield.
Resists and immunities will always grant protection, even to poisons that are
I call forth the Primal to grant you a Reflect Magic
The target of this spell receives a spell shield that will reflect the next spell that hits
them, that is 6th level or below, back at the caster. The player must say “reflect” when
hit by the spell to announce to the caster that the spell has been reflected back to
them. Spell protections are not intelligent and will protect the target whether the spell was
harmful or beneficial.
For the Elemental Bolt and Heal Wounds/Cause Wounds spells, reflect will work on
any spells that do up to thirty (30) points of healing or damage. Any damage or
healing above that will bypass the Reflect Magics protections and will take effect.
I call forth the Primal to Dispel Magic
This spell will remove the effects of any spell that is level 6 or lower on the target.