Vehicle Pursuit Flashcards
Define pursuit
An active attempt by an officer in an authorized emergency vehicle using emergency equipment to apprehend a suspect who is failing to yield after DUE NOTICE or is attempting to avoid apprehension, and whose driving presents a CLEAR and IMMEDIATE DANGER
Define Bubble tactic
a NON-CODE tactic when attempting to contain a suspect in a vehicle. Bubbling officers WILL NOT engage nor re-engage the suspect in a vehicle pursuit without supervisor approval.
Define Paralleling
additional police units, authorized by a SUPERVISOR, traveling on adjacent streets USING emergency equipment to keep pace with a pursuit. Code 3 caravanning or paralleling of units or other attempts to join the pursuit w/out permission from supervisor is prohibited.
All pursuits will be EFFICIENTLY investigated
False- Thoroughly
When is a unit considered primary?
if, at any point during the pursuit, the unit is directly behind the suspect vehicle
Any officer who assumes primary position, at any point during the pursuit, regardless of duration in the primary position, WILL complete a separate pursuit report in blue team.
Supervisors ___ relinquish all positions to standard marked patrol joining the pursuit to enable the supervisor to maintain control & objectivity of continuing the pursuit or determining if it should be discontinued.
A. May
B. Should
C. Shall
D. Will
D. Will
If an Officer is in a 401 during pursuit, will IMMEDIATELY discontinue and take proper action unless:
1) No unit is assume the pursuit or respond to the unit involved.
2) Damage to the unit is minor & it can still be operated w/out danger
3) There are no apparent injuries as a result of the accident.
There will be NO code 3 caravanning or paralleling of units or other attempts to join the pursuit w/out authorization from the supervisor.
A pursuit will only be conducted for a violent felony or if presents a ______ and _______ danger to the public
A. Fair and prompt
B. Clear and Immediate
C. True and urgent
B. Clear and Immediate
Clear and Immediate danger to the public will be based solely on a subjects reaction to the officers initial attempt to stop the vehicle.
Who can verbally approve a pursuit
monitoring sgt
area lt
or watch commander
Officers who initiate a pursuit and field supervisors who allow pursuits to continue, MUST consider the following;
1) Whether need for immediate apprehension outweighs danger created by the pursuit
2) Whether suspect is known & can be apprehnd at later time.
3) Vehicular and ped traffic & road conditions
4) Nature of the area of the pursuit; residential, commercial, or rural.
5) Weather conditions, time of day & visibility which creates risk of injury to public/officers
6) Alternatives to the pursuit, including air unit, PIT, stop sticks, or arrest at later time.
All decisions to conduct veh pursuits will be made with the primary goal of assuring safety of
the innocent citizens, officers and when possible, those attempting to flee
Before conducting a felony car stop for a 411, officers will req. The air unit & allow it adequate time to arrive before activating emergency equip.
- Control of the pursuit
- Supervisor will:
1) Immediately acknowledge notification & authorize the continuation of the pursuit via the radio,, ex; “I am supervising this pursuit”, and assume responsibility for controlling pursuit tactics & continuing the pursuit.
2) Order discontinuation of the pursuit via radio when the necessity for apprehension is outweighed by the dangers of the pursuit.
3) Consider PIT and/or stop sticks
4) Respond to termination point & ensure appropriate notifications are made.
5) Ensure all required post-pursuit procedures are completed.
Ground units will visual contact once air unit arrives and in surveillance mode,
False- will discontinue
At the _____ of the pursuit, high-risk stop procedures will be used when practical
A. Beginning
B. End
C. Conclusion
C. Conclusion**
Pursuirts by LVMPD will be continued when entering diff jurisdiction
False- discontinued
The pursuing officer or supervisor may request assistance from OJ but not to join the pursuit, however other appropriate forms of assistance.
Officers are prohibited from joining OJ pursuits unless __________
A. Assigned by a supervisor
B. Requested by OJ
C. Is a felony pursuit
D. Authorized only by the WC
A. Assigned by a supervisor
A supervisor WILL NOT assign officers to OJ pursuits unless assistance is requested by the OJ and they provide sufficient info and is in compliance with our policy
Authorized officers operating as secondary unit in OJ pursuit will immediately discontinue whenever
a) An additional unit from OJ joins pursuit and takes over secondary
b) The pursuit is not conducted within our policy
c) Info is made which indicates the dangers of the pursuit outweigh need to apprehend.
d) An LVMPD supervisor orders the LVMPD to discontinue
The use of stop sticks as a pre-pursuit deployment tactic should only be utilized under _____ _____ where the vehicle meets the parameters of a pursuit, should the veh become occupied
extenuating circumstances
If a stop stick is used, the following MUST be adhered to:
a) Approval from field supervisor
b) Will not be pre-deployed by a single officer
c) Have a tactical plan (ballistic shield, immediate action, low lethal coverage) in place should the veh become immobilized
d) Be in a position which does not over expose the deployment team from suspect
Officers WILL NOT deploy stop stick if;
a) When transporting a prisoner or non police personnel
b) When fleeing suspect have demonstrated a clear intent to injure officers using the vehicle as a deadly weapon, unless effective cover is available at time of the deployment
c) As a weapon
d) On bridges, roadway curves, in or around construction, or any location where deploying officer feels is too dangerous because of veh/ped traffic
e) To slow or stop any of the following unless deadly force applies; 1) motorcycle or any other 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle 2) all terrain vehicles 3) any truck transporting explosives or hazardous materials
If a department veh is damaged from stop sticks, the ____ for the vehicle will request assistance and document the incident in accordance with dept procedures.
the officer responsible
the officers supervisor
stop sticks
If a citizen veh is damaged the WC will respond
The stop sticks ____ be repaired or replaced after deployment
A. May
B. Must
d. should
B. Must
Primary and secondary units will consider other means of apprehension before attempting forcible stops and will use a ____ ____ of force which is consistent with the accomplishment of the mission.
Officers will broadcast intent to use PIT, otherwise notification will be made after the fact.
Non-deadly force PIT - used to apprehend at speeds __mph and below, PIT may be used at speeds __mph and below after tire deflation device have been used
A. 40mph
B. 41mph
C. 30Mph
D. None of the above
A. 40
Deadly force PIT- speeds over 40mph, on motorcycles, on high centered vehicles, circumstances which create substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.
A. 25 Mph
B. 41MPH
C. 40MPH
D. 30MPH
C. 40
Circumstances warranting the use of PIT as deadly force are as follows
a) Continued movement of the pursued veh would place others in danger of bodily harm or death
b) Apparent risk of harm, to other than the occupants of the pursued veh, is so great as to outweigh the risk of harm in making the forcible stop, and
c) Other means of apprehension have been considered and rejected as impractical (ie; continue to follow, stop sticks, and/or call for air unit).
Officers ____ in all cases, consider the safety of the public and suspects before executing PIT
A. Should
B. May
C. Shall
D. Will
D. Will***
Reporting PIT - succesful, attempts, and/or declared uses and vehicle ramming are considered reportable UOF and must be reported in blue team
FIT will complete the appropriate reports for incidents where deadly force is used.
False- CIRT will
Post Pursuit Requirements
Officers will:
1) Complete the pursuit report in blue team for all pursuits and clearly state the supervisor who authorized the continuance of the pursuit in the report.
2) If PIT was used, complete a UOF report in blue team
3) Incidents where deadly force was used, CIRT handles
-Post Pursuit Requirements
Supervisor will:
1) Respond to termination point & assume responsibility for scene
2) Ensure all appropriate notifications are made at the scene
a) Ensure CIRT/FIT notified when deadly force (PIT over 40 and ramming)
b) Notify CIRT/FIT when pursuit involves multi-jurisdiction, multiple area commands, and/or involves more than 5 officers.
c) Notify CIRT/FIT when there is significant damage
3) Conduct thorough investigation to determine if pursuit was within policy and justified (If supervisor was directly involved in the pursuit, a separate supervisor will conduct investigation)
4) Ensure all applicable reports are completed
5) Check area for video surveillance and obtain a copy
6) Review all involved officer’s BWCs to ensure pursuit procedures were followed
7) ensure any officer who assumed primary position completes pursuit report
8) Document in blue team if pursuit has been determined justified and per policy to include all facts & evidence obtained throughout the investigation.
9) Document in blue team if pursuit was determined unjustified and include all facts/evidence obtained.
10) If stop sticks were used, the circumstances justifying their use & details of deployment will be documented in the pursuit report.