Vegetables Flashcards
What is the Korean word for ‘cucumber’?
오이 (oi)
What is the Korean word for ‘carrot’?
당근 (dang-geun)
What is the Korean word for ‘potato’?
감자 (gam-ja)
What is the Korean word for ‘spinach’?
시금치 (shi-geum-chi)
What is the Korean word for ‘onion’?
양파 (yang-pa)
What is the Korean word for ‘garlic’?
마늘 (ma-neul)
What is the Korean word for ‘mushroom’?
버섯 (beo-seot)
What is the Korean word for ‘bell pepper’?
파프리카 (pa-peu-ri-ka)
What is the Korean word for ‘bean sprouts’?
콩나물 (kong-na-mul)
What is the Korean word for ‘zucchini’?
호박 (ho-bak)
What is the Korean word for ‘cabbage’?
양배추 (yang-bae-chu)
What is the Korean word for ‘lettuce’?
상추 (sang-chu)
What is the Korean word for ‘radish’?
무 (mu)
What is the Korean word for ‘beetroot’?
비트 (bi-teu)
What is the Korean word for ‘asparagus’?
아스파라거스 (a-seu-pa-ra-geo-seu)
What is the Korean word for ‘cauliflower’?
콜리플라워 (kol-li-peul-la-wo)
What is the Korean word for ‘broccoli’?
브로콜리 (beu-ro-kol-li)