veganism Flashcards
plants feel pain - vegans murder plants
plants dont have a brain, nervous system or pain receptors.
plants are alive but they operate on cellular level, they don’t respond
evolution pov: humans and animals feel pain so we can escape danger, alert us to life threatening situations. plants cant do this
animal life has more value:
if u r driving, dog comes in front, u can save the dog or plant, what would u save? if u save dog, means u admit animal life has more value
16 lbs of grain is required to produce 1 lbs of meat
so even if u believe that plants feel pain, u should still be vegan because u will be contributing a lot less to plant and animal suffering
GOD has allowed us to eat meat
-not FARZ
-different world before. no variety of foods. it was necessary for their survival.
God is compassionate and benevolent. why would he want us to make animals suffer?
hell is a place of suffering, pain and fear. slaughterhouse is hell for animals. we are the devils. and they didn;t do anything to deserve it.
if prophet saw what is happening to the animals. they would not find it acceptable.
religion is a belief. subjective interpetation. people also use religion to opress women and gay people.
also meat consumption is destroying our planet
#1 cause of climate change
would God be happy that we are destroying planet?
we also selectively bred and genetically modified God’s creation - offensive to God. we took his creation and changed it
religion also says not to harm God’s creation..
U cant be 100% vegan.what abt mice and insects killed in crop farming
Eg. Of fireman, he sees 2 ppl in a fire, only has time to save 1 of them. Ends up saving no one. This is the logic of 100% vegan argument
Also intention. If i buy animal products i KNOW they caused suffering.
Also ultimately more plants used in animal products production
Veganism is about minimising the damage.
Perfection doesn’t exist. Just because animals die accidentally sometimes in crop production doesn’t mean we r morally justified to pay for knife on throat
Lions eat meat so why cant I
Animals also rape and kill each other
Lions kill their own cubs
Actions and behaviours of wild animals are not a good basis for human morality
Animals do it for survival
We dont have to. It is actually killing us and planet.
Humans have morals. It’s not necessary so cant be morally justified
Dog fighting is personal gain and pleasure, we oppose it
Same for eating animals
you can love animals and eat them
if parents beat their children , would we say they love them? if a partner beats up their partner, do they love them?
you cant love someone if you inflict intentional suffering and pain on them. its against the foundation of love.
a dog beater is not a dog lover, cat slaughterer isn’t cat lover.
it’s my personal choice to eat animals
committing rape, murder etc is also a personal choice…
beating and abusing a cat is also a personal choice.
just because a person personally chooses to do something, does not make it morally justifiable.
ppl are detached from the fact that animal products came from a victim. a living being who suffered.
respect the choice of the animals. the humans working in the animal industries, the slaughterhouse workers who suffer from mental health issues,
respect humans who will suffer from climate change.
eating meat also causes diseases.
Yulin dog festival where people eat dog meat is also a personal choice.
i love how animals taste
you value taste over a living being’s life?
someone in china can say they like the taste of dogs and cats..
taste is not enough to morally justify an action
taste only lasts for 15 minutes.
every animal killed for our taste is an individual being that suffered, feels fear, feels pain, just like your pet at home.
veganism is unhealthy
ADA and BDA largest nutrition bodies have stated that a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate, healthy and safe for all stages of life.
all nutrition we can get from plant foods. no necessity
largest land animals like elephants, rhino, hippo are all herbivores
plant based athletes, sport players, they say they became stronger, improved performance
no reason to eat animals, as all nutrients can be found in plant kingdom.
animal products cause diseases.
its cultural and traditional to eat animals - we’ve been doing it for 1000s of years
lots of things in culture are wrong
eg. female genital mutilation is cultural, it’s not moral
some cultures treat women less than a man. is it moral?
yulin dog and cat meat festival in china is a cultural festival.
culture does not morally justify an action.
our ancestors at animals
it helped our evolution
our ancestors did lots of morally questionable things like murder, rape.
the only behavior we like to copy of our ancestors is cunsomption of animals
evolution point is not relevant because now its killing us and our planet.
if everyone went vegan, what would happen to the animals? overpopulation?
production of animal products works on supply and demand basis
farmers dont breed animals that they cant sell
world isn’t going to go vegan overnight, gradual process
as more ppl go vegan, less animals will be bred.
when we remove animal agriculture, we will allow our natural habitat like rainforests to regrow and flourish with wildlife and biodiversity.
if we didn’t breed these animals, they would go extinct.
they aren’t natural animals. they are selectively bred and modified. (300 eggs a yr, 10x milk than natural)
the animals wont be able to survive on their own in the wild
sanctuaries will take care of them.
human rights are more important than animal rights.
solve human problems before focusing on animals.
being vegan is a passive action, doesn’t require anything from us.
you can be both, they are not mutually exclusive
when we rank injustices, we achieve nothing
being vegan is also a human, animal, environmental, health issue
we are currently growing food to feed 10 bn people, in a world of 8 bn ppl, 8 mn are starving still. cuz the food (grain) grown is fed to livestock animals.
82% starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals, and those animals are eaten by western countries.
slaughterhouse workers bad mental health
animals dont feel pain
-hurting a dog or cat is a criminal offense, there r laws for animal cruelty
science perspective: animals same brain areas are involved when processing pain
when they feel pain, they show the same behavior as humans, like crying, cower, rate of breathing changes.
imp reason why they feel pain, it helps them avoid danger and any life threatening injuries
when you take a calf away from a cow, she calls for her child and mourns.
animals do have capacity to feel pain and suffer.
also, if we are in pain, we have knowledge that we will get better, we will get medication. if an animal is in pain, it doesn’t know if the pain will ever end. their pain could be worse than us.
humans top of the food chain
food chains are important no doubt
selective breeding
artificial insemination
this is not related to thhe food chain.
food chain argument says we are the most superior species, so we can do whatever we want.
in history, all brutalities were done by ppl who thought they were superior
food chain doesn’t exist. this is not part of natural order, doesn’t help maintain eco systems. actually ruins them.
humans have moral agency, we are able to make decisions of right and wrong.
we are more intelligent than animals
is our life worth more than someone who is less intelligent than us?
pigs are smarter than dogs.
even if we prioritize life based on intelligence,
we shud eat insects or plants, they are least intelligent
intelligence is also subjective, different types of intelligence
but intelligence is not relevant when it comes to determining value of life.
if we r really intelligent, we wouldn’t be hurting our planet, ourselves, and animals for taste, we pollute water, air, we are destroying the only home we have
farmed animals should be grateful, if we didn’t breed them they would have no experience of life
if we apply that logic to human context:
-a child born in an abusive family, beat up, eventually killed be grateful to his parents?? for giving experience of life?
would you be grateful to be born in such a situation?
we are not good people for bringing them up in an environment that causes suffering and pain
can you go to a slaughterhouse, look the animal in the eye and say that?
this life is not a life at all. it’s eternal hell for them
can’t we just improve the welfare of animals?
jeffrey dahmer was a serial killer who drugged his victims before he killed them. they didn’t suffer as they were killed.
does that make the action morally justifiable?
labels like free range, high welfare, or humanely slaughtered dont truly represent the treatment of animals
they are just there to ease our conscience.
animals are still being exploited and suffering.
humane slaughter is an oxymoron.
humane means compassion, benevolence. u cant humanely take the life of an animal that doesn’t want to die
improving treatment is better than doing nothing is like saying taking panadol for a broken arm is better than doing nothing.
there is no right way to do the wrong thing.
we protest against yulin meat festival. not say they should be kept in bigger cage etc. no ifs or buts.
we can’t have different standards for different animals. all animals are the same moral value.
how hens are treaed
overcrowded barns no sun or fresh air
how cows are treated
forcibly impregnated
mother cow’s baby taken away from her
loaded in a truck, taken away in a slaughterhouse
morality is subjective
if it really was, there would be no need for prisons, judicial systems
any action like murder and rape can be justified with this argument
we don’t need religion and science to tell us that CAUSING SUFFERING TO LIVING BEINGS IS WRONG.
things like murder rape cant be justified cuz they have a victim.
we need to make a connection. animals too are a victim
Morality is subjective is a dangerous philosophy.
Cows will get sick if u dont milk them
Sure, but i dont support the dairy industry’s treatment of cows, they prioritise profit over animal welfare. Over milking, taking their child away, bad living conditions. There are plant based alternatives to milk.