VEEB Pharmacodynamics Flashcards
How drugs dissolve, dissolutions. The phase where drugs are broken down so they can be absorbed. They will be dissolved in the GI tract (stomach, sometimes small intestine). Enteric coating requires an alkaline enviornment (small intestine). Only solid med. go through dissolution - the breakdown of a solid.
What happens to patient after it has been given. How it moves what course it takes.
1st Stage - this is the pahse where the med goes from outside the body to inside the bloodstream. Where it is absorped into the tissues. Outcomes varies depend on factors. IV, solid, etc. Active transport - from lower to high concentration. Passive - high to low, Diffusion - high to low.
Out of Body ——–> Blood Stream
Absorption Rate
How quickly the meds move from outside to inside the body. The speed it will take it will dissolve and tun into a solution and go into the cell.
Water Solubility - Fast, Lipid - Slow
The way the meds are given. Most of the drugs are absorbed in the small intestines though the route can change.
Enteral (PO) - given via the GI tract - they must pass through the digestive system (all or part) GT and NGT (Nasal Gastric)
Routes where the meds are injected (subQ, IM). These are by way of capillaries near the injection site that take the meds to the bloodstream. There are more capillaries in the muscle so IM is the faster route.
Lipodystropy - Lypodystrophy
Tissue damage - destroyed fatty tissue
Go directly into the veins. This goes directly into the bloodstream. Absorbtion is immedicatley.
A route via mucus membrane, topically (on skin or mucous membranes), sublingual (thansdermal - under tongue, buccal (between molar & cheek) & inhalation (avieoli meds carries the meds to the bloodstream) routes. Fast Route
Effects medication rate. Poor circulation, infection, congestion in blood vessel, CHF. This will decrease blood flow and slow down or hinder the absorption on medication.
1st Pass
Drugs that the small intestine normally absorb will go to the liver via the Hepatic Portal Vein. The drug will be metabolized in the liver. This decreases the theapeutic effect so the Dr. would increase the amount of drug.
This is the process by whick the drug is carried to the site of action (where the drug is intended to work). From the bloodstream to the site of action. Movement of the drug by way of the blood stream through circulation where the drug will act. Drugs will be carried to tissues or organs that have a greater blood supply so it can get to the site auicker. Some tissue require special cheimal transport to pass through the barrier. Drug solubility affects dissolvibility and distribution. Circulation can affect the distribution.
Protein Binding
Bio Availability (free or unbound) (the effienciency of the absorption rate). Bond - can’t exer its therapeutic action (is reversible). Protein binding effect disgtribution. If the med is bound to a protein it will be released when a receptor becomes available.
Lipid Biding
Same as Protein but binds to the fatty tissue until a receptor is available (starts to work faster that rotein Binding) moves fast so goes to fatty tissue then into the body.