Vectors And Linear Systems Of Equations Flashcards
a directed line segment corresponding to a displacement from one point A to another point B
Vector addition
In general if u = [u1, u2] and v = [v1, v2] then we define
u + v = [u1 + v1, u2 + v2].
Scalar multiplication
Given a vector v = [v1, v2] and c ∈ R, the scalar multiple cv is
cv = [cv1, cv2].
R3 is the set of all ordered triples of real numbers R3 = {(x,y,z) : x,y,z ∈ R}.
Linear combination of vectors
A vector v is a linear combination of vectors v1 , · · · , vk
if and only if there are scalars c1, c2, · · · , ck such that v=c1v1 +c2v2 +···+ckvk
A linear equation in the n variables x1, x2, · · · , xn
an equation that can be written in the form
a1x1 +a2x2 +···anxn = b.
System of linear equations
a finite set of linear equations
A solution to a system of linear equations
a vector that is simultaneously a solution to all equations in the system.
A system of equations is consistent if it has at least one solution
Row echelon form
A matrix is in row echelon form if and only if any all-zero rows are at the bottom and in each non-zero row, the first non-zero entry (the leading entry) is to the left of any leading entries below it
Row reduction
the process for reducing any matrix to row- echelon form, using elementary row operations
reduced row echelon form
A matrix is in reduced row echelon form if and only if it is in row echelon form, the leading entry in each nonzero row is 1 and each column containing a leading 1 has 0s everywhere else
A system of linear equations is homogeneous if and only if the constant term in each equation is zero.
Spanning set
Let S = {v1, v2,··· ,vk} be a set of vectors in Rn. S is a spanning set for Rn if and only if span(S) = Rn.
The set D is the domain, the set Y is the codomain.
The domain is the set of input arguments for which the function can be evaluated.
Each input is called an argument to the function.
The set of possible outputs is the range of the function and is a subset of the codomain.
Maximal domain
the subset of R for which the formula makes sense and gives a result in the codomain of the function
Graph of a function f : D → R, with D ⊂ R
The graph of a function f : D → R, with D ⊂ R, is
Graph(f) = {(x,y) ∈ R2|x ∈ D, y = f(x)}. This graph is a subset of R2.
Graph of a function f : D → R, with D ⊂ R2
The graph of afunctionf:D→R,withD⊂R2 is
Graph(f) = {(x,y,z) ∈ R3|(x,y) ∈ D, z = f(x,y)}
This graph is a subset of R3