Veci - duolingo Flashcards
fľaše červeného vína
the red wine bottles
Žena má fľaše.
The woman has the bottles.
Ten časopis je o víne.
The magazin is about the wine.
Ovocie je v mise.
The fruit is in the bowl.
Jej stolička.
Her chair.
Ja mám posteľ.
I have a bed.
The spoon
Jem pod stolom.
I eat under the table.
Jeho stolička.
His chair.
Daj mi lyžicu.
Give me the spoon !
Môj syn chce zelenú posteľ.
My son wants a green bed.
A magazine
Ráno počúva rádio.
She listens to the radio in the morning.
Kde je to zrkadlo?
Where is the mirror?
Máš televíziu?
Do you have a television?
To je môj budúci počítač.
It is my future computer.
Doevčatá sú pri okne.
The girls are at the window.
Dívam sa na to okno.
We look at the window.
Moje hodiny sú ružové.
My clock is pink.
Mám jeho mobilný telefón.
I have his cellphone.
Mám rádio.
I have a radio.
Potrebujem nové zrkadlo.
I need a new mirror.
Okno je otvorené.
The window is open.
Ona má televíziu.
She has a television.
Mám počítač.
I have a computer.
To je sedačka.
It is a sofa.
Potrebuješ batériu.
You need a battery.
To je tvoj stôl.
It is your desk.
Prečo si pod stolom?
Why are you under the desk?
a lamp
Ovocie je v košíku.
The fruit is in the basket.
Tá sedačka je drahá.
The sofa is expensive.
To mydlo je ružové.
The soap is pink.
Tvoje hodiny sú na stole.
Your clock is on the desk.
Hodinky sú moje.
The watch is mine.
Môj košík je pod stolom.
My basket is under the table.
Má mydlo.
He has soap.
Máš televíziu?
Do you have a TV?
Máme biele prestieradlá? (postelné prádlo)
Do we have the white bedsheets?
On má moju peňaženku.
He has my wallet.
Mám televíziu.
I have a TV.
Potrebujem britvu.
I need a razor.
To je moja krabica.
It is my box.
Otvor dvere.
Open the door.
Moje dvere sú vždy otvorené.
My door is always open.
the screen