VC-Dimension Flashcards
Goal of VC-dimension
Restriction of H to C
Definition of VC-dimension
When H is not PAC learnable
Goal: Figure Out which classes H are PAC learnable
Restriction of H to C:
Let H be a class of functions from X to {0,1} and let C = {c1, … , cm} subset of X. The restriction Hc of H to C is:
Hc = {[h(c1), … , h(cm)] : h in H}
where we represent each function from C to {0,1} as a vector in {0,1}ì|C|.
Shattering: Given C subset of X, H shatters C if Hc contains all 2^|C| functions from C to {0,1}
VC-dimension: The VC-dimnesion VCdim(H) of a hypothesis class H, is the maximal size of a set C subset of X that can be shattered by H.
VC dimension measures the complexity of H, how large a dataset that is perfectly classified using the functions in H can be
Fundamental Theorems of Statistical Learning and bound on