VB Flashcards
the set of linked metal rings which connect the pedals to the back wheel and help make the bicycle move
a place on a surface which is no longer flat
because something has hit against it and damaged it
a sum of money you pay when you hire
something, and which you get back if you return what
you hired in good condition
the sort of fuel used in … engines, which
burn oil in very hot air
if you … something, you worry about it happening because you think it will be unpleasant or harmful
when you make a claim on an insurance policy, the … is the amount of money you have to pay yourself, and the insurance company will pay the rest
the amount of money you have to pay for a
particular journey on public transport or in a taxi
if you are …, you are lying on water without sinking
material such as coal, gas or petrol that is used
to make heat or light or to provide power for machines
on a car or bicycle are the bits of machinery
that control the way the energy is changed into
if a container has a …, it has a small hole which allows the liquid inside to flow away
a piece of machinery means to keep it
in good working order by checking it regularly and mending it as soon as anything goes wrong with it
the arrangement you have when you rent
something from someone
in a contract or other legal document, the … is all the complicated detail that people don’t like reading, but which often has surprising conditions
small print
something that is … doesn’t move as easily as it ought to
the container in a car or other vehicle that
holds the petrol
a swollen area on your skin that is full of
clear liquid and is caused by rubbing the skin too much
if something … to you, you think it is interesting
and want to know more about it or get more involved in it
a sheet of glass at the front or back of a
car that the driver can see through
an official piece of paper or an electronic
certificate which can be used instead of money, or which proves that you have already paid for a particular service or item
the round rubber outer coverings of the wheels
of cars, buses, bicycles etc that are filled with air
if there is a … between people, they have developed an ability to work or live together based on trust and respect and friendship
if people …, they develop an ability to work or live together based on trust and respect and friendship
the state of being damaged or broken. If
something falls into …, it gradually gets into a bad condition because no one takes any care of it