Vasoactive Peptides & Inhibitors Flashcards
- where is angiotensinogen synthesized?
- what does it become and due to what enzymes?
- how is its synthesis regulated?
- synthesized in the liver
- converted by renin to angiotensin I
- renin released by juxtaglomerlar cells on afferent arteriole in response to
- NE/EPI release during hypovolemic state (low BP, low NaCl)
- renin released by juxtaglomerlar cells on afferent arteriole in response to
- angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II
- angiotensin II inhibits renin release
- antiogensin II –> III –> IV
antiotensin II receptors
- where are they found?
- what does stimulation by angiotensin cause?
- AT1 receptors
- found in the vascular smooth muscle
- stimulates PLC in membrane
- PLC stimulation results in IP3 release (from PIP2)
- IP3 release causes Ca++ release –> smooth muscle contraction
- –> vasoconstriction
- AT2 receptors
- found in fetal tissues
- angiotensin II binding maintains healthy tissues
- possibly found on endothelium and involved in NO mediated vasodilation
effects of AT1- angtiotensin II binding
- SNS outflow: release of catecholamines from nerve terminals
- cardiac:
- hypertrophy of cardiac and vascular muscle
- vasoconstriction
- CNS:
- perception of thirst to promote fluid intake
- ADH release
- ADH released from hypothalamus
- ADH increases water reabsorption
- ADH released from hypothalamus
- kidney: aldosterone release
- rentention of Na+ and fluid
pathological effects of angiotensin II
- hypertension (by vasoconstriction/increasing blood volume)
- heart failure (hypertension increases afterload against which the heart may word)
- cardiac remodeling after MI (causes hypertrophy)
- chronic renal diseases (efferent arterioles constriction increases glomerular hydrostatic pressure, injuring glomerulus)
list the classes of drugs that inhibit angiotensin II’s pathological effects
= inhibition of RAAS system
- renin inhibitors: inhibit conversion of antiotensinogen to angiotensin I
- ACE inhibitors: inhibit conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
- AT receptor blockers
what three factors can increases renin release?
- drop in tubular NaCl
- low blood pressure
- stimulation of B1 receptors
- what kind of RAAS inhibitor
- renin inhibitor: inhibits renin function
- MOA binds to renin and inhibits its function
- this inhibits the conversion of angiotensin to angiotensin I
- this subsequently decreases production of angiotensin II
- decrease in angiotensin II releases the negative feedback inhibition that it typically has over renin
- ends up causing renin secretion to actally i_ncrease_
- decrease in angiotensin II releases the negative feedback inhibition that it typically has over renin
ACE inhibitors MOA
ACE inhibitors
- inhibit conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
- inhibit breakdown of bradykinin to inactive form, thus increasing concentration of bradykinin (a vasodilator)
* this contributes to anti-hypertensive effects mediated by antiogensin II decrease
AEs seen in ACE inhibitors but not ARBs
can cause a persistent dry cough - this is due increase in bradykinin
AT1 antagonists
- indication
- MOA: bind AT1 receptors (found on smooth muscle vasculature) and inhibit binding of angiotensin
- indications: used in hypertensive patients who cannot tolerate the persistent dry cough caused by ACE inhibitors
- this is because they do NOT cause in increase in bradykinin like ACE inhibitors
effects of RAAS inhibition on cardiovascular system:
- decrease sympathetic nervous system
- decrease cardiovascular remodeling by
- inhibiting cardiovascular hypertrophy, and
- lowering work on the heart (pre-load and afterload), by
- inhibiting vasoconstriction
- reduceing blood volume
- by inhibiting ADH and aldosterone
renal effects of RAAS inhibition
reduce proteinurea
- proteinurea = presence of proteins in the urine due to damage of the glomerular capillaries
- constant increased glomerular pressure promotes filtration of otherwise not filtered proteins –> protein in the urine –> proteinurea
- RAAS inhibition:
- leads to vasodilation of the efferent arteriole, thus preventing high glomerular pressure
- proteinurea = presence of proteins in the urine due to damage of the glomerular capillaries
reduce risks of type 2 diabetes
- increase insulin sensitivity?
list the increases in RAAS products that will be seen as a result of renin inhibition, ACE inhibitors, and AT1 blocker
- Renin enzyme inhibitor: increase renin release
- ACE inhibitors: increase renin, Ang I
- AT1 blockers: increase renin, Ang I and II
what are the ACE inhibitors?
captopril, lisonopril
what are the AT1 Receptor blockers (ARBs)?
losartan, valsartan
what renin enzyme inhibitor did we discuss?
uses of ACE inhibitors
- hypertension
- heart failure
- acute MI
- chronic renal disease: slows the rate of decline in renal function
- reducing intra-glomular pressure
- increasing selectivity of glomerular filtering membrane
diabetic kidney disease
- discuss the pathology
- why are ACE inhibitors an effetive treatment?
- diabetic kidney disease is characterized by mesangial expansion and glomerular basement thickening
- this causes contraction of the arterioles
- leads to a decrease in surface area of the basement membrane
- decreased surface area –> decreased GRF
- ACE inhibitors:
- dilate renal arterioles
- decrease glomelular capillary pressure
- decreased glomerular injury –> surface area restored –> restored GFR
- decrease glomelular capillary pressure
- increase selecitivty of filtering membrane
- such that growth factors are not leaking out into filtrate, damaging mesangium
- dilate renal arterioles
clinical uses of AT1 receptor antagonists (ARBs)
same as ACE inhibitors- hypertension, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, acute mi
indicated especially in someone intolerant to persistent dry cough
use of aliskiren
(renin enzyme inhibitor)
use = hypertension (not the first line though)