what are the examples of immune mechanisms in vasculitic syndromes?
- deposition of immune complexes
- direct attack on vessels by circulating ABs
- Various forms of cell mediated immunity
Inflammation and necrosis of blood vessels by: 1. Immune mechanisms
- . infectious agents
- mech trauma
- radiation-toxins
* Viral infections sometimes
human vasculitis is associated with which viruses?
- Parvovirus
- Herpes Simplex virus
Small vessel Vasculitidies are assoc. with …?
ANCA- Go full board to get rid of the infl response
except(all Immune complex vasculitis):
Cyroglobulinemia Vasculi
IgA Vasc (Henoh-Schonlein) : usually self limiting, so conservative therapy.
Hypocomplementemic Urticarial Vasculitis (Anti-C1q Vasculitis)
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic Antibodies;” ANCA”
Does Hep B cause c-ANCA or p-ANCA?
HepB causes Atypical P-ANCA.
What is cryoglobulinemia and what are the types?
Protein that precipitates in small blood vessels at higher concentration and stasis.. also at cold temperatures when this pt’s blood is drawn.
- radian hand, drop foot, may be present.
Cryoglobulin: +pupura that doesnt blanch in the cold, may also involve the kidney-> necrotizing glomerulonephritis!
Type 1: monoclonal eg in chronic
Type 2: Mixed cryoglobinemia.
Monoclonal IgM Rh factor binds polyclonal IgG. eg in ~80% Hepatitis C. RH factor in HCV cryoglobulinemia shows low affinity maturation. BASICALLY- A FAILURE OR THE T CELL HELP therefore no maturation and no IgG formation! –> High assoc. w/ Lymphoma!!
Type 3: Oligo and Polyclonal . eg. in Pts with lupus or other autoimmune conditions.
ANCA Pathology involves which cells?
T cell!
ANCA Assoc. vasculitis often in small vessels.
Wegeners: upper resp. symptoms: sinuses, Lower resp. symptoms: Lung disease, Glomerular nephritis (kidney disease)
Microscopic Polyangiitis: + lung disease
Churg- Strauss: granuloma(fleeting lung infiltrates)+ eosinophils+ Asthma. (reaction to unknown antigen)
“socks and gloves”
Affects the hands and feet, in the same pattern that the gloves and socks would cover.
involve peripheral neuropathy eg from diabetes , ETOH(direct effect on the nerves, can cause mononeuritis multiplex), and Hep B,C , HIV, Lupus and other autoinflammatory conditions.
how do we rule out a stroke, with symmetric symptoms eg hand and foot drop on the same side.
- Muscle wasting!!
Lower motor neuron wld have fasciculation and the pt is stiff, with preserved and increased reflexes -> the nerve is dead!!
Stroke –> upper motor neuron,no fasciculations, . LISTEN TO LECTURE!!
RADIAL NERVE. Cld be from lime disease! esp if the pt is from an endermic area!
Foot drop
perineal nerve.
Strawberry tongue in kids!
size of vessels affected- medium sized vessels, affects mostly kids under 5.
look up the scaling of muscle function.
0 no movt 1 flicker 2 horizontal, no gravity 3 w/ gravity, no resistance 4 w/ gravity + resistance 5 Normal
fever, anemia, fatigue, headache + jaw claudication.. “PAIN CHEWING”
in Pt > 50 yrs old.
Note: these first 4 symptoms symptoms cld be rom ENDOCARDITIS! or a similar infectious process.
Temporal artery biopsy! Cld be GCA.
TAKAYASU Arteritis.
pts hyper developed in upper extremities
Born with aorta coactation
poor upper pulses, good lower pulses.
large arteries pathology in pts <50yrs
claudication in upper extremities
low grade fever, anemia, fatigue
other possiblities: infection, malignancy
TREATMENT of vasculitis.
1st- you have to know which one you are dealing with, even though the therapy is usually the same.
ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE A URINE ANALYSIS! INDICATION OF VASCULITIS IN KIDNEY! SO watch the CK, esp in polyangitiis Nodosa –> which wld cause protenuria and hematuria!!
Immunosuppresion therapy immediately if the infectious agent is a virus!
Previously gave cyclophosphomide, except GCA which need steroids.
Kawasaki –> Aspirin
T cell induced cases are treated with B cell killers, eg rituximab.
when to plasma exchange?
Not in acute infection cases, but good to clear the immune complexes.
This is also considered immunocompromising.
bowel, skin, kidney, nerve :medium, mononeuropathy.
sensory : small vessels
heavy smoker vascular pathology?
prone to Thromboangitiis Obliterans “Buerger’s disease”
Its is large vessel pathology, not vasculitis.
These pts dont have systemic symptoms, vessel walls are fine, the inflammatory cells are in the thrombi formed in the vessels!!