Vasculitis Flashcards
Granulomatosis with Polyangitis (GPA)
Small or medium sized vessel inflammation causing pulmonary-renal syndrome
Upper & lower respiratory tract invariably involved; symptoms include
- nasal congestion
- rhinorrhoea
- bloody nasal discharge
- cough ( initially dry, may become haemoptysis)
- breathlessness
Giant cell arteritis
Patients usually sixth, seventh or eighth decade
~20% patients with polymyalgia rheumatica develop GCA
Specific symptoms:
- severe bitemporal headache
- Visual disturbance or visual loss
- jaw claudication (quite specific), scalp tenderness or tongue claudication
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Medium sized arteries
Specific symptoms depend on which arteries ivoved - coronary arteries, mesenteric arteries, renal arteries
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA)
Small vessels causing a pulmonary-renal syndrome
Asthma first then a peripheral eosinophilia
Ask about previous history of:
- asthma
- allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps
- eczema
- cough and breathlessness
- peripheral nervous system disease - symmetrical peripheral neuropathy or mononeuritis multiplex
Microscopic polyarteritis (polyangiitis)
Small vessels causing a pulmonary-renal syndrome
Renal impairment
Lung disease
Systemic symptoms of vasculitis
Mixed essential cryoglobulinaemia
Small vessels due to rheumatoid factor bound to IgG Present with - palpable purpura of the extremities - Raynaud’s disease - arthritis - neuropathy Hep C is common
DDx for livedo reticularis
Cholesterol atheroembolism after a vascular procedure
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Examination- Granulomatosis with Polyangitis
Classical collapse of the nasal septum
Tachypnoea & crackles throughout the lung
Fluid overload in worsening renal failure
Examination - Giant Cell Arteritis
Tender & indurated temporal arteries
Abnormal eye signs if there is retinal investigations
Focal neurological signs
Examination- polyarteritis nodosa
Painful skin nodules
Palpable purpura
Livedo reticularis
Mononeuritis multiolex
Examination - Eosinophilic granulomatosis with Polyangitis
Signs of allergic disease e.g. swollen nasal turbinates, nasal polyps, bronchospasm
Peripheral nervous system- look for single nervous lesions or symmetrical peripheral neuropathy involving the lower limbs
Examination - Microscopic polyarteritis
Urinalysis - proteinuria or haematuria
Examination- mixed essential cryoglobulinaemia
Raynaud’s disease
Palpable purpura
Peripheral neuropathy
Signs of liver disease (Hepatitis C)
Investigations- granulomatosis with Polyangitis
CRITICAL anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA)
Anti-pr3 antibodies
Investigations- EGPA
50% patients will have a positive perinuclear (p) ANCA test
Tissue biopsy will reveal intense eosinophilia
Sural nerve biopsy (in setting of neuropathy) will show vasculitis
Investigations - microscopic polyarteritis
Positive p-ANCA
Renal biopsy
Monitor blood count
Counsel re adequate fluid intake & to avoid haemorrhagic cystitis
Annual urine analysis once treatment is ceased - haematuria may indicate the development of bladder Ca