Vascular Tumors Flashcards
** ** Vascular tumors
Benign neoplasia
Intermediate grade neoplasia / Borderline Vascular tumors / Low grade malignant vascular Tumors
Malignant Vascular Tumors
Benign neoplasia
Lot of blood filled channels (capillar
y or larger +/- tThrombosed area) lined by epithelial cells
Lot of blood cells present
Could be developmental anomaly (Hamaltoma)
Common with hemangiomas
- Endothelial tubes (capillary tubes)
- Could be Hamaltomas
DIference from hemangiomas
- No blood cells
- Are full of lymphatic fluid (transudate)
Glomengiomas (glomus tumors)
Common with hemangiomas
Endothelial tubes (capillary tubes)
Glomus structure = specialised capilary witch is concerned with temperature regulation
Most common subungual
Extremly painfull
Vascular Ectazia
Abnormal localised vascular dilatation
Usualy aquired by birth
Can be aquired
Baccilary Angiomatosis
Reactive proliferation of cappilary in infections
Patologic overproliferation due to bacilly
Usualy Pacient Immunocomprimised (another is Kaposi sarcoma)
Bacillus Bartonella Henselae
Produce cat scratch disease in healthy host
Probably produce growth factors for vascular tissue
Benign neoplasia - Hemangioma

Lot of blood filled channels (capillary or larger +/- Thrombosed area) lined by epithelial cells
Lot of blood cells present
Could be developmental anomaly (Hamaltoma)
Capillary hemangioma
- Loops of cappilary full of blood
- Tighly packed
- 1 out fo 200 births
- Present in SKIN, SUBCUTIS less in viscera
- Initialy grow with the baby, but disapear by age of 7 (DON’T RESECT THEM)
Cavernous hemangioma
“Cavernous = Large interconnecting spaces”
- Large spaces between cappilary
- Ddx between 1 and 2 (1 fine tubing, more common, more superficial, smaller, never localy destructive, almost always regress
- They do not regress, larger, deeper, less well cyrcumscribed.
- Look lyke red blue songy
- Blood can be trombosed or dystrophic calcefication
- Cosmetic
- If superficial lead to traumatic ulceration and bleeding
- Spontaneous bleeding
- Are quite common found on scan Ex liver (must rule out that there is no malignancy
- DANGEROUS WHEN PRESENT IN CNS - can cause symptoms due to pressure or can rupture VON HIPPLE LINDAU (born with multiple cavernous hemangiomas (retina, CNS brainstem, other) Kidney adenoomas
Lobular Capilary hemangioma or Pyogenic Granuloma
- Develop after trauma (mouth)
- loops of cappilary develop pathological in fluid with inflamatory cells
- Rapidly growing exophytic red blue nodule
- Bleed easy
- There are present acute and chronic inflamatory cells (no puss)
1% pregnant female have Granuloma Gravidarum (after delivery regresses)

Benign neoplasia - Lymphangioma

Common with hemangiomas
Endothelial tubes (capillary tubes)
Could be Hamaltomas
DIference from hemangiomas
No blood cells
Are full of lymphatic fluid (transudate)
- Endothelium packed lymph
- 1-2cm head and neck
- Clinicaly fluid filled blisters
Cavernous / (Cystic Hygroma)
- Larger
- Large filled with lymph, margins not clear
- Base of neck/Axila
- Associated with Turner’s Syndrome

Benign neoplasia - Glomengiomas

Common with hemangiomas
- Endothelial tubes (capillary tubes)
- Glomus structure = specialised capilary witch is concerned with temperature regulation
- Most common subungual
- Extremly painfull

Benign neoplasia - Venous Ectazia

- Abnormal localised vascular dilatation
- Usualy aquired by birth
- Can be aquired
(dilatation of microcirculation)
- Small focal muco-cutaneous lesions
- Arteriole, Venules, Capillary
- Congenital / Aquiered
Nevus Flammeus
- Most Common
- Called commonly Birth Mark
- Macular lesion
- They regress
PortWine** **stains
- Grow with the child
- Can be present anywhere
- Most common innofensive
If present on Trigeminal area Maybe present on Cortex and Leptomeninges ipsilateraly and be a part of Sturg-Weber Syndrome (! RULE OUT)
Spider Teleangiectasia / Arterial Spiders
- More common in Female
- Hyperestronism (estrogen may act GF lead to growth of vessels)
- Pregnancy - up to 6 - if more than something wrong (ex: Chirrosis)
- Chirossis
- Distributed along Sup V. Cava teritory (above nipple = superior V.Cava)
“Palmar erythema anny condition that increases CO2”
Hereditary Hemoragic Teleangiectasia / OSSLER WEBER RENDU DISEASE
AD Congenitall abnormality with dilated arterioles and venules in skin & mucous membranes(GI RT UT etc)that create masses that bleed easily
- Epistaxis
- Hemoptysis
- Hematemesis
- Hematuria

Benign neoplasia - Baccillary angimatosis

- Reactive proliferation of cappilary in infections
- Patologic overproliferation due to bacilly
- Usualy Pacient Immunocomprimised (another is Kaposi sarcoma)
- Probably produce growth factors for vascular tissue
Bacillus Bartonella Henselae
- Produce cat scratch disease in healthy host
- From CATS => vectors flee
Bartonella Quintana
- Causes french fever
- From fleas

Vascular tumors - Borderline Vascular tumors

Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Endothelim derived tumors
- HHV-8 produces a peptide like Cyclin-D (Protein produced by protooncogenes) cell will increase Turnover (with increase in turnover failure of control by antioncogenes)
- Affect p53
- there is a Gene that encodes proof reader protein( verifies matching between alleles )
- If mistake found P53 ACTIVATED
- P53 product activates DNA repair gene
- If not DNA not repaired P53 activates ProApoptotic genes
- HHV-8 mainly found in male homosexual
In imunocompetent hosts, these cells will be wasted
CLINICAL (evolutive scale signs)
- Patches (flat lesion)
- Papular stage
- Nodular stage
Sporadic lesions ( Classic / European Type / Chronic)
- Older male / Jews
- Peripheric -> center part of body
- 10% lesion in viscera
- Rx: local radiation / resection
Lymphadenopathic / African / Endemic
- In lymphnodes
- Endemic in Africa - present even without HIV in that region
Transplant Associated K.S.
- Immunosupressed host
- HHV-8 infection
- AFFECTS: mucosa, internal organs, LESS SKIN INVOLVEMENT
- Rx: reduce immunosupresion
A.I.D.S Associated K.S
- After “H.A.A.R.T highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy” 1% / instead of 30%
- More commonly in Homosexual Man (std)
Hemangio Endothelioma

Malignant Vascular Tumors

- More common
- Highly malignant
- Endothelium cells
- Present anywhere, but the worst are in LIVER pasthystory (ATP)
- Arsenic
- Thorotrast
- PolyVinylCholoride (P.V.C - Plastic)
- MARKERS that tell you that tumor is from endothelium ( CD31 CD34 vWF )
- in chronic Lymphedema
- Pericytes
- Rare