Vascular plants Flashcards
Gymnosperms were the first group of plants to what:
Protect their developing embryos in nutrient containing seeds and make the evolutionary transition from swimming sperm to pollen enclosed sperm.
Gymnosperms are heterosporous:
What does this mean?
They produce 2 types of spores (micro spores occur in male cones and form male gametophytes and megaspores occur in female cones and form female gametophytes) Such gametophytes are microscopic and depend on large, free-living sporophyte generation.
Gymnosperms produce exposed seeds born on scale like structures called:
Cones (Strobili)
What do the male and female cones represent?
Pollen grains are the male gametophyte. (Pollination is the transfer of pollen from male cones- where pollen is produced) to female cones which house the eggs pollen is carried by wind
When were Gymnosperms dominant?
During the Mesozoic era (age of dinosaurs) - 225-65 mya
What products are Gymnosperms used for?
Lumber, soaps, varnish, nail polish, gum, food, and perfume
What phyla are included in gymnosperms?
Cycadophyta, Ginktophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta.
Phylum Ginktophyta: what species and describe?
Consists of one species: Ginkgo Biloba (maidenhair tree), a large dioecious tree that doesn’t bear cones. (They are hardy plants in urban environments) Males are usually planted because females produce smelly fruit. cultivated in ancient Chinese gardens