Vascular Biology of Atherosclerosis Flashcards
Tunica intima
inner layer of vessel wall
The tunica intima is composed of…
- endothelial layer
- internal elastic lamina
- subendothelium
endothelial layer
monolayer of simple squamous epithelium cells that line the lumen
internal elastic lamina
subendothelial basement membrane layer made up of loose connective tissue support endothelium
space between endothelium and internal elastic lamina
tunica media
middle layer of blood vessel wall
The tunica media is composed of…
- smooth muscle cell layer
- extracellular matrix (ECM)
Smooth muscle cell layer
normal smooth muscle cells responsible for smooth muscle vasomotor tone
extracellular matrix (ECM)
made up of collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans
load bearing protein
elastic protein functions to cushion vessel during changes in pressure
glycosylated proteins main part of ECM (for structural support)
What are the 2 normal functions of VSMC?
- contractile function
- synthetic function
Contractile functions alter the ?? of the lumen through ?? and ??.
- diameter
- vasodilation
- vasoconstriction
Nitric oxide and prostacyclin are examples of?
Angiotensin II and endothelin-1 are examples of?
Synthetic functions produce ??, ??, and ??; which make up the ?? in the ECM.
- collagen
- elastin
- proteoglycans
- tunica media
Tunica externa
outermost layer of blood vessel wall; contains nerve fibers and lymph vessels
The tunica externa is made up of…
- collagen fiber network
- external elastic lamina
- vasa vasorum
collagen fiber network
reinforces blood vessel and anchors to surrounding tissues
external elastic lamina
connective tissue lying immediately outside the smooth muscle of the tunica media
vasa vasorum
tiny blood vessels that supply the external layer of blood vessel wall
What are the 5 normal functions of the endothelial layer?
- barrier function
- anti-thrombotic function
- vascular tone function
- migratory/proliferation of VSMC
- anti-inflammatory immune function
Endothelial layer: barrier function
restrict passage of large molecules into subendothelial space
Endothelial layer: anti-thrombotic function
- secretes anti-clotting factors
- secretes platelet inhibitors/anti-aggregation factors
example of anti clotting factors
heparin sulfate
example of platelet inhibitors/anti-aggregation factors
nitric oxide
Endothelial layer: vascular tone function
- increased secretion of vasodilators
- decreased secretion of vasoconstrictors
example of vasodilator
nitric oxide
examples of vasoconstrictor
Endothelial layer: migratory/proliferation of VSMC function
inhibits migration of VSMCs from media to intima
Endothelial layer: anti-inflammatory immune function
- suppress leukocyte (WBC) adhesion to endothelial wall
- suppress expression of chemokines (attract WBCs) on endothelial wall
- suppress expression of adhesion molecules (adhere WBCs)) on endothelial wall
generic term for thickening of the blood vessel (arterial) wall
gruel or wax; corresponds to the lipid/necrotic core area at the base of the athersclerotic plaque
concentric lesion
thickening of tunica media of artery
hardening; referring to the fibrous cap of the plaque’s luminal edge
eccentric arteriosclerosis
What causes concentric lesions?
proliferation of VSMCs
Concentric lesion can be described visually as…
symmetric narrowing of the vessel (arterial) lumen
Disease of Aging
concentric lesion
Concentric lesions typically referred to as…
eccentric lesion
tunica intima thinkening (subendothelial) of artery
Eccentric lesion can be visually described as…
asymmetric narrowing of vessel wall
What causes eccentric lesions?
accumulation of oxidized lipids, macrophages, VSMCs, platelets, tissue factor
Eccentric lesion develop from
- immature “??” into “??”
- ?? that protudes into lumen of artery
- fatty streak
- mature plaque
- lesion
Eccentric lesions are typically called…
Development of Eccentric lesions
fatty streaks
earliest form of eccentric lesion
Development of Eccentric lesions
Fatty streak are made up of subendothelial accumulation of ??.
foam cells
Development of Eccentric lesions
?? are macrophages that take up oxidized and modified lipids.
Foam cells
Development of Eccentric lesions
appearance of fatty streaks
yellow, minimally raised lesions
Development of Eccentric lesions
When do fatty streaks appear?
very young age; teens - vets
Development of Eccentric lesions
Fibrous plaques
advanced eccentric lesion
Development of Eccentric lesions
Fibrous plaques protude into lumen and ?? blood flow.
inhibit (% stenosis)
Fibrous plaques have an outer ?? of ?? and ?? that separates lipid core from blood.
- fibrous cap
- collagen
- SMCs
Development of Eccentric lesions
5 Common sites of arterial atherosclerosis
- abdominal aorta and iliac arteries (bifurcation)
- proximal coronary arteries
- thoracic aorta, femoral and popliteal arteries
- internal carotid arteries
- cerebral arteries
Manifestations of atherosclerotic disease
- Coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Cerebrovascular disease (CVA)
- Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
Examples of coronary artery disease (CAD)
- myocardial ischemia
- myocardial infarction
myocardial ischemia
angina pectoris
myocardial infarction (MI)
heart attack
Examples of Cerebrovascular disease (CVA)
- ischemic stroke
- hemorrhagic stroke
ischemic stroke
embolism or thrombus occludes artery and brain region becomes ischemic
hemorrhagic stroke
weakened blood vessel ruptures and bleeds, eg. ruptured aneurysm
Example of peripheral vascular disease
leg “claudication”
leg “claudication”
pain due to plaques in lower extremity arteries (iliac, femoral, popliteal)
What are the 3 hypothesis of athersclerosis plaque development?
- aging hypothesis
- lipid hypothesis
- endothelial dysfunction / injury hypothesis
Aging hypothesis
progressive thickening of medial layer of arterial wall (arteriosclerosis) until lumen is blocked
lipid hypothesis
cholesterol builds up on arterial walls and eventually blocks lumen
endothelial dysfunction / injury hypothesis
- toxic substances and/or physical injury to endothelial wall is the primary event in atherogenesis
- followed by prolonged inflammatory repsonse and fatty streak formation leading to athersclerotic mature plaque
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
normal nitric oxide
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
promotion of vasodilation
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
inhibits platelet aggregation
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
inhibition of VSMC migration
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
inhibition of VSMC proliferation
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
inhibition of leukocyte (WBC) adhesion to endothelium
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
reduced NO bioavailability
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased vasocontriction
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased permability to molecules/cells
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
decreased anti-thrombotic properties
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased VSMC migration into intimal space
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased VSMC proliferation
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased leukocyte attraction and adhesionto endothelial wall
Normal vs Activated Endothelial Cells
increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Factors that contribute to endothelial dysfunction or injury
- genetic predisposition
- hypertension
- diabetes
- smoking
- aging
- inactivity
- obesity
- inflammation
- infection
what is the central feature of endothelial dysfunction?
reduced NO
Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
normal by-product of aerobic metabolism
Free radicals
- unpaired electron in outer orbit
- very reactvie molecules
- oxidize lipids, proteins, and DNA - cell damage
examples of ROS
- superoxide anion radical (O2-)
- peroxynitrite (ONOO-)
antioxidant enzymes provide an ?? to ROS.
Antioxidant enzymes prevent ?? and ??.
- oxidative damage
- NO degradation
The most common antioxidant enzyme is …
superoxide dismutase (SOD)
SOD function
reduces O2- to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
3 types of SOD
- Copper Zinc SOD (CuZnSOD)
- Manganese SOD (MnSOD)
- Extracellular SOD (ecSOD)
Location of copper zinc SOD
location of manganese SOD
location of extracellular SOD
extracellular bound to endothelial cell
Endothelial injury occurs at branch points called..
Regions of laminar flow and shear stress:
- eNOS?
- NO?
- SOD?
- increased expression
- increased production
- increased expression
Regions of turbulent or oscillatory flow:
- eNOS?
- SOD?
- NO?
- ROS?
- decreased values
- decreased values
- decreased availability
- increased production
LDL entry and modification
LDL cholesterol enters ??.
subendothelial space
LDL entry and modification
LDL is “??” increasing residence time in subendo space.
LDL entry and modification
LDL can accumulate in part due to ?? LDL and ??.
- elevated circulating
- hypertension
LDL entry and modification
LDL is ??
LDL entry and modification
LDL becomes ?? by ROS or ?? by hyperglycemia in diabetes.
key step in atherogenesis
- oxidized
- glycated
LDL entry and modification
Modified LDL (mLDL) increases endothelial cell expression of…
- adhesion molecules
- chemokines
LDL entry and modification
adhesion molecules function
attract and adhere monocytes to endothelial layer
LDL entry and modification
adhesion molecules examples
- VCAM-1
- ICAM-1
- P-selectin
- E-selectin
LDL entry and modification
chemokine function
direct migration of monocytes to subendothelial space (diapedesis)
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
Monocyte migration is initiated by…
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
signal to attract monocytes into the subendothelial space
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
Once in the ??, monocytes are stimulated by ??.
monocyte colony stim factor (M-CSF)
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
increases expression of scavenger receptors on monocytes
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
With increased scavenger receptors, monocytes differentiate into…
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
Macrophages ingest ?? via scavenger receptors and then become ??.
- mLDL
- foam cells
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
4 secretion of foam cells
- inflammatory cytokines
- superoxide
- matrix metalloproteinases (MMP’s)
- tissue factor
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
examples of inflammatory cytokines
IL-1 and TNF-alpha
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
superoxide function
propagates further expression of adhesion and MCP-1 = positive feedback loop
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
Matrix metalloproteinases function
degrades fibrous cap of developing plaque
Recruitment and migration of leukocytes
tissue factor function
stimulates coagulation cascade when exposed to blood
Recruitment and proliferation of VSMCs
4 steps: Transition “fatty streak” to “mature plaque”
- migration of VSMCs to subendothelial space
- proliferation of VSMCs into intima from media
- VSMC secretion of connective tissue
- foam cell secretions
Recruitment and proliferation of VSMCs
foam cells secrete:
- platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)
- inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and TNF-alpha)
Recruitment and proliferation of VSMCs
foam cell secretions functions (3)
- promote VSMC migration into subendothelial spsace
- proliferation of VSMCs
- synthesis of collagen matrix
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
thick fibrous cap
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
small lipid pool
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
few inflammatory cells
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
dense extracellular matrix (collagen)
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
many VSMCs secreting EC matrix
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
thin fibrous cap
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
large lipid pool
Stable vs Vulnerable plaque
many inflammatory macrophage cells with tissue factor