Varicose veins Flashcards
What are varicose veins?
Distended superficial veins measuring more than 3mm in diameter
Reticular veins?
Dilated blood vessels in the skin measuring less than 1-3mm diameter
Refers to dilated blood vessels in th eskin measuring less than 1mm in diameter
How do varicose veins develop?
When the valves in perforating veins are incompetent blood flows from the deep veins into the superficial veins and overloads them= dilation and engorgement of them= varicose veins
Why is there a brown discolouration to the lower legs in chronic venous insufficiency?
When blood pools in the distal veins pressure causes the veins to leak a small amount of blood into the tissues.
Hameglobin breaks down the haemosiderin= brown colour in shins
The skin and soft tissues become fibrotic and tight= legs to become narrow and hard= lipodermatosclerosis
What does a tap test find and suggest?
Apply pressure to the saphenofemoral junction and tap the distal vein- feeling for a thrill at the SFJ= incompetent valves between the varicose vein and SFJ
What is the cough test for varicose veins?
Apply pressure to the SFJ and ask patient to cough- feeling for thrills at the SFJ
A thril= a dilated vein at the SFJ= saphenous varix
A test that assess the levels of the incompetent valve causing a varicose vein?
Trendelenburg’s test
Surgical options for varicose veins?
Endothermal ablation- inserting a catheter into the vein to apply radiofrequency ablation
Sclerotherapy- injecting the vein with an irritant foam that causes closure of the vein
Stripping- the veins are ligated and pulled ou the leg