Variables Flashcards
What is an Aim?
A general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate.
What is a Hypothesis?
A clear, precise testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated.
What is the difference between an Aim and a Hypothesis?
An aim is what is trying to be achieved, while a hypothesis is a specific prediction of what it will find.
How are Aim’s developed?
From Theories
When are hypothesis made?
At the start of a study
What is Directional Hypothesis?
It states the direction of the difference or relationship.
What is a Non - Directional hypothesis?
It does not state the direction.
What is a variable?
Any ‘thing’ that can vary or change within an investigation.Variables are often used to determine if changes in one thing can result in changes to another.
What is an Independent Variable?
What is being changed in the experiment, either by the investigator or naturally- so the effect of the DV can be measured.
What is a dependent variable?
The variable that is measured by the researcher.Any effect on the DV should be caused by the change of the IV.
What is Operalisation?
Clearly defining variables in term of how it can be measured.
What is an Extraneous Variable?
Any variable, other than the IV, that may have an effect on the DV if it is not controlled but does not vary systematically with the IV.
What is a Confounding Variable?
A kind of EV that systematically varies with the IV. Therefore it is difficult to tell if any change in the DV is due to the IV or the confounding variable.
What is Demand Characteristics?
Any cue from the researcher or from the research situation that me be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of an investigation. This may lead to a change in behaviour from the participants.
What is an Investigator effect?
Any effect of the investigator’s behaviour (conscious or unconscious) in the DV. E.g the design of the study, the selection of, and interactions with participants during the research process.