VAP Flashcards
When were dogs domesticated?
15,000-10,000 BC
When were cats domesticated?
8,000-3,000 BC
What does increasing kV do?
More higher energy X-rays
What does increasing mA do?
More X-rays but doesn’t change their energy
What does Sonic Hedgehog do?
Patterns neural tube
What do N-cadherin and E-cadherin do?
N is in neural tube and E is in remaining ectoderm, keeps cells separate from neighbouring cells
Process of limb development?
Blastemal condensation, chondrification, hypertrophy, mineralisation, vascular invasion, endochondral ossification, secondary centres of ossification in the epiphyses
What is cunean tendon?
Medial insertion of cranial tibial
What is in proximal extensor retinaculum?
LoDE and cranial tibial
What is in distal extensor retinaculum?
Radial check ligament?
To SDFT preventing PiPj overextension
Carpal check ligament
To DDFT preventing DiPj overextension
What forms reciprocal apparatus?
Peroneus tertius and SDF
What produces the sensitive laminae?
Periosteum of pedal bone
Difference between splint bone and horse fibula?
Splint bone flat on top
Fascicle layers?
Epi, peri, endomysium
What makes up bone matrix?
1/3 type I collagen, 2/3 hydroxyapatile with absorbed CaCO3
What makes up cartilage tree?
Linker protein, keratan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate with aggrecan protein core
Phases of hair growth?
Anagen, catagen, telogen
What is sebum?
Formed when cells rupture, holocrine, discharges into hair follicles or surface
What are ceruminous glands?
Ear wax
What are paranal sacs?
4 and 8 o clock with single duct at anocutaneous junction
What are circumanal glands?
Hepatoid glands on external surface
What is the external spermatic fascia?
Fascia around EAO that continues down and around spermatic cord and testicle
What is the cremaster muscle?
Small slips of IAO which passes through the inguinal canal, out through the external ring and down to the testicle
What forms the deep inguinal ring?
Fascia transversalis
Where are lymoh nodes not present?
CNS, bone marrow, cartilage, epidermis, alveoli, placenta
What innervates the spleen?
Sympathetic, a few vagal fibres and some myelinted sensory fibres
What does thymus develop from?
3rd and 4th pharyngeal arches
Which lobe of thymus is bigger?
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
How many ribs do dogs, cats, ox, sheep and goat have?
How many ribs do pigs have?
How many lumbar vertebrae do cats, dogs and pigs have?
How many lumbar vertebrae do ox, sheep, goat and pigs have?
How many sacral vertebrae do ox, sheep, goat and horse have?
How many sacral vertebrae do pigs have?
How many ribs do pigs have?
Which are the costal ribs?
Where does the ventral longitudina ligt go?
Where’s the lateral foramen?
C1 for nerve
What has ventral processes/plates for longus colli?
What do haemal arches do?
Prevent ventral caudal artery
Where does tail start?
Where does annulus fibrosus come from?
Where do facets go from horizontal to vertical?
Diaphragmatic vertebra
If cell body is inside CNS, where does neurone develop from?
First order neurone - Neural tube ectoderm eg motor, preganglionic autonomic
If cell bodt is in ganglia outside CNS, where does neurone develop from?
Second order neurone - Neural crest eg sensory, preganglionic
Why does C2 go to caudal head skin?
C1 motor only
Are first or second order myelinated?
What only receives sympathetic innervation?
Sooth muscle of skin and blood vessels
Which vertebrae is genitofemoral from?
L3 and L4
Which vertebral is femoral from?
Which vertebrae is sciatic trunk from?
What does cleodobrachial nerve innervate?
What does suprascapular nerve innervate?
Infra and supraspinatus
What does subscapular nerve innervate?
What does cranial pectoral nerve innervate?
Superficial pectoral
What does musculocutaneous nerve innervate?
Elbow flexors
What does axillary nerve innervate?
Shoulder flexors
What does thoracodorsal nerve innervate?
Lat dorsi
What does radial nerve innervate?
Elbow, carpus and digit extensors
What does caudal pectoral innervate?
Deep pectoral
What does ulnar nerve innervate?
Carpus and digit flexors (lateral - FCU, DDF and manus muscles)
What does median nerve innervate?
Carpus and digit flexors (medial, underneath pronator teres)
What does obturator nerve innervate?
Medial thigh muscles
What does genitofemoral nerve innervate?
None - sensory
What does femoral nerve innervate?
Hip flexors and stifle extensors
What does pudendal nerve innervate?
Pelvic diaphragm, anus, urethra
What does sciatic nerve innervate?
Gluteals and hams
What does fibular nerve innervate?
Hock flexors and digital extensors
What does tibial nerve innervate?
Hock extensors and digital flexors
What nerve does the ulnar nerve send off in the brachium?
Caudal cutaneous antebrachial
What branches does the radial nerve send off?
Medial and lateral caudal cutaneous antebrachial
Where does superficial dorsal artery come from?
Lateral superficial brachial
Where does deep dorsal artery come from?
Caudal interosseous laterally, radial medially and medial superficial brachial
Where does deep palmar artery come from?
Caudal interosseous laterally and radial medially
Where does superficial palmar artery come from?
Caudal interosseous laterally and median medially
What innervates superficial dorsal?
Sensory, radial nerve, ulnar for digit V
What innervates deep palmar?
Motor, ulnar nerve innervates interosseous muscles
What innervates superficial palmar?
Sensory, median nerve, ulnar for digit V
What innervates serratus ventralis?
Long thoracic
What innvervates cranial muscles of truncobrachial junction?
Eleventh cranial (accessory) nerve
What does musculocutaneous nerve give off and what does this to?
Medial cutaneous antebrachial, innervates skin of medial antebrachium
What does the axillary nerve reach the skin of the lateral brachium as?
Lateral cutaneous brachial
What does the brachial artery split into?
Bicipital artery, deep brachial artery, collateral ulnar artery, lateral and medial superficial antebrachial artery
What do lateral and medial suoerificial antebrachial arteries supply?
Cranial antebrachium either side of cephalic vein
What is the most important branch of the median artery?
Common interosseous
What’s the branches of the common interosseous artery?
Ulnar, cranial interosseous and caudal interosseous
Why is there little deep palmar nerve supply in the horse?
Interosseous is no longer a muscle
What are the palmar nerves of the equine forelimb?
Median medially, ulnar laterally, median sends two communicating branches to ulnar (one before carpus and one over cannon)
Which fibres do median and lateral palmar digital nerves have in the horse?
Median only has median nerves, ulnar has ulnar AND median nerve
What provides lateral/dorsal sensation to cannon?
Dorsal branch of ulnar
What gives dorsal blood supply at carpus?
Cranial radial and dorsal interosseus
What forms deep and supeficial palmar metacarpal arteries in the horse?
Medial superficial from median artery
What is dysautonomia?
Neuropathy of ANS neurones, affects sympathetic and parasympathetic, pupil size changes, ileus
What is grass sickness?
Equine dysautonomia
What is Key-Gaskell syndrome?
Feline dysautonomia, autonomic ganglia degeneration
What is Horner’s syndrome?
Damage to sympathetic supply to head, often unilateral
What does the sciatic trunk give off?
Caudal gluteal, cranial gluteal and hamstring branch
What is cranial to the femoral artery?
Saphenous branch of femoral nerve
What does the pudendoepigastric artery supply?
Pectineus and quadriceps
Where do superficial arteries of pes come from?
Dorsal and plantar saphenous
Where do deep arteries of pes come from?
Cranial tibial
How do arteries get between MT2and 3?
Perforating metatarsal
What innervates lateral cannon?
What innervates digits in the horse?
Tibial and lat/med plantar metatarsal/digital
What innervates medial/dorsal cannon?
How does blood supply get dorsal to plantar in the horse?
Great metatarsal artery
Where does plantar supply in horse come from?
Saphenous and caudal tibial
What goes proximally in horse and anastomoses with supply to thigh?
Recurrent tibial and recurrent tarsal
In horse how do you get single layered dorsal supply and double layered plantar supply?
Saphenous and caudal tibial anastomose with cranial tibial vis perforating tarsal
Branches of the subclavian?
Vertebral, omicervical, costocervical, internal thoracic
What is cephalic vein joined by?
Accessory cephalic which drains dorsal aspect
What do blood vessels develop in?
Mesoderm in blood islands of yolk sac for extraembryonic vasculogenesis
In which species does tricuspid only have two valves?
Which species have ossa cordis?
Bovine, equine
What is venous drainage into atria called?
Foramina venarum minimarum
What is drainage into ventricles called?
Venae cordis parvae
Which species has left azygos?
Which species has left and right azygos?
Which species have right azygos?
Carnivores, horses, some ruminants
Which side is nodal gene transcribed on in the heart?
Left side of primitive streak
Where do the atria come from?
Sinus horn for right and pulmonary veins for left
What forms early heart tube?
Sinus venosus, primitive atrium, primitive ventricle, bulbus cordis, truncus arteriosus to placenta
What is dextrocardia?
Folding in wrong order
What is situs inversus?
Reversal of all organs
What is inversus viscera?
Mutation causing random left right heart orientation
What is inversion of turning?
100% reversal of heart folding
What links capituli?
Intercapital ligt
Which bronchi on left?
Cranial and caudal lobar
Which bronchi on right?
Cranial, middle and caudal lobar
Which bronchi on right in an artiodactyl?
Middle and caudal lobar and then tracheal bronchis to right cranial lobe
Which lobes do dogs have on the left?
Caudal lobe and cranial lobe with cranial and caudal part
What lobes on the right in a dog?
Cranial, middle, accessory and caudal
What’s the different in a pig?
Right cranial lobe is from tracheal bronchi
What’s the difference in a cow/sheep?
R cranial lobe has cranial and caudal part
Which lobes do horses have?
Cranial and caudal and accessory
Which species show lung lobulation?
Pig and ox
Where is dichotomous branching?
Splits in two after tertiary bronchi
What causes kennel cough?
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis
What causes tracheal collapse?
Incomplete formation of tracheal rings
What are the knuckles at 1,2,3 o clock on thorax VD x ray?
Aortic, pulmonary, LA
How wide can heart be on VD view?
2/3 chest width
How wide can aorta be on lateral x ray?
1 centrum
How high and wide can heart be on lateral x ray?
2/3 chest height and 2.5-3.5 ribs wide