Vaocabulary chapter 1 Flashcards
Adversarial System
two advocates represent their parties’ positions before an impartial person or group of people, usually a jury or judge, who attempt to determine the truth of the case
Travelling Courts around England
Case/Common Law
Law developed by judges through similiar decisions occuring before.
Circuit judges
judges travelling aound England with Assizes.
Code of Hammurabi
-One of the first known written laws (Babylonian law 1792-1750 BC).
-It was written by king Hammurabi of Babylon
to guide the lives of his citizens.
Code of Li K’vei
-Chinese laws written around 350 BC.
-These laws dealt
with theft, robbery, prison and arrest.
-arranging or organizing laws, rules or procedures into a system or codes.
Divine Right
-Belief that kings & their heirs derived the right to rule directly from the will of God.
Great Laws of Manu
- Indian laws compiled b/w 1280-880 BC.
- Previously were passed through the word of mouth.
Habeas Corpus
- You must have the body
- Anarrested person had to be presented before the court to determine the legitimacy of the arrest.
- component of the Magna Carta
Justinian’s Code
- Clarification & organization of Roman law commissioned by Justinian I.
- Inspired the modern concept of justice.
- Formed the basis of civil law (law governing personal relationships).
Magna Carta
- Charter of political & civil rights
- Established the rule of law
- King John (Henry II’s son) signed the Magna Carta in June 1215.
Mosaic Law
- Moses received laws from God.
- known as the 10 commandments
- In the book of exodus in the bible.
Napoleonic Code
- Civil law of France completed in 1804.
- popular b/c of its non-technical style made the law accessible to the public.
- Quebec Civil code was based off of this code.
Quebec Civil Code
- System of law used in Quebec to resolve private matters.
- formed off of the Napoleonic Code.
Payment made by the offender to the victim of a crime.
Justice based on vengeance & punishment.
Rule of Law
- Law is necessary to regulate society
- Law applies to everyone equally
- People are not governed by arbitrary power
Rule of Precedent
- Applying a previous decision to a case that has similar circumstances.
- originated from the latin phrase “Stare Decisis”.
Stare Decisis
-Latin phrase meaning “to stand by a decision”.
The Great Binding Law
In apprx. 1450 AD, 5 aborigional nations created an Iroquois Confederacy (league of nations).
- In 1720 the Tuscarora joined and the confedracy becaume known as the Six Nations.
- The constitution of the confederacy became known as the Great Binding Law.
- Outlined the laws of its people.
Trial by combat
- 2 parties ingage in a dual
- God would be on the side of the innocent.
- Adversarial System is based on the past idea of having someone physically fight in one’s place (2 opposing parties present evidence to an impartial judge).
Trial by oath helping
-If people who knew the accused would swear an oath on the bible that the accused was innocent, the accused was freed.