valvular heart disease Flashcards
what is the definition of mitral stenosis ?
inability of mitral valve to open properly when it needs to be open ( in diastole )
what are the causes of mitral stenosis ?
Rheumatic heart disease –> most common cause ( 95% ) of the cases
Other causes :
Calcific —> degenerative
Functional causes :
Austin flint murmur –> Aortic regurg
Carry coombs murmur in rheumatic valvulitis
increased flow through Mitral valve —> like mitral regurg
what are the clinical features of mitral stenosis ?
Pulmonary hypertension –> cuz blood cant leave left atrium
pulmonary congestion
systemic congestive in severe stenosis
Atrial dilation –> fibrillation
Malar flush due to low cardiac output and pulmonary hypertension
Thrombus in valve —> emboli —> neurological damage , absent pulse , sudden blindness
why do we have pulm colored cheeks in mitral stenosis ?
Low cardiac output + pulmonary hypertension
due to combined hypoxia and cutaneous vasodilation ( Cuz CO2 retention )
what are the mitral stenosis murmurs?
Mid diastolic murmur –> rumbling , localized over apex
Low pitched —> use Stethoscope BELL
position the patient on Lateral side and listen after breath holding expiration
Opening snap following S2 ( diastole )
S1 –> systole —> S2 —> diastole —> S1
Accentuated S1
describe the ECG for mitral stenosis ?
Wide based notched P waves due to left atrial enlargement
what are the x ray features of mitral stenosis ?
Butter fly wing appearance
obliterated cardiac waist due to LA dilation
cardiomegaly to RV dilation
what are the echocardiography features of Mitral stenosis ?
thickening of mitral valve
describe the pressure gradient in doppler echo ?
In moderate cases —> 5- 10 mmhg gradient between LA and LV
in severe cases —> more than 10 mmhg gradient between LA and LV
what are the treatment regiment in Mitral stenosis ?
Prophylaxis against endocarditis
anticoagulation if atrial fibrillation or after embolization
diuretics for congestive symptoms
Valve replacement for symptomatic cases regardless in moderate or severe case or cases not suitable for percutaneous techniques
percutaneous balloon mitral valvoplasty ( inoue )
what are the requirements for percutaneous balloon mitral valvoplasty ?
suitable valve anatomy —> no severe calcifications or deformity , no mitral regurg, NO LA thrombus
high risk for surgery
what is the mitral regurge ?
inability of the mitral valve to close properly when it is supposed to close
in ventricular systole
what are the causes of mitral regurge ?
rheumatic heart disease
mitral valve prolapse MVP
infective endocarditis
functional —-> LV failure due to dilation of MV rings
Chronic myocardial ischemia –> acute or chronic
what are the clinical features of mitral regurge ?
Lung congestion and edema
Right ventricular hypertrophy /failure
left ventricular hypertrophy /failure
LA dilation
what are the abnormal heart sounds in mitral regurg?
Holosystolic murmur ( through out the whole systole )
weak s1 sound
what are the features of Mitral regurge in ECG ?
left ventricular hypertrophy
what are the features of mitral regurge in X ray?
cardiomegaly of LV configuration
which investigation is the diagnostic one ?
Cuz it shows the mitral regurge flow into LA
what are the treatments for mitral regurge?
prophylaxis against rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis
adjunctive medical treatment : vasodilators to reduce regurgitant volume and pulmonary congestion , diuretics in case of congestive symptoms
Interventional treatment : mitral clips —> interventional device for percutaneous , transseptal edge to edge reconstruction of the mitral valve in pateints with severe regurgitation not eligible for surgery
Surgery : repair or replacement —> if symptomatic or reduced LV function