Valvular Heart Disease Flashcards
History and examination findings mitral stenosis
- Dyspnoea, orthopnoea, PND, haemoptysis (ruptured bronchial veins), ascites, oedema, fatigue (PHTN)
- General → tachypnoea, mitral facies, peripheral cyanosis (severe)
- Pulse & BP → normal/reduced in volume, AF due to LA enlargement
- JVP → normal, prominent a wave if PHTN, loss of a wave in AF
- Palpation → tapping quality apex beat (palpable S1), RV heave (parasternal impulse), palpable P2 if PHTN present, rarely diastolic thrill (lie on left side)
- Auscultation → loud S1, loud P2, opening snap, low pitched rumbling diastolic murmur (left lateral position), late diastolic accentuation of murmus may occur in sinus rhythm - best heard left lateral, after exercise
Causes of mitral stenosis
- Rheumatic (F>M)
- Severe mitral annular calcification (sometimes associated with hypercalcaemia and hyperparathyroidism → rare)
- After mitral valve repair for mitral regurgitation
Clinical signs of severity in mitral stenosis
- Small pulse pressure
- Early opening snap (raised left atrial pressure)
- Length of mid-diastolic rumbling murmur (persists as long as there is a gradient)
- Diastolic thrill at apex (rare)
- Presence of pulmonary hypertension
- Prominent a wave in JVP (if patient in sinus rhythm)
- Right ventricular impulse
- Loud P2, palpable P2
- Pulmonary regurgitation
- Tricuspic regurgitation
Results of investigations in mitral stenosis
- P mitrale (broad bifid p wave)
- Atrial fibrillation (sign of chronicity)
- Right ventricular systolic overload
- Right axis deviation (severe)
- Mitral valve calcification
- Large left atrium - double left atrial shadow, displaced left main bronchus, big left atrial appendage
- Signs of pulmonary hypertension - large central pulmonary arteries, pruned peripheral arterial tree
- Signs of cardiac failure
If investigations suggest LV dilatation in presence of mitral stenosis murmur consider
- Associated mitral regurgitation
- Associated aortic valve disease
- Associated hypertension
- Associated IHD
- Posterior mitral valve leaflet maintains anterior position in diastole
- Valve area 4-6cm normal, <1cm severe
Indications for surgery in mitral stenosis
- Exertional dyspnoea and falling valve area (when valve area falls to about 1cm) with signs of increasing right heart heart pressures
- Should be performed before pulmonary oedema or major haemoptysis occurs
Contraindications to percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy in mitral stenosis (i.e. indications for surgery)
- Mitral valve area >1.5cm
- Left atrial thrombus
- Moderate to severe MR
- Severe or bicommisural calcification
- Absence of commiserate fusion
- Severe concomitant aortic valve disease, or severe combined tricuspid regurgitation and stenosis
- Comcomitant CAD requiring bypass surgery
History and examination findings in mitral regurgitation
Dyspnoea (increased left atrial pressure), fatigue (decreased CO)
General → tachypnoea
Pulse → normal, or sharp upstroke due to rapid LV decompression, AF common
Palpation → displaced apex, diffuse, hyperdynamic, occasional pansystolic thrill. Parasternal impulse (LA enlargement behind RV) (LA often larger in MR than MS)
Auscultation → soft or absent S1, LV S3, pansystolic, holosystolic murmur at apex radiating to axilla (regurg jet posterior → axilla, anteriorly → sternum. Findings may be increased with handgrip. Can also get diastolic flow murmur
Signs of severe chronic mitral regurgitation
- Small volume pulse (very severe)
- Loud s3
- Soft S1
- Early A2
- Signs of pulmonary hypertension
- Signs of LV failure
- Enlarged left ventricle
- Early diastolic rumble
Causes of chronic mitral regurgitation
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Degenerative - associated with aging
- Rheumatic (M>F) - MR rarely the only murmur present
- Papillary muscle dysfunction (LV failure or ischaemia)
- Cardiomyopathy - hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive
- CTD - Marfan’s, RA, anklyosing spondylitis
- Congenital → endocardial cushion defect (primum ASD, cleft mitral leaflet), parachute valve, corrected transposition
- Secondary/Functional MR → heart failure, ischaemic or non-ischaemic
Results of investigations in mitral regurgitation
P mitrale, AF, left ventricular diastolic overload, RAD
Large left atrium, increased LV size, mitral annular calcification, pulmonary hypertension (much less common)
Thickened leaflets (rheumatic), prolapsing leaflets, LA size, LV size and function, Doppler detection of regurgitant jet, estimation of RV systolic pressure from TR jet, other abnormalities → aortic valve disease from rheumatic carditis, ASD A/W MV prolapse, calcification of mitral annulus, stress echo → failure of EF to increase during exercise
Features and causes of acute mitral regurgitation
Present with pulmonary oedema and collapse
Murmur may be softer and lower pitched than chronic MR, short and decrescendo
Myocardial infarction
Infective endocarditis
Spontaneous rupture of a mycomatous cord (sometimes during exercise)
Features of mitral valve prolapse
- Auscultation → midsystolic click followed by a middle or late systolic murmur that extends to the second heart sounds. Blowing quality. occur earlier and become louder with Valsalva and with standing. Softer with squatting and handgrip
Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve tissue - v common, women (but more likely to progress to significant MR in men), severity increases with age
May be associated with ASD (secundum), HCOM, Marfan’s
MR, Infective endocarditis
Indications and options for surgery mitral regurgitation
Chronic → Class III, IV symptoms or asymptomatic patients with left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF ≤60%)
Acute → haemodynamic collapse
MV replacement or repair → repair is the recommended technique when results are expected to be durable
Mitraclip (transcatheter edge-edge MV repair) → if high surgical risk, favourable anatomy, and life expectancy > 1 year
Secondary MR
Guideline directed medical therapy for heart failure
Surgical repair/replacement not shown to reduce hospitalisation or death
Mitraclip (transcatheter edge-edge repair) → reduces hospitalisation for HF and all-cause mortality compared to GDMT alone
Features of aortic stenosis
Exertional chest pain, dyspnoea, syncope
Pulse → Plateau or anacrotic pulse late peaking and small volume
Palpation → hyperdynamic apex beat, may be slightly displaced. Systolic thrill at base
Auscultation → narrow split or reverse S2 (delayed LV ejection), harsh midsystolic ejection murmur loudest over aorta and extending into carotids → loudest sitting up in full expiration. ejection click in congenital AS
Features of severe aortic stenosis
- ECHO - Valve area <1cm, jet velocuty >4m/sec, mean gradient >40mmHg
- Plateau pulse
- Carotid pulse reduced in volume
- Thrill in aortic area
- Soft of absent S2
- Pressure loaded apex beat
- Length, harshness and lateness of the peak of the systolic murmur
- S4
- Paradoxical splitting of the second heart sound