Valvular heart disease Flashcards
The most common cause of aortic stenosis is valve calcification. What are some of the less common causes?
Congenital bicuspid valve
Rheumatoid fever
Connective tissue disease
What investigations should be done for valvular heart disease?
ECHO (transthoracic)
What are the risk factors for aortic stenosis?
What are some of the causes of aortic regurgitation?
Congenital Ankylosing spondylitis Infective endocarditits Rheumatic fever Rheumatic arthritis Prosthetic valve malfunction Aortic dissection Marfan's syndrome Ehler's danlos syndrome Systemic hypertension Chest trauma Behcet's disease
How is aortic regurgitation managed?
Management may include the following depending on severity and symptoms: Observation Treating the underlying cause Medical management with vasodilators Valve replacement
What are some of the causes of mitral stenosis?
Rheumatic fever (most common) Congenital valve deformity Carcinoid syndrome Ergot or serotenergic drugs SLE Calcification Ageing
How is mitral stenosis managed?
Often no management required. For some patients valve replacement and/or beta blockers may be used
What are some of the causes of mitral regurgitation?
IE ischaemic papillary muscle dysfunction or rupture Acute rheumatic fever Acute dilation of left ventricle Valve prolapse Mitral nnular enlargement
What is the management of mitral regurgitation?
Valve replacement
Beta blockers
Thiazide diuretics
Aortic regurgitation can cause cariogenic shock. T/F?