Values To Memorize Flashcards
Minimum platelet content at collection - single (& QC frequency)
3.0 x 10^11 in at least 90% of units sampled
Minimum platelet content at collection- double
6.2 x 10^11
Minimum platelet content at collection- triple
9.3 x 10^11
Leukoreduced red cell or single platelet maximum white count
5.0 x 10^6 with at least 85% original volume remaining
Leukoreduced double platelet maximum white count at time of collection
8.0 x 10^6
Leukoreduced triple platelet maximum white count at time of collection
1.2 x 10^7
Maximum pH of platelet & QC frequency
Greater than or equal to 6.2 for 90% of units produced
Kg to lb
2.2 lb per 1 kg
Average male blood volume
75 mL per kg
Average female blood volume
65 mL per kg
Minimum fibrinogen and FVIII levels per unit of cryoprecipitate
150 mg fibrinogen
Factor activity % is written in what kind of units?
X% = X units/dL (1 dL = 100 mL)
Iron content in one unit RBCs
200-250 mg
Expected HCT & HGB raise per unit of RBCs transfused
HCT should increase by 3%
HGB should increase 1 g/dL
Expected platelet increase from 1 unit while blood derived platelets
5-10,000 /uL
Expected platelet increase from 1 unit apheresis platelets
30-60,000 / uL
Plasma volume calculation
((1-HCT) x Total Blood Volume in mL)
Maximum HCT of RBCs without additive
CCI calculation
(Post PLT - Pre PLT) x (BSA in m^2) x (unit PLT in x10^11 platelets)
BSA calculation
Square root of (((height in cm) x (weight in kg)) / 3600)
Successful CCI
> 7500; two or more below 7500 is considered refractory
13 infectious disease tests for allogenic whole blood
- HBsAg
- anti-HBc total
- anti-HCV
- anti-HIV 1/2 total
- anti-HTLV 1/2
- Babesia NAT
- Zika NAT (pre-pandemic)
- T. Cruzi EIA (once in lifetime)
Deferral for WB
8 weeks/56 days
Deferral for double red
16 weeks
Deferral for plateletpheresis with rinse back (red cell loss <100 ml)
14 days
Deferral for plateletpheresis without rinseback ( red cell loss >100 ml)
56 days/ 8 weeks
Deferral for plasmapheresis
56 days/ 8 weeks
BP acceptable limits
Systolic: 90-180
Diastolic: 50-100
Pulse acceptable limits
50-100 BPM
Temperature acceptable limits
Less than or equal to 37.5C or 99.5F
Hemoglobin acceptable limits
- 5 g/dL women
13. 0 g/dL men
Hematocrit acceptable limits
38% women
39% men
Deferral for antibiotic use
Until infection resolves/course is completed
Deferral for aspirin
3 days for plateletpheresis
Deferral for pregnancy
6 weeks after termination of pregnancy
Deferral for blood transfusion, transplant, needle stick/exposure, tattoo, piercing, Sexual contact with person with known HIV or hepatitis, IV drug or steroid injection user, hemophiliac that has used clotting factor concentrates, prostiute, MSM, or person who has had sex with MSM, syphillis or gonorrhea treatment, jail or detention center for 72 hours, HBIG injection, or experimental vaccine injection
1 year
Deferral for malaria diagnosis (and asymptomatic), or after living in a malaria-endemic country for >5 years
3 years
Deferral for travel >24 hours to a malaria-endemic area
1 year
Deferral for smallpox vaccination
8 weeks
Deferral for measles/mumps, polio, TDAP or yellow fever vaccine
Two weeks
Deferral for rubella or chickenpox vaccine
4 weeks
Blood group systems enhanced by prototypic enzymes
ABO, I, Lewis, P, Rh, Kidd
Blood group systems diminished by proteolytic enzymes
MNS, Duffy
Blood group systems unaffected by proteolytic enzymes