VALUES (Ends Values) Flashcards
What is Clarity?
Chrystal clear, bright, sharp, sustained Laser-like focus on the action at hand.
What are my 11 Core Ends Values? (Ways of Being in the World)
Crystal clear Vital Mindful Balanced Excellent Wise Confident Non Attached Non Resistant Non Judgmental Disciplined
How do I attain and maintain Clarity?
By avoiding alcohol, grain, gluten, and sugar, eating healthy meats and vegetables, exercising aerobically
at least 30 minutes a day, strength training at least twice a week, and sleeping good at least 7 hours each night.
What is Vitality?
Exuberant energy attained by right exercise, right nutrition and right sleep!
How do I attain and maintain Vitality?
By avoiding alcohol, grain, gluten, and sugar, eating healthy meats and vegetables, exercising aerobically at least 30 minutes a day, strength training at least twice a week and getting good, sound sleep at least 7 hours a night.
What is Balance?
Equanimity. Thoughtful, sober, disciplined responses to people and circumstances. Not overreacting or under reacting. Seeing both sides. Work and play in equal measure.
How to I attain and maintain Balance?
By following the 4Step plan, and recognizing (relabeling) false brain messages, reframing them by putting them in context, refocusing on a productive action while accepting the presence of the false messages (delusion) and revaluing the whole experience as a normal process.
What is Mindfulness?
Paying attention in the moment to what “is”! Living in the now, not resisting what “is”, not judging what “is”, not clinging to what “isn’t”. Attained by meditation practice.
How do I attain and mindfulness?
By a consistent meditation practice; constantly noticing when my mind wanders to the past or future or to delusion (fantasy) and bringing my attention back to the present moment, “what is”, and the action at hand.
What is Excellence?
Highest standards of quality control in lifestyle and craft. Workmanship of the highest quality. The best results obtainable. Best practices.
How do I attain and maintain Excellence?
By constantly applying the Getting Things Done protocol in my personal and professional affairs.
By listening to understand and be understood.
By timely, competent, communicated, effective results.
By focusing on my priorities and shedding distractions.
By staying the course and not veering into irrelevancies.
By constant and never ending focused learning and improvement.
What is Wisdom?
See the big picture. Keep the “end” in mind. Be Present not planning for Life while Life’s happening.
Walk my talk
Maximize helping and minimize hurting.
Listen and watch to understand and respond, if at all, in a way that helps and does not hurt; in a way that teaches and does not humiliate; in a way that nurtures and does not destroy.
Follow my Mind and not my brain’s false messages.
Teach when the student is ready.
How to I attain and maintain Wisdom?
By following the 8 Fold Path, the Middle Way: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right concentration, right mindfulness.
What is non resistance?
Recognizing what “is” and dealing with it. Not denying it.
How do I attain and maintain Non Resistance?
By recognizing and paying attention to “what is” without ignoring it, coloring it with wishful thinking or denying it. Dealing with stark reality and not deluding oneself with thinking errors, e.g., mind reading, fortune telling, catastrophic thinking or false comparisons.
What is non judgment?
Recognizing reality “what is” without overlaying it with my “story”. Not adding my labels “good” or “bad” to people, places, things or events.
How do I attain and maintain Non Judgment?
Avoid the urge to “grade” what “is”. Avoid the urge to label what “is” as good or bad. Avoid the urge to color, alter or conceal what “is” by applying my “story”, my “spin”, to it.
What is non attachment?
Not clinging to desires or aversions. Not clinging to delusion, i.e., false brain (grain) messages. Not living in the past or future. Realizing constantly that this too shall pass.
How do I attain and maintain Non Attachment?
Recognize when I am clinging to a thought, opinion or feeling that is distracting me from the present moment, from reality, from the action I can take now to produce a result consistent with my preferred way of being and acting in the world. Recognizing and letting go of ghosts from the past or dreams of the future.
What is Servant Heart?
Servant Heart is an attitude of helping others no matter the task or endeavor.
How do I attain and maintain Servant Heart?
Pull more than my weight. Watch for opportunities to help and do it.
What is self discipline?
I am disciplined when I act in alignment with my values