values Flashcards
Normal values and none
Ionogram: Na, normal value, higher and lower
136-145 mEq/L, Hypernatremia, Hyponatremia
Ionogram: K+, normal value, higher and lower
3,5-5, Hyperpotassemia, Hypopotassemia
Ionogram: Ca2+, normal value, higher and lower
2,2-2,8, Hypercalcemia, Hypocalcemia
Ionogram: Mg2+, normal value, higher and lower
1,6-2,4, Hypermagnesia, Hypomagnesia
Ionogram: Cl-, normal value, higher and lower
98-106, Hyperchloremia, Hypochloremia
Ionogram: HClO3-, normal value, higher and lower
23-27, Hetabolic Alcalosis, Hetabolic Acidosis
Ionogram: HPO42-, normal value, higher and lower
2-3, Hyperphosphatemia, Hypophosphatemia
Ionogram: Ca2+ and Mg2+ lower, what do they cause?
Ionogram: Na and K lower, what do they cause?
Vomiting, sure if we have HC03- higher
Ionogram: K, Cl, HCO3- are lower, what do they cause?
Diarrhea: Severe if Na+ is lower and Acute if Na+ is Normal
Ionogram: Na higher, Cl lower, Ca2+ and Mg2+ lower, HC03- higher, what do they can cause?
Ionogram: All lower, only K higher, what do they cause?
Osmolarity: Osmotic concentration narmal value etc
285-295 mOsm/L, Hypertonic, Hipotonic
Osmolarity: Osmotic pressure (all)
7.6 atm, 5776 mm Hg
Osmolarity: Cryoscopic point
-0,56+-0.01 gradi centigradi
Osmolarity: Glycemia
70-110 mg/dL, Hyperglicemia (Diabete mellitus), Hypoglicemia
Osmolarity: Urea
15-45 mg/dL, Unemia (renal failure)
Osmolarity: Posm lower and Cosm Lowe, what do they cause?
Hypotonic Solutions
Osmolarity: Posm higher and Cosm higher, what do they cause?
Hypertonic Solutions
Osmolarity: Na+ N, Ht higher, Protein Higher, ?
Isotonic dehydration= Diarrhea, Plasma loss
Osmolarity: Na lower, Ht higher, Protein higher?
Hypotonic Dehydration= (renal loss)
Osmolarity: Na higher, Ht higher, Protein higher?
Hypertonic Dehydration= Insufficient water, Sweating
Osmolarity: Na N, Ht lower, Protein lower?
Isotonic Hyperhydration= Hydration pressure
Osmolarity: Na lower, Ht lower, Protein lower?
Hypotonic Hyperhydration= ingestion of a large amount of liquids
Osmolarity: Na higher, Protein lower?
Hypertonic Hyperhydration= Seawater ingestion
Hemogram: Erythrocytes (RBC) count
M= 4,9 +- 0,7 mil./mm
F= 4,3 +- 0,6 mil./mm
child: 4,1-5.6 mil./mm
Hemogram: Hemoglobin (HGB)
M: 15+-2 g/dL
F: 14 +- 2 g/dL
Child: 12-16 g/dL
Hemogram: Hematrocit (Ht, HCT)
Erythrocytes+total blood
M: 45 +- 7 %
F: 42 +- 5%
Child: 35-47%
Hemogram: MCV (Volumes of erythrocytes)
80-100 fl
Hemogram: MCHC
32-36 g/dL
Hemogram: MCH
27-32 pg
Hemogram: RDW
11,5-14,5 %
Hemogram: RBC, Ht, HGB lower
Anemia, Hypochromic Anemia, Regenerative BM
Hemogram: HCV, MCHC, MCH normal
Aplastic Anemia, Normochromic and normocytic Anemia
Hemogram: MCV higher, MCHC and MCH normal
Megaloblastic Anemia, due to vitamin b12 and acid folic, deficiency, Macrocytic, normochromic anemia, Hyporegenerative BM
Hemogram: RBC, Ht, HGB higher
All lower, only RBC higher
Proteinogram: Proteinemia
5.5-8.0 g/dL, Hypoproteinemia lower (Malnutrition, cancer), Hyperprotenemia higher (Inflammation, Leukemias, Myeloma)
Proteinogram: Albumiin
Proteinogram: a1-globulin
Proteinogram: a2-globulin
Proteinogram: b-globulin
Proteinogram: y-globulin
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Albumin lower, a1 higher, a2 higher
Acute Infiammation
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Albumin lower, y higher
Chronic infiammation
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Albumin higher, y lower
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Proteinomia lower, Albumin lower, a2 higher, b higher
Nechrotic Sindrome
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Proteinomia lower, Albumin lower, a2 higher, b higher, y higher
Exudative enteropathy
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Proteinomia lower, Albumin lower, y higher
Chronic liver disorders
Proteinogram: Dyserotrinemia - Proteinomia higher, Albumin lower, y higher
Multiple myeloma
Kidney: Ph
7.35-7,45, Compensate Alkalosis, Compensate Acidosis
Kidney: PCO2
38-42, Respiratory Alcalosis, respiratory acidosis
Kidney: AB
Kidney: SB
Kidney: TB
Kidney: EB
0 +- 2.3
Kidney: Total CO2
24-28, Metabolic Alcalosis, Metabolic Acidosis
Kidney: AG
Kidney: Ketone Bodies
Leukogram: Leukocyte (WBC) count
Adult: 5-9000/mm3
Child: 4.9-13.000/mm3, Leukocytosis (Leukemia, allergies, emotional stress), Leukopenia (sleep)
Leukogram: Neutrophils (NE)
Adult: 56-68%
Child: 25-40%, Neutrophilia (Pregnancy, stress, trauma), Neutropenia (Congenital)
Leukogram: Eosinophils (EO)
Adult: 1-3%
Child: 1-4%, Eosinophilia (allergies), Eosinopenia (Adrenocorticoid)
Leukogram: Basophils (BA)
Adult: 0-1%
Child: 0-1%, Basophilia (Contagious)
Leukogram: Lymphocytes (LY)
Adult: 20-40%
Child: 50-70%, Lymphocytosis (in children, mononucleosis, tb), Lymphopenia (Viral infection, congenital, AIDS)
Leukogram: Monocytes (MO)
Adult: 4-10%
Child: 4-8%, Monocytosis (mononucleosis, tb, hepatitis)
Leukogram: L higher, NE higher, LY higher
Acute bacterial infection
Leukogram: L higher,