Valuation Red Book Flashcards
What is the Red Book?
The Red Book contains mandatory rules, best practice guidance and related commentary for all members undertaking valuation work across the globe.
Who can carry out Red Book Valuations?
Registered valuers under the Valuer Registration Scheme.
Why was the Red Book created?
To improve consistency and transparency in valuation approach across the globe.
What are the different sections of the Red Book?
- Introduction
- Glossary
- PS - Professional Standards
- VPS - Valuation Technical and Performance Standards
- VPGA - Valuation Practice Guidance Applications
- International Valuation Standards
What are the Professional Standards?
PS 1 - Compliance with standards where a written valuation is provided.
PS 2 - Ethics, competency, objectivity and disclosures.
What is PS 1 of the Red Book?
PS 1 - Compliance with standards and practice statements where a written valuation is provided.
Looks at application - when a valuation needs to be Red Book Global compliant.
Details the 5 exemptions.
What is PS 2 of the Red Book?
PS 2 - Ethics, competency, objectivity and disclosures.
Members must act in accordance with 5 RICS Global and Ethical Standards and be bound by the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and Members.
Valuer must act objectively and independently - apply professional scepticism.
What types of valuations are excluded from the Red Book?
Providing Agency / Brokerage on Asset Disposals
Acting as an Expert Witness
Performing Stat Function
Providing Valuations for Internal Purposes
Providing valuations in preparation for Negotiation/Litigation; where valuer is an advocate
Which sections of the Red Book are mandatory?
Professional Standards
Valuation Technical and Performance Standards
International Valuation Standards
Are the exemptions excluded from the mandatory sections?
They are excluded from the mandatory Valuation Technical and Performance Standards.
Still have to adhere to the Professional Standards.
Are you still liable for valuation advice that’s provided orally?
Professional Standards should still be adhered to.
Just because it’s oral, doesn’t mean its provided without liability.
What are the Valuation Technical and Performance Standards?
VPS 1 - Terms of Engagement (scope of work)
VPS 2 - inspections, investigations and records
VPS 3 - Valuation reports
VPS 4 - Bases of value, assumptions and special assumptions
VPS 5 - Valuation approaches and methods.
VPS 1 - What is included with your standard Terms of Engagement?
In accordance with VPS 1:
- ID & Status of Valuer
- ID of Client
- ID of other users
- The property
- Currency
- Purpose of valuation
- Basis of Valuation
- Valuation date
- Nature and source of information to be relied upon
- All assumption and special assumptions
- Format of the report
- Restrictions on use
- Confirmation that it will be undertaken in accordance with IVS.
- Fee
- Firm registration and CHP
- Compliance
- PII Caps
VPS 2 - why must valuers inspect?
To verify the necessary information being relied upon for a valuation to ensure the information is professionally adequate for its purpose.
VPS 2 - are desktop reports Red Book compliant?
Yes - unless for one of the exemptions.
VPS 2 - What factors must a valuer consider when undertaking a desk-top valuation?
- Must be agreed in writing in the Terms of Engagement
- Must disclose possible valuation implications in writing
- Must consider whether it is reasonable with regard to the purpose of valuation
- Must refer to the restriction in the report.
VPS 2 - can you conduct a re-valuation of a property and not inspect?
Yes you can, only if you’re satisfied that there have been no material changes to the property or the nature of its location since the previous report.
Must confirm this in the terms of engagement.
What is VPS 3 of the Red Book?
This is relating to Valuation Reports and covers what should be included within a report.
i.e. what is included within VPS 1 - Terms of Engagement
VPS 3 - can you give preliminary (draft) valuation advice?
Yes, however it must be:
- marked as a draft, subject to completion of the final report
- marked for internal purposes only
- stated that it cannot be relied upon and can’t be published.
VPS 3 - can you discuss the valuation report with the client prior to issuing?
Yes you can, however, you must not be influenced by the client in any way.
Any information given by the client in the discussion, must be stated within the report
Where are the definitions in the Red Book?
VPS 4 - Basis of value, assumption and special assumptions.
VPS 4 - Define an assumption?
An assumption is where it is reasonable for the valuer to accept that something is true without the need for specific investigation.
e.g. on the assumption that there is no contamination.
VPS 4 - Define a special assumption?
A special assumption is a supposition that is taken to be true and accepted as fact, even though it is not true.
e.g. special assumption of a 90 day sale period.
A special assumption must be agreed with a client in writing at the commencement of an instruction.
VPS 4 - how many bases of value are there?
- Market Value
- Market Rent
- Investment Value
- Equitable Value
- Synergistic Value
- Liquidation Value
VPS 4 - Define Market Value?
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.
VPS 4 - Define Market Rent?
The estimated amount for which an interest in real property should be leased on the valuation date between a willing lessor and a willing lessee on appropriate lease terms in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.
VPS 4 - Define Fair Value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
VPS 4 - Define Investment Value?
The value of an asset to a particular owner, or prospective owner for individual investment or operational objectives
VPS 5 - what are the three valuation approaches?
- Income Approach (Investment, Residual & Profits)
- Cost (DRC)
- Market (comparable)
What are the relevant Valuation Practice Guidance Applications?
VPGA 2 - Valuation of interests for secured lending
VPG8 - Valuation of real property interests
VPGA 10 - Matters that may give rise to material valuation uncertainty.
What is VPGA 1 of the Red Book?
Valuation for inclusion in financial accounts.
Fair value will be adopted for all IFRS adopted accounts.
Prescribed “performance standards” must be adhered to.
What is VPGA 2 of the Red Book?
VPGA 2 - Valuations for Secured Lending
Details how to deal with conflicts of interest for secured lending valuations.
Reporting procedures - additional information is required for loan security reports.
What is VPGA 8 of the Red Book?
VPGA 8 - Valuation of Real Property Interests
Covers inspections and investigations, with particular emphasis on environmental constraints and sustainability issues.
What is VPGA 10 of the Red Book?
VPGA 10 - Matters which give rise to Material Uncertainty
- valuation report must not be misleading
- comment on issues resulting in material uncertainty
- standard caveat should not be used.
VPGA 10 - What is the material uncertainty clause?
Material uncertainty clause is used where the level of uncertainty is expected to be higher than normal circumstances.
The RICS and my company provided advisory wording to include within ToE and my valuation reports during the March – September period. The advice to use this clause has now been lifted, but it is still important to ensure that the uncertainty is assessed on a case by case basis.
VPGA 10 - Can a lender still rely on a report with a material uncertainty clause?
Yes it can still be relied upon, however less certainty and a higher degree of caution should be attached when having regard of the report.
What is Part 6 of the Red Book?
The International Valuation Standards
IVS - What are general standards?
“general standards” - set requirements for all valuations, of any asset and for any purpose.
IVS - What are asset standards?
“asset standards” - provides requirements relating to specific types of assets. Must be followed in conjunction with the general standards.
What is the commercial lending supplement for the Red Book?
Red Book UK National Supplement - VPGA 10 valuation for commercial secured lending purposes
Can you name some of the IVS general standards?
IVS 104 - Bases of Value
IVS 105 - Valuation Approaches and Methods
Can you name some of the IVS asset standards?
IVS 410 - Development Property
IVS 300 - Plant and Equipment
IVS 410 - Development Property
Where do you find information on the valuation methods?
IVS 105 - Valuation Approaches and Methods