Validity Flashcards
Questions addressed by internal validity
To what extent can the intervention, rather than extraneous influences, be considered to account for the results, changes, or group differences
Questions addressed by external validity
To what extent can the results be generalized or extended to ppl, settings, times, measures, characteristics other than those in this particular experimental arrangement
Questions addressed by Construct validity
what specific aspects of the intervention or arrangement was the causal agent - what is the conceptual basis (construct) underlying the effect?
Questions addressed by Statistical conclusion validity
To what extent is a relation shown, demonstrated, or evident, and how well can the investigation detect effects if they exist
Threats to internal validity
History Maturation Testing Instrumentation Statistical regression Selection bias Attrition Combinations of selection and other threats Diffusion or imitation of treatment Special treatment or reactions of controls
Threat to internal validity
effects of events common to all subjects that might alter performance and be mistaken for the effects resulting from the intervention
Usually outside of the experiment eg natural disaster, 911, etc.
Within experiment eg fire drills, power blackout
Threat to internal validity
Changes over time
Specific event and also processes w/in subjects
Eg growing older, wiser, stronger, bored, tired
Only problem if design cannot separate the effects of maturational changes from the intervention
Threat to internal validity
Effects that taking a test one time may have on subsequent performance of the test
Pre- and post-intervention tests - to evaluate how much an indiv improves or deteriorates over time
Practice or familiarity effects
Group that receives repeated testing w/out intervention eg no tx control grp can help rule out testing as an explanation
No-tx grp would be expected to show effects of testing
Tx group shows impact of intervention over and above any effects of testing
Threat to internal validity
Changes in measuring instrument or procedure over time
Can greatly affect substantive conclusions about changes over time
Longitudinal data = subject to instrumentation
Not a problem when standardized tests or automated devices used
Possible that items remain the same but have a different meaning bc of social contexts
Response shift
Response shift
Refers to a shift in a person’s internal standards of measurement
Shift reflects changes in values, attitudes, perspective, criteria etc. that lead to evaluation of the same or similar situations bxs, states, in a different way
Statistical regression
Threat to internal validity
Tendency for extreme scores to revert (regress) twd the mean when measurement devices is re-administered
Scores tend to be less extreme at second testing - less extreme score = closer to the mean
Evident in no-tx grp
Provide basis for evaluating incremental changes assoc w tx
Threat when change due to intervention cannot be distinguished from effect of scores reverting to the mean
Threat to internal validity
Loss of subjects
Intervention studies and longitudinal studies
Most lost early
40-60% drop out early
Changes in overall performance may be bc loss of subjs who scored in a particular direction
Two or more grps - even if # of dropouts are the same, still a threat if believe characteristics of subjs who dropped out differ b/w groups
Remaining subjs can’t be assumed to represent original sample
Cannot assume grps are equivalent
Differential attrition = likely if conditions are differentially attractive or effective
Combinations of selection and other threats
Threat to internal validity
Whenever threats to internal validity vary for the different groups within a study - how the threats interact
Selection x History
Combination of selection and other threats
One group has historical experience that other group did not have - and experience may plausibly explain the results
Threat (hx) was selective and applies to only one (or some but not all) of the groups
Two conditions for combination of selection and other threats to pose a threat to validity
- Differences systematically vary b/w experimental grp
2. Difference could plausibly explain results
Diffusion or imitation of tx
Threat to internal validity
Intervention given to one grp accidentally provided to control group
Effect = attenuate effects of tx and alter what investigator concludes about the efficacy of tx
Effect equalizes performance - reduces or distorts effects of the intervention
No tx “spreads”
Often underestimate or inaccurately estimate effects of tx
Special tx or reactions of controls
Threat to internal validity
Control group does not receive intervention but may receive other services such as money, more monitoring of their well-being, or special privileges
May be considered an intervention in its own right
Absence of tx may lead to special performance - may react in ways that obscure the differences b/w tx and no tx (eg motivated to perform “just as well”
Threats to external validity
Characteristics of the experiment that may limit the generality of the results
Often superficial criticism
Factors that limit usually unknown to the experimenter
For a threat to be a threat = must be a plausible factor that limits the generality of the results
Threats to external validity - types
Sample characteristics Stimulus characteristics and settings Reactivity of the experimental arrangements Multiple-tx interference Novelty of effects Reactivity of assessment Test sensitization Timing of measurement
Sample Characteristics
Threat to external validity
Extent to which the results can be generalized to others who vary in age, race, ethnic background, education, etc.
Different types -
Animal research to humans
College kids
Limited incl of minorities
Incl WHY differences would be expected and measure
Important bc increasing diversity and grps may respond differently
Stimulus characteristics and settings
Threat to external validity
Extent to which results extend across stimulus characteristics
Stimulus characteristics = features of the study w which the intervention is associated
Incl setting, experimenters, interviewers, or other factors related to the experiment
What facets of the different settings responsible?
Important not to be overly narrow - eg don’t use only one experimenter etc
Reactivity of experimental arrangements
Threat to external validity
Refers to the infl of subjs awareness that they are participating in an experiment
Would the results be obtained if they didn’t know?
Awareness may lead to changes in responses that wouldn’t carry over to other situations
Not an issue if examining records usually unless there would be an affect on the subj
Multiple-tx interference
Threat to external validity
Refers to drawing concl about a given tx when it is evaluated in context of other tis
Effects obtained may be due to context or series of conditions in which it was presented
Novelty of effects
Threat to external validity
Refer to the possibility that effects of an intervention may in part depend upon their innovativeness or novelty of the situation
Effects could depend upon the fact that it is administered under conditions where it is particularly salient, infrequent, or novel in some way
Reactivity of assessment
Threat to external validity
Reacting to the measure
Obtrusive measures = when subjs aware that their performance is being assessed
Reactive measures = If awareness leads person to respond differently
Do the changes on measure carry over to actual experience of clients in everyday settings
Test sensitization
Threat to external validity
Taking pre- or post-test may sensitize subjs so they are affected differently by the intervention
Pre-test sens - heighten sensitivity to certain types of issues etc that may not have been otherwise raised
Would the results generalize if no pretest?
Post-test sens - may crystallize a reaction and yield results that would not have been evident without the assessment
Not always a threat
Timing of measurement
Threat to external validity
Would the results be the same if measurements were taken at another time
Prime area = psychotherapy outcome research
Effectiveness usually assessed at last session - but what about 6 mos, 1 year, etc. later?
Concls about the effectiveness may depend on when the assessments are completed
Most persuasive demonstration of external validity…
Several studies conducted together w similar findings obtained w some consistency across various types of subjects, settings, and other domains (different researchers, countries, etc.
Why is replication important?
Ensures findings from an initial study are not due to various threats to internal validity or by chance
Goal of research
Understand phenomena of interest
For a threat to be a genuine concern…
It ought to be plausible
External validity is important for research w implications bc…
A well-designed study w a high degree of internal validity may show what can happen when an experiment is arranged in a particular way
BUT this is different than showing that the intervention would have this effect or does operate this way outside of the experimental situation
Types of validity
Internal External Construct Content Face Consensual Criterion-related Concurrent Convergent Discriminant Predictive
Construct validity
Does the measure accurately represent the construct you’re interested in?
Content validity
Does the content of the items accurately represent the construct of the test?
Face validity
Does it look valid?
Consensual validity
Expert consensus
Criterion-related validity
Correlation b/w a measure and an outcome
eg job satisfaction
Four types
Types of criterion-related validity
- Concurrent
- Convergent
- Discriminant
- Predictive
Concurrent validity
Type of criterion-related validity
Commensurate w the gold standard
Your measure = highly correlated with the previous best measure of x
eg short-form
Convergent validity
Type of criterion-related validity
Constructs expected to be related to one another
Eg domains on the IQ test should be related to one another
Discriminant validity
Type of criterion-related validity
Constructs NOT expected to be related are NOT
Eg job and shoe size
Predictive validity
Type of criterion-related validity
Predictive of a future event
Eg SAT and later GPA