Validity Flashcards
an agreement bet. a test score or measure and the quality it is believed to measure
applied to a test, a judgement or estimate of gow weel a test measures what it purports to measure in a particular context
process of gathering and evaluating evidence abt validity
a valid test is
-Predicts Future performance on appropriate variables -Measures and appropriate domain. -Measures appropriate characteristics of test takers
it is determined by the rel bet test scores and some other variable
Validation Measure
measeures what it purports to measure
face validity
extent to which a test assesses all the important aspects of a phenomenon that it purports to measure
content validity
types of criterion validity
concurrent and predictive
extent to which a test yields the same results as other, established measures of the same behavior, thoughts, or feelings
concurrent validity
good at predicting how a person will think, act , or feel in the future
predictive validity
extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure and not something altogether
construct validity
not a true measure of validity
Face Validity
2 types of content validity
construct under representation and construct irrelevant variance
fails to capture impt components of the construct
condtruct under representation
scores are influenced by factors irrelevant to the constructs
construct irrelevant variance
how a construct corresponds to a particular criterion
criterion validity
rel bet. a test and a criterion
validity coefficient
tells the extent to which the test is valid for making statements abt the criterion
validity coefficient
criteria in validity coefficient
> .60 rare. .30-.40 are considered high.
something built by mental synthesis
involves assem ling evidence abt. what a test means
Construct Validity
shows relatiinship bet. test and other measures
Construct Validity
Correlation bet. 2 tests believed to measure the same construct
Convergent Validity
Divergent Validation, the test measures something unique
Discriminant Validity
it stables the characteristics the test scores measure
ability to produce consistent scores that measures stable characteristics
possible to develop reliability but not validity
not reliable, potential validity is limited
usefulness or practical value of testing to improve efficiency
Factors that affect a test’s utility
Psychometric Soundness (reliability and validity) Cost (economic, financial, budget-related) Benefits
a family of techniques that entail a cost benefit analysis designed to yield info relevant to a decision abt. the usefulness and/or practical value of a tool of assessment
Utility Analysis