Valid argument forms Flashcards
What is the form of modus ponens?
If p, then q.
Therefore, q.
What is the form of modus tollens?
If p, then q.
Not q.
Therefore, not p.
What is the form of disjunctive syllogism?
Either p or q.
Not p.
Therefore, q.
What is the form of hypothetical syllogism?
If p, then q.
If q, then r.
So, if p, then r.
What is the form of dilemma?
Either p or q.
If p, then r.
If q, then s.
Either r or s.
What is a conditional statement?
If p, then q.
If p, then q. State the antecedent and the consequent.
What is validity?
validity is only concerned with the link between the conclusion and the premise.
It is not concerned with the truth/falsity of the premises or the conclusion.
A valid argument is one where the conclusion must be true if the premises are true.
An argument that follows a valid argument form is necessarily valid. True of false?
An argument that follows an invalid argument is almost always (but not necessarily) invalid. True or false?
What is the form of denying the antecedent?
If p, then q.
Not p.
Therefore, not q.
What is the form of affirming the consequent?
If p, then q.
Therefore, p.
What is soundness?
Concerned with the premise in a valid argument.
An argument is sound if the argument is valid and all its premises are true.
Soundness=Validity + Truth
Is “due to” a premise indicator?
Is “We can infer this from” a premise indicator?