Valentine Flashcards
C.what is the view point
Modern honest realistic
C. When was it written
C. What does she typically reject
Traditional views
T. What does valentine suggest
Typically love form
Ov. What is challenged
Traditional stereotypes “not a red rose”
Ov. What is the honest view
Relationships can hurt “blind you with tears”
“ I’m trying to be truthful”
Ov. Will the relationship last
“Faithful as we are for as long as we are” is traditional form rejected
Free verse
Not a sonnet
Org. What does no rhyme scheme represent
Unpredictable love
Org. What do single line stanzas do
Main message stand out
“I am trying to be truthful”
L. “Onion”
Metaphor live has many layers. Can make you cry.
L. “Not a cute card or kissogram”
Rejects love stereotypes
L. “Fierce lethal grief”
Semantic field of pain in relationships
L.” Cling”
Possessive love
S. 1 person
S. Who does it directly address