Valentine Flashcards
The word “valentine” has connotations of love romance, flowers and hearts which contrast starkly with the content of the poem.
“Not a red rose or a satin heart”
Use of a negative at the opening of the poem - immediately dismisses these symbols of love. The use of the inversion helps to emphasise the negative. “rose” and “satin” are stereotypical valentine day gifts which highlight the critical tone and show that the gifts lack meaning. This alludes to the idea that romantic love has become commercialised.
“I gave you an onion”.
The fact that this is a very unusual gift almost foreshadows/symbolises how the poem itself is very unusual.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper”.
The word choice “wrapped” supports the idea of a gift as it has connotations of gifts and present but also surprises. The metaphor - comparison has romantic connotations of moonlight and romance that may be found on Valentine’s night. The “brown paper” is the skin of the onion, which suggests that beauty lies within and does not necessarily have a beautiful appearance.
“It promises light.”
Metaphor - just as the moon creates light in the darkness, so Duffy hints at the optimism at the start of a new relationship. Alludes to the joy and sense of hope felt at the beginning of a relationship.
“Like the careful undressing of love”
Metaphor- This refers to the initial stages of love which can be delicate and precious. Love takes time to develop as we peel back the layers of a person’s personality. Also refers to the literal undressing of two people which alludes to the sexual side of romantic love. Word choice of “careful” suggests the tenderness felt at the start of a relationship.
“It will blind you with tears/ like a lover”.
Simile - just as when an onion is cut the pungent juices can make you cry, so too love can be painful which can make us cry. This alludes to the idea that love is blinding as we refuse to see our lovers’ flaws, as well as the fact that many people enter love blind sited and have never experienced it before.
“It will make your reflection/ a wobbling photo of grief”
The image describes the way a person’s appearance and vision blurs when looking in the mirror after crying. Reference to the speaker’s reflection which has become blurred. Alludes to the idea that you are forced to reflect upon yourself, your judgement, and your flaws. The word choice “grief” is particularly strong in emphasising feelings of hurt, “grief” is associated with death suggesting that the pain of love is as bad as death. The word choice “wobbling” has connotations of pain and suffering which reinforces how much pain love can cause.
“I am trying to be truthful”.
One line stanza, Duffy uses a tone of honesty. Isolation is emphasised - we are given the impression that honesty is a crucial issue for the poet in the poem. Trying to give a true representation of Valentine’s Day. Trying to ensure that by being “truthful” their relationship will be honest and up front. The speaker is a realist - they are aware of both the positive and negative aspects of love/relationships.
“Not a cue card or a kissogram.”
One line stanza, Duffy uses a direct tone to highlight once again the meaningless nature of such gifts. Honesty is immediately contrasted with two more symbols of Valentine’s Day. The word choice “Not” reinforces the rejection of tradition. Subverts the traditional symbols of love. The word choice “cute” suggests immaturity/lack of death/shallow. Contrasts with the description the onion which the writer believes is a symbol with more depth and maturity.
“Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful as we are”.
Oxymoron - “fierce” has connotations of fear and aggressive. ‘kiss” has connotations of tenderness, romance, and love. This suggests that love can cause contrasting extreme emotions. The metaphor - compares the stinging effect of the onion on the lips which reflects the kiss which may be destructive/hurtful/physically painful. “Stay on your lips” - indicates the lasting impacts of a lover’s kiss/permanence of the emotional effect which is difficult to forget. “possessive” and “faithful” - intense feelings which have strengthened indicate the speaker’s desire for loyalty and longevity. Both “possessive” and “faithful” suggest that love stays with you but: “possessive” connotes oppression, suppression, suffocation and being ruled by your feelings. “faithful” connotes loyalty, calm and positiveness. Suggesting that the after math of love can be both positive and negative.
“It’s platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring”.
The word choice “platinum loops” suggests that love is precious and valuable. Loops of onion compared to platinum in a wedding ring. “Shrinks to a wedding ring” suggests that if you can overcome/get through all the layers of o relationship (just like the layers of an onion) then love will last forever. The suggestion that when you get married love will “shrink” to nothing - is the writer saying marriage is futile.
“Its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife”
Another reminder that love can be dangerous and violent at times. The knife can destroy the onion. Suggests the possessive side of love and how it can lead to tension.