Vacuum assisted vaginal delivery Flashcards
What indications for:
a) Simpson
b) Tucker Mclanes
c) Kielland
d) Piper
a) nullip, moulded head
b) multip, unmoulded head
c) rotation, lack pelvic curve, sliding lock
d) after coming head at breech delivery
Reasons for vacuum pop off (7)
Rapid traction Poor seal Maternal tissue No counter traction Improper angle Improper placement of cup (deflexion) CPD
What is the position for safety for forceps?
Posterior fontanelle (> 1 finger breath above shanks) Fenestrations Sagittal suture (perpendicular to shanks)
Outlet forceps definition
Low forceps definition
Mid forceps definition
Oulet–> scalp on perineum, visible at introitus, head reaches pelvic floor
Low forceps–> leading part of skull is at >=2, < 45 or > 45
Mid forces–> 0+ higher, < 45 or > 45
Contraindications to assisted vaginal delivery (6)
Lack of consent Contraindications to vaginal delivery face, brow presentation unsure of position or station preterm < 34 weeks (vacuum)(relative) fetal issues (coagulopathy, demineralization disorder) cervical not fully dilated unable to mount a C/S if failed operative delivery
Indications for assisted vaginal delivery
Atypical/abnormal FHR Maternal medical indications (cardiac, MS, spinal) Maternal exhaustion Correct acinclytism Inadequate progress in second stage At time of CS
Cesarean section advised for vacuum (4)
Cesarean section advised for forceps (3)
2 pulls (with no descent) 3 pop-offs 4 contractions (with no imminent delivery) 20 minutes with no imminent delivery
Forceps: unable to place blades failure to rotate no descent with one pull 3 traction with no imminent delivery
Mediolateral episiotomy reduces OASIS in FAVD by
Risk factors that increase OASIS
Previous OASIS
FHR abN requiring rapid delivery
assisted vaginal delivery can be reduced by (4)
continuous labour support
augmentation with IV oxytocin
delayed pushing with epidural
manual rotation of fetal head
Maternal conditions requiring assisted vaginal delivery
spinal cord cardiac AVM retinopathy MG
Risk factors associated with need for CS or need for operative delivery in OR
BMI >30
EFW >4000 g
Mid cavity
OP or OT
Limitations to the Modified Robinson Criteria (1-10)
1) Unable to assess indications for cesaran section
2) unable to characteristics of pre-existing maternal or fetal disease
Vacuum is associated with
Forceps is associated with
- higher rate of failure requiring C/S
- cephalohematoma
- retinal hemorrhage
- less likely to fail
- Facial injury
Accreta risk with:
1) previa and 1 previous C/S
2) previa and 2 previous C/S
3) Previa and >3 previous C/S
Accreta riks with
4) > =5 C/S
1) 11%
2) 40%
3) 61-67%
4) 7%