Vaccines Flashcards
compound that increases immunogenicity of an antigen. The most common in vaccines is the aluminum salt Alum
Passive immunization
the use of immune serum to give an immediate resistance to an infection
active immunization
the act of immunizing with antigens to induce an immune response to a pathogen
live attentuated
weakened virus that can replicate to a limited extent
older vaccine used whole, killed pertussis
replaced pertussis bacteria with acellular components
reduced concentration, used in adolescents and adults
DT and Td
boosts for diphtheria and tetanus
DTaP, IPV, and Hib
Why was DPT used?
killed pertussis and was really good adjuvant; very strong innate immune response often lead to fever
Why might DPT be problematic?
Some fevers were severe, many blamed vaccine for permanent disability
What is the difference between DPT and DTaP
DTaP is made with pertussis toxoid and other purified components; uses aluminum salts as the adjuvant; much safer than DPT with many less sever reactions
Describe DTP disease vs risk
Diptheria and tetanus: death 1 in 20
Pertussis death 1 in 20 for young children, encephalopathy, pneumonia
Polio Vaccine
IPV inactivate polio vaccine or OPV (live attentuated strain)
MMR vaccine
live attentuated virus; infants have maternal antibodies that would prevent the virus from growing, get vaccine at 12-15 months
Are vaccines associated with autism?
no, but people have claimed it before; rate of autism is increasing over the time.
MMR vaccine vs disease?
MMR Vaccine: Fever, rash, malaisel encephalitis or severe allergic reaction: less than 1 in a million
HPV vaccine
Cervarix and Gardasil; protect against HPV 16 and 18; recommended for girls 11 to 12
Deadly viral disease; transmitted by bite form infected animal ; vaccination of domestic animals prevents most human exposure.
Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis
RIG (rabies immune globulin); HDCV (human diploid cell rabies vaccine); PCECV (purified chick embryo cell vaccine)