V1 Flashcards
Personnel scheduled for duty will not consume any alcohol or use prescription that could impair ability to handle a firearm within how many hours to show time of guardmount
8 hours
Prior to assuming post, what must be conducted with off going personnel
Conduct an extensive inspection and joint changeover with the offgoing post and or patrol. Annotate in AF 1800 and account for all check sheets assigned to post or patrol
What US Supremer Court case defined standard of assessing the use of force in context of making an arrest or other seizure of person person as “subjective reasonableness”
Graham vs Connor
What is and AF Form 52
Evidence tag
What is an AF From 1109
Visitor Register Log
What copy of a DD 1408 goes to the offender or affixed to the vehicle if the vehicle is unattended
The pink copy
What form is used to control visitors and vehicles entering and Air Force Installation on a temporary basis
AF Form 75
What gives SF the authority to apprehend military members?
The Manual for Court Martial (MCM), Rule 302, and the UCMJ Article 7b
What jurisdiction does the Main Gate fall under
When will SF confiscate all DoD identification credentials?
When they become unserviceable, expired, used in fraudulent manner or possessed unlawfully
What are the three pre exists used for DWI on HAFB
Alphabet Test, Number Count Test, Finger dexterity Test
What is the term “Seven Bridges” used for
Political Asylum Request
What are your actions during a political asylum situation if the individuals request or makes an attempt to depart prior to arrival of AFOSI agent and contact was made at the ECP
Do not attempt to restrain idividuals if they request to or attempt to depart prior to the arrival of AFOSI
How will SF notify BDOC Controller of a political asylum situation
Notify the BDOC Controller via landline or portable handheld radio as follows, “I have Seven Bridges, repeat, I have Seven Bridges at (location)”
True or False: During mass evacuation procedures, bollards may be removed to expedite traffic existing the installation