V1:1: Get To The Point ( co/con/cis/brev/cur) Flashcards
Laconic, taciturn, reticent
Disposed to using few words
Garrulous, loquacious, voluble
Talkative); ( loqu- talk + -ious full off
Concise, succinct, terse
Brief and to the point, written/ spoken
( Con- altogether + cis cut )
Prolix, discursive( dis- away + curs course), disgressive, desultory protracted, circumlocutory ( around- talk), verbose ( wordy)
Off topic
Brusque, curt, abrupt, petulant
Rudely abrupt
( Curtus-> curt cut short )
Be brusque
Abridge, abbreviate
To shorten written text
( brev- brief )
Augment, amplify, protract
Brevity, conciseness, pithiness, succinctness, laconism
Quality of succinct expression
Brev- brief + -ity quality of
Conspire, collude, collaborate
To plan together secretly to commit an illegal act
Con- together + -spire breath
Concur, accord, harmonize, cohere
To agree
Con- together + -cur run
Concord, unanimity, consensus
State of harmony
Con- together + -cord heart
Congenital, innate, inborn
Existing at birth
Con- together + gen born
Schism, fraction, rift, divergence
A division into political/ religious fractions
Cis- cut
Incisive, acute, astute, keen, canny, shrewd, perspicacious, judicious
Having/ indicating keen insight; ( Acus- sharp); ( Prudentia- knowledge )
( In- in + cis cut )
Vacuous, vapid, obtuse