"V" Speeds Flashcards
Speed Definitions
Flaps extended maximum speed, to prevent overstressing the flap structure. It is the higher end of the white arc on the ASI.
Maximum speed when the flaps are moving (operating)
Stall speed
Landing gear operating speed. Speed not to exceed while undercarriage is being extended or retracted.
Maximum landing gear extended speed. When the gear is down and locked it is stronger than when not locked and so Vle may be higher than Vlo.
Never Exceed Speed. Maximum speed under any circumstances. It is shown on the ASI as a red line.
Maximum speed for normal operating conditions which may only be exceeded in smooth air and when justified by operational requirements. This is the speed when the green arc changes to the yellow arc.
Manoeuvre speed. The highest speed at which a full control deflection and therefore increased load factor will not overstress the aircraft. At or below Va the aircraft will stall before the load factor can increase sufficiently to cause permanent damage to the aircraft.
Turbulence (rough air) penetration speed. Slow enough to avoid overstressing but fast enough to prevent a gust causing a low-speed stall.
Reference speed for final approach. The constant speed flown on finals.