v o c a b f l a s h c a r d s Flashcards
What is the definition of adverse?
(adj.) unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile.
What is the definition of arid?
(adj.) extremely dry; uninteresting, dull
What is the definition of assailant?
(n.) a person who attacks violently (with blows or words)
What is the definition of billow?
(n.) a large wave; (v.) to rise or swell like a wave
What is the definition of confront?
(v.) to meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with
What is the definition of constrain?
(v.) to force, compel; to restrain, hold back
What is the definition of contemporary?
(adj.) belonging to the same period of time as oneself; (n.) a person of the same time
What is the definition of depict?
(v.) to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture
What is the definition of disinterested?
(adj.) fair minded, free from selfish motives; indifferent
What is the definition of encompass?
(v.) to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; to include with a certain group or class
What is the definition of groundless?
(adj.) without any good reason or cause, unjustified
What is the definition of hypocrite?
(n.) a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or he really is; a two faced person
What is the definition of incomprehensible?
(adj.) impossible to understand
What is the definition of manipulate?
(v.) to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for a personal gain or advantage
What is the definition of maximum?
(n.) the greatest possible amount or degree; (adj.) reaching the greatest possible amount or degree
What is the definition of mimic?
(n.) a person who does imitations; (v.) to imitate; to make fun of
What is the definition of ruffle?
(v.) to wrinkle, make uneven; to annoy, upset; to flip through; (n.) a gathered strip of material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low heartbeat
What is the definition of serene?
(adj.) peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
What is the definition of sheepish?
(adj.) embarrassed; resembling a sheep in meekness, timid
What is the definition of stamina?
(n.) the strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power