UWorld Sample Cases Flashcards
vomiting hx
projectile, blood, how often, sick contacts/food
abdo, back pain
diarrhea, constipation
b sx: fever, chills, headaches
gu sx: burning with urination, menstrual period, preggers
vomiting ex
orthostatic hypotension (vitals)
heent (fundi for increased icp, orophyrx for dry mucous membranes)
cardio: m/g/r
abdo: denstension, +bs, percuss for bowel gas pattern, tenderness/rebound, cva tenderness
vomiting ddx
gastroentero, obstruction (sbo), pregs, med/tox, meningitis, pancreatiis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephr
vomiting ix
cbc (w/differential), euc, preg test/urine hcg, ua, urine culture
axr after neg preggers, amylase, lipase, liver function panel (alt, ast, ggt, alp), abdo u/s, stool studies
diarrhea hx
times/day, how often, volume amt, acute v chronic, continuous v intermittent (normal mvmts in between?), blood/pus/mucus in stool, greasy diarrhea/clay colored/dark,
abdo pain (ibd, ibs), weight loss (malabsorption, cancer), milk or lactose intolerence, increased stress better/worse factors, recent ravel, sick contacts, fever, chills, radiation exposure
diarrhea ex
heent: lesions orophayrnx (ie bulemic eating diet pills), enlarged cervical lymph nodes, thyromegaly, masses ie lipomas/dermoid cysts
heart, lungs, abdo (+bs, percuss for bowel gas patterns, palpate superficial and deep)
diarrhea wu
cbc, fobt, cmp/euc, tsh, stool (wbc, o&p)
diarrhea ddx
secretory diarrhea (bacteria/toxins, ileal bile acid malabsoprtion, endocrine diarrhea) osmotic diarrhea(laxatives, carb malabsorption) inflam diarrhea (ibd, giiardia) fatty dirrhea (celiac, short bowel syndrome)
vag bleed hx
gradual/sudden, bright red / dark, clots, tissue ish (molar pregnancy), continous flow/spotting, triggers (sex, sleep, trauma), assoc sx (n&v, abdo pain, fever), drugs (cocaine can cause bleeds)
preggers before/ g/p/a, lmp, heavy flow, pads per day, period length, irregular/reg, abortions, stds, PMHx bleeding/hospitalization due to that, bleeding disorders, multiple abortions
sexual hx: marriage/relationship state, contraception, last sexual contact (& protection)
vag bleed ex
nose, gums etc bleeding; orthostatic hypothension
abdo: hepatospleno, +bs, palpate, rebound
state: will do pelvic ex
vag bleed wu
pelvic ex, preg test, cbc, transvaginal us, serum r-hcg, tsh
vag bleed ddx
regular menses, abortion, preg, ectopic, hyadatiform mole
dark urine hx ex
blood, same color throughout day, decrease/increase, pain with urination, abdo/back, b sx, diarrhea, food (beets/ artificial colors/berries), trauma, heavy exercies (rhabdo), sore throat (poststrep glom), kidney probs
heent, cardiac, abdo including cva tenderness
dark urine wu
ua, cbc, cpk, bmp/euc, cystoscopy (bladder), ct abdo
dark urine ddx
glomerulo, benign familial hematuria, exercise-induced / rhabdo, atn, med or food induced, KUB stones, UTI, kidney/bladder tumors