palpable purpura, GN, non specific signs like arthrlagia, hepatosplenomegaly, low complement levels,
usually associated with HCV
symptoms of hypercalcemia
weakness, GI distress, neuropsychiatric (confusion/stupor/coma)…patients also usually volume depleted due to polyuria and hypercalcemic induced nephrogenic DI.
treatment of hypercalcemia
- calcitonin
- bisphosphonates (pamidronate, alendronate, zaote something acid), but may take longer to get rid of calcium
MCC of kidney stones
calcium oxalate stones from fat malabsorption (chronic diarrhea, small bowel disease, resection)
When to not use metformin
in critically ill patients
induces lactic acidosis which can be nephrotoxic
chronic bladder pain worse with filling, relieved by voiding, increased urgency/frequency, dyspareunia. normal U/A
interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome)…
exclude PID (cervical motion tenderness/fever), or UTI (nitrates/leuko esterase on UA)
euvolemic (BUN:Cr < 20), hyponatremia with high urine Na and osmolarity, decreased serum osm, failure to correct with fluids
non anion gap metabolic acidosis + hyperkalemia + preserved/moderately reduced kidney function
type 4 RTA (hyperkalemic RTA)
best way to test for DM nephropathy
urine microalbumin/Cr ratio
When to give calcium gluconate for hyperkalemia?
K> 7.0 or ECG changes
common causes of hyperkalemia
RAAAS disorder
side effect of H1-antihistamines (i.e. diphenhydramine)
anti-cholinergic effects = urinary retention (due to detrusor hypoactivity), eye/mouth dryness
treatment for UNCOMPLICATED and COMPLICATED cystitis
uncomplicated - nitrofurantonin, bactrim, or fosfomycin
complicated - culture + quinolone?
complicated = pyelo, penis, procedure, pregnancy, immunocompromised, diabetes/renal failure
MCC glomerulopathy associated with HIV
side effects of thiazides
hyperglycemia, increased LDL + triglycerides, increased uremia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomag, hypercalcemia