Uworld Neurology Flashcards
- Definition of bulbar palsy and lesion level
- CN affected
- Bulbar vs. psuedobulbar palsy (i.e. what is UMN vs LMN)
- Sx of bulbar palsy
Fxn of corona radiata vs. corpus callosum
Effect of neuroleptics on tuberoinfundibular, nigrostriatal, mesolimbic pathways.
(uw 4899)
Pt on warfarin presents with sudden onset, severe headache, AMS, and rapidly deteriorating condition. What happened?
How does acetaminophen or pseudo ephedrine contribute?
CT shows hemorrhage. Next step?
(uw 3737)
Sx constellation of fetal hydantoin syndrome and most likely causes.
Pregnant women on phenytoin during the first semester receive what? and why?
(uw 2572)
Ddx of myopathy?
glucocorticoid induced, polymylagia rheumatica, inflammatory, statin-induced, hypothyroid
Distinguishing clinical features and ESR/CRP patterns
(uw 4443)
Common anterior cord syndrome etiology and presentation.
Best dx test?
(uw 3300)
Absence seizures aka petit mal. Length of episodes, Rx of choice, main difference between petit and grand. MOA of Rx?
Best dx test?
(uw 3514, 2681)
6 mo baby: first presents hypotonia, persistent vomiting
progressing to: mental retardation, choreoathetosis, spasticity, dysarthria, dystonia, compulsive self injury
Inheritance, pathophysiology, complications
Rx used? Dx test?
2-6 mo old Ashkenazi Jew baby presents with irritability, listlessness, milestone regression. Think of what?
Enzyme defect underlying and inheritance pattern.
Common and differentiating sx
4 common lacunar stroke syndromes. THE major risk factor?
4 lacunar stroke syndromes: Location and presentation?
- Pure motor hemiparesis
- Pure sensory stroke
- Ataxia-hemiparesis
- Dysarthryia-clumsy hand syndrome
Syringomyelia presentation, commonly associated with and other causes
Arnold Chiari 1 vs 2
Arnold Chiari 2 usually presents with what else?
Connect tissue dz assoc. with Arnold Chiari malformations?
Femoral nerve innervates which muscles and actions it becomes which nerve and what does that nerve do?
Tibial nerve innervates muscles where? Sensory distribution?
Obturator nerve innervates muscles where? Sensory distribution?
Common peroneal nerve (aka fibular nerve) divides into what? Innervates muscles where? Sensory distribution?
Pt: wt gain, constipation, feeling cold, depression, muscle pain, fatigue, memory changes, hoarseness
What does she have? Best dx test? Treatment?
1 most common site for hypertensive hemorrhage? #2, #3?
Most important risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage?
Best dx test?
Common neuro findings in these hemorrhages
- Basal ganglia
- Cerebellum
- Thalamus
- Pons
- Cerebral lobe: Frontal (eyes?), parietal, occipital lobe, high incidence of what complication?
Premature-LBW infants at risk for what? Other cause?
Present with pallor, cyanosis, bulging fontanelles, hypotension, seizures, vomiting, focal neurologic signs, apnea, bradycardia
Alzheimer’s Dz course. Dx test?
What else in the ddx? How to differentiate?
Pt with DiGeorges Syndrome persons with first time seizures, hx of increasing fatigue, and severe morning headaches?
Risk factors: otitis media, mastoiditis, frontal/ethmoid sinus, dental infection, bacteremia, cyanotic heart dz (esp. R->L shunt disorders: ToF). Expected abscess locations?
NPH, pathogenesis (i.e. how does it become normal pressure?)
Classic triad, but what develops first?, How is the dementia different?
Amaurosis fugax? Eye findings? What does this presage?
Embolic source?
Pt with no focal neuro defects, CT or MRI indicated?
What to think about before doing an LP?
URI or diarrheal illness followed by ascending polyradiculoneuropahy and ANS sx? Worst complication? Treatment?
Main causes?
Dx test? pattern of WBC, glucose, protein levels?
Bacterial, fungal, tubercular meningitis. WBC, glucose, protein levels?
Viral meningitis. WBC, glucose, protein levels? The exception?
Normal CSF: WBC/RBC, protein, glucose levels?
Spinal epidural abscess Predisposing factors? Triad of sx.
Progressive sx?
Initial eval? Treatment?
Apparent, unprovoked first time seizure. Next step?
Diabetic neuropathy affects LMN, UMN, or both?
Also causes peripheral sensory problems. Can use electromyography to confirm dx.
Presentation of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (aka pseudo tumor cerebri). Physical exam? Most common CN affected? Best dx test (two answers)?
Most common risk factors.
What kind of headache would you see?
Aminoglycoside toxicity presents? Usually presents with vertigo
Ototoxocity, vestibulopathy, oscillopsia
Best dx test?
How does Head Thrust maneuver help distinguish between amino glycoside toxicity and Benign Paroxysmal Postional Vertigo?
Define Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Pathophysiology? Presentation?
Define Meniere’s Dz. Presentation triad? What is the specific eye finding?
Vertobasilar Insufficency. Pathophysiology? Presentation?
Most common cause of Non traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH). Location?
Best dx test?
If CT is negative, but strong clinical suspicion, what is the next dx test and positive findings?
2nd most common cause, intracerebral hemorrhage, mainly occurs in > 75 yo
Venous sinus thrombosis causes what? How does it presentation?
Trigeminal neuralgia presentation and treatment?
3 cerebral components that contribute to ICP?
5 ways to lower ICP and how do they work?
Progressive vs. R-R MS treatment
Generally how does hemorrhagic stroke present vs. non-hemorrhagic.
Two types of hemorrhagic stroke.
Presentation: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) vs Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
Initial Dx test?
PKU. Pathophys? Clinical features? Dx test? Treatment?
Infant with head circumference that has rapidly increased in size to greater than 97th percentile.
Sx? Best dx test?
Gait disorders
Description, associated signs, causes: Cerebellar Gait apraxia Parkinsonian Steppage (most commonly caused by lesions where?) Vestibular
Gait disorders cont’d
Basal ganglia lesions
Pyramidal or corticospinal tract
Parkinsonism features found in which two pathologies?
How to differentiate?
How to distinguish between alzheimer’s and vascular dementia?
38 Test 1, skipped test 2. Start from here Test 3
Dangerous complication of a epidural hematoma? How does fluid resuscitation contribute?
Four areas affected by Uncal Herniation and focal neurologic signs?
Age distribution of craniopharyngiomas? 3 other benign seller masses? 2 malignant sellar masses?
Clinical presentation of seller masses?
The four muscles of the rotator cuff? Most injured? Why?
Best Dx test?
Greatest risk factor for Cerebral Palsy? Other general risk factors.
Cluster headache presentation? Treatment?
Metastatic brain tumors most likely to be found where? Which type of lung cancer is most likely to mets?
For a single brain metastasis, best treatment options?
Ddx of dementia presentation (6)?
Alzheimer’s vs. Vascular dementia presentation?
Presentations of: Frontotemporal Dementia (Picks Dz) Lewy Body Dementia NPH Prion Dz
Seizures: 2 major divisions and what distinguishes?
3 Divisions of partial seizures and their presentations?
Pediatric population: Breakdown of solid brain tumor locations by percentages
Most common histologic type?
Clinical signs: Seizures, morning headaches, irritability, decreased muscle strength, hyperreflexia
In later stage alzheimer’s, what CT findings can be expected?
In younger patients with parkinson’s and with tremor being the predominant feature what is the recommended treatment?
Most common cause of lumbar spinal stenosis? Pathophysiology?
Common presentation? Straight leg raise test? Best dx test?
Multiple system atrophy aka Shy Drager is characterized by what three presentations?
Infant/newborn with FTT, bilateral cataracts, jaundice and hypoglycemia, convulsions, hepatomegaly?
Enzyme defect?
Increased risk for what kind of infection?
NFT 2 presentation? Two variants and the underlying difference
SAH: Most common etiology? Clinical features?
Common complications, and time frames?Hyponatremia why?
Treatments? How to prevent vasospasm complication?
Wilson’s Dz: inheritance, deposition of what/where, presentation, dx tests?
Distinguishing between essential tremor and cerebellar tremor? between essential tremor and physiologic tremor?
Describe the Sturge-Weber Syndrome.
Most common extra cranial solid tumor childhood? Cell type, gives rise to which tissues? Dx tests to order?
4 main causes of AMS?
Presentation of a cerebellar tumor?
SFX of amantadine?