Uworld - Medicine Flashcards
Which important complication of end-stage liver disease is characterized by a significant decrease in glomerular filtration in the absence of another clear cause of renal dysfunction, minimal hematuria (< 50 erythrocytes/hpf) and lack of improvement with volume resuscitation?
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS)
List 3 ways to treat hepatorenal syndrome?
- Address precipitating factors i.e., hypovolemia, anemia, infection
- Splanchnic vasoconstrictors i.e., midodrine, octreotide, NE + albumin
- Liver transplantation
What are 3 indications for giving HAV vaccine to patient with HIV?
- Chronic liver disease
- Men who have sex with men
- IV drug users
Renal injury typically causes hypocalcemia; the presence of hypercalcemia suggests what?
Multiple myeloma cast nephropathy
Which drugs have ben shown to increase appetite and weight gain in pt’s with cancer-related anorexia/cachexia syndrome?
- Progesterone analogues i.e., megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate
- Corticosteroids
Transmural intestinal inflammation is seen in what?
Chron’s disease
What is the preferred initial DMARD in pt’s with moderately to severely active RA?
What are 3 potential complications of primary biliary cholangitis?
- Malabsorption
- Metabolic bone disease i.e., osteoporosis or osteomalacia
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
What is the most likely cause of occult GI hemorrhage days after being admittd to the ICU for septic shock?
Stress-induced ulcer
TTP must be treated emergently with what?
Plasma exchange (most important) + glucocorticoids
What are 3 effective first-line tx’s for uncomplicated cystitis in non-pregnant women?
- Oral TMP-SMX
- Nitrofurantoin
- Fosfomycin
Pt’s with clinical signs of HTN but normal BP readings should be tested for what?
Masked HTN w/ ambulatory BP monitoring
Cupping of the optic disc with loss of peripheral vision is characteristic of what?
Open angle glaucoma
What is the preliminary investigation of choice in the managment of pleural effusion; exception?
- Diagnostic thoracentesis
- EXCEPT in pt’s w/ classic signs and sx’s of CHF, where a trial of diuretic is warranted
Which 2 markers are the most appropriate diagnostic tests for acute hepatitis B infection?
- HBsAg
- anti-HBc