UWORLD Flashcards
lab values cholesterol embolism
ICU patient who was being treated for hypotension develops ischemia of distal fingers and toes; symmetric duskiness and coolness of fingertips noted
norepinephrine induced vasospasm
physical exam findings suggestive of AS
- diminished and delayed carotid pulse “pulses parvus and trades” due to blood flow obstruction
- mid to late peaking systolic murmur from turbulence due to stenosis
how does septic shock affect SVR, pulmonary cap wedge pressure, cardiac output, and mixed venous o2 sat?
- DECREASED SVR (peripheral vasodilation)
- nml to low PCWP
- increased CO initially to make up for low SVR
- increased mixed venous o2 sat because tissues cannot extract o2 effectively, esp during lactic acidosis
patient admitted for MI is being treated medically when one day later develops left leg pain…on exam left leg cold and mottled, minimal swelling, absence of distal pulses…dx and what to do next
acute limb ischemia (usually from cardiac emboli)
get TTEto check for LV thrombus
immediately start anticoagulant and consult vascular
patient with hypercalcemia, recurrent kidney stones, and confusion/depression/psychosis presents with HTN
dx and what to do next
primary hyperparathyroidism
evaluate for MEN 2A (parathyroid, medullary thyroid, pheo)
indication for Holter monitor for arrhythmia
- intermittent arrhythmia in patients with SYMPTOMS (syncope/palpitations)
risk factors and treatment for persistent symptomatic PACs
risk - tobacco and alcohol
rx with low dose beta blockers
acute treatment for afib in patient with WPW (HDS and not HDS)
HDS - rhythm control with IV PROCAINAMIDE or ibutillide
non-HDS - immediate electrical cardioversion
which meds to avoid in WPW
AV nodal blocking agents such as adenosine, beta blockers, CCBs, and digoxin as they may promote conduction across accessory pathway and lead to degeneration of AF into VF
characteristic of MVP murmur
similar to MR murmur sometimes with systolic click….squatting from standing will increase preload and LV volume which will decrease intensity of murmur
CCBs can treat both prinzmental angina and what other process that is physiologicall ysimilar
think vasospasm so
patient complaining of ear pain worse with chewing, has hx of nocturnal teeth grinding…dx?
TMJ dysfunction
patient with hx of childhood eczema and allergic rhinitis being treated for chest pain develops SOB with prolonged expiration and bilateral wheezes…
med side effect nonselective Bblocker (i.e. propanolol) can trigger bronchoconstriction)
Young woman presents with systemic HTN, recurrent headaches, carotid bruit
carotid bruit suggets carotid atherosclerosis…THINK FIBROMUSUCLAR DYSPLASIA
can also have abdominal bruits since these involve renal, ICA, vertebral, iliac, mesenteric arteries as well
pathophysiology of Meniere disease
increased volume and pressure of endolymph (endolymphatic hydrops)
initial mono therapy for HOCM
anything that decreases LVOT obstruction and improves angina symptoms
BETA BLOCKERS good initially
then Verapamil and disopyramide
ST elevation in II, III, aVF with reciprocal ST depression in I and avL
inferior wall MI from RCA
can also be LCX but usually doesn’t have reciprocal depression in I and avL
healthy person develops signs of CHF after cold…pathophysiology of heart abnormality
dilated cardiomyopathy 2/2 viral myocarditis
echo will show dilated ventricles with diffuse hypokinesia resulting in low EF
aortic dissection patient develops acute worsening chest pain, hypotension, pulmonary edema
acute aortic regurg
NOT TAMPONADE (lung fields will be clear and JVP will be elevated)
two consequences of aortic dissection
acute aortic regurgitation
pericardial tamponade
most effective nonpharmacologic way to lower BP
weight control
hours after femoral lower extremity embolectomy, patient has acute pain and paresthesias of leg, worsened with passive extension. pulses present
compartment syndrome (due to repercussion)
causes interstitial edema and increased pressure
malignant HTN vs. hypertensive encephalopathy
malignant HTN - retinal hemorrhages, papilledema, exudates
encephalopathy - cerebral edema and non-localizing neurologic symptoms like progressive headache