UWORLD Flashcards
Acute chemical peritonitis due to urine leak following trauma?
Rupture of dome of bladder
African American kid with bulge in abdomen …
Surgery required?
umbilical hernia
Surgery not usually required
Tx for large vs small pneumothorax in stable patients?
Large - needle thoracostomy
Small - supplemental O2
“Catching” knee pain, poss reduced range of motion, poss intermittent?
Meniscal tear, get MRI to assess if persistent
Early satiety, nausea, NONbilious vomiting, weight loss (esp with history of acid ingestions) - diagnx?
Common causes?
Pyloric stricture
Caused by Crohn’s, malignancy, PUD, ingestion of caustic agents
Abd pain, gross hematuria with pelvic fracture - WITHOUT signs of peritonitis?
Extraperitoneal bladder injury (i.e. neck, anterior wall, anterolateral wall of bladder NOT the dome)
Post-op AKI: BUN to Cr ratio? Two other signs?
Common cause?
> 20:1, oliguria, no sediment
Intravascular volume depletion
Traumatic amputation - what to do with body part?
Wrap in saline gauze, put in bag, put bag in ice
Skin cancer associated with chronic wounds/scars/inflamed skin?
Warning signs for splenic injury following BAT?
Course of action?
Hypotension, pleuritic chest pain, left abd wall bruising, LUQ tenderness, guarging, referred pain to left shoulder
HD stable: FAST exam then CT if warning signs
AMS: straight to CT
Nerves and vessels at risk in supracondylar fractures of humerus?
Brachial artery and nerve
(no brachial or radil pulses)
Median nerve
Suspected urethral injury- what to do?
retrograde urethrogram
Pancreatitis with ALT >150 think?
Gallstone pancreatitis
Cholecystectomy when medically stable enough for surgery
Hypotension (and HD instability) following cardiac catheterization (with possible ipsilateral flank or back pain) - THINK?
Diagnostics and tx?
Retroperitoneal hematoma
Get non-contrast CT of abd and pelvis
OR US abd
Then supportive tx, montoring and fluids/transfusion
Diffuse abd pain, in settign of cardiac embolic events , or A-fib?
(high WBC, high HgB, high amylase, metabolic acidosis)
Ischemic bowel
Immediate surgery
Or CT angio to confirm diagnosis
Cervical spine injuries intubation order?
stabilize the C-spine first then orotracheal intubation with rapid sequence if apneic
Fever, chest pain, high WBC, mediastinal widening post cardiac surgery - think?
acute mediatinitis
drainage, surgiucal debridement and ABX
Twisting knee injury likely to be?
Meniscal tear
HD unstable BAT: order of management?
1) fluids
2) FAST exam
3) if fluid seen on FAST then urgent lap
Acute hemotpyysis management (4 steps):
1) establish airway
2) ensure HD stbility
3) lateral position with bleeding lung down
4) bronchoscopy to identify site
Penetrating wound (eg GSW) below 4th intercostal space (nipple level) - management if unstable or stable?
unstable: ex lap
stable: CT
Abd pain and bloody diarrhea (poss fever and leukocytosis) post-op on abd aorta (eg AAA repair)? Diagnosis?
Bowel ischemia/infarction
RUQ pain that gets WORSE with morphine and opioids?
Lab elevations?
Sphincter of Oddi dysfucntion
AST/ALT, alk phos
Pusatile groin mass (below inguinal lig) with ANTERIOR THIGH PIAN, worse with walking? Diagnx?
Femoral artery aneurysm
Fever and lower abd/flank pain radiating to groin (PAIN WITH HIP EXTENSION) - think? Diagnose? Treat?
Psoas abscess
BGT trauma workup (HD stable vs unstable)
(If hematuria then) CT abd pelvis with contrast (if HD stable)
If HD unstable, IV pyelogtpahy THEN surgical evaluation
Erythema and swelling, with SEVERE “out of proportion” pain, with creiptus, drianigs, gas in deep tissues … and then hypotension …THINK
Nec fasc
Sudden increase in activty, pain, second metatarsal - think?
Stress fracture
Rest and analgesics
Best test for PAD (peripheral artery dz)?
Ankle-brachial index
better than duplex US - do after ABI if eval for intervention
Folks at greater risk for succinylcholine hyperkalemia?
Skeletal muscle trauma, burn, stroke, sedentary/paralyzed
So use rocuronium or vecuronium
How to diagnose possible diaphragm ruture when bowels in chest seen on KUB?