UWise flash cards
What is the utility of an intrauterine pressure catheter in arrest of stage 1 of labor?
Determining whether contractions are adequate (if not, augment with oxytocin)
What liver-related problems indicate “severe features” of pre-eclampsia?
Severe URQ/epigastric pain not due to other causes Transaminases at least 2x normal
What total amount of calcium to postmenopausal women need to maintain bone density?
1200 mg
What part of the anatomy should nitrazine blue sampling sample from?
Vaginal fluid (NOT cervix)
When is it acceptable to directly proceed to LEEP following Pap test?
HSIL in a non-pregnant patient >24. (However, colposcopy also acceptable here). (If 21-24, perform colposcopy, not LEEP).
What are the most common fetal effects of poorly controlled maternal diabetes (non-gestational?) (2)
- Neural tube defects and other CNS defects 2. Cardiovascular defects
What is the most common cause of elevated maternal serum AFP?
Under-estimation of gestational age (if not properly calculated) (Also elevated with multiple gestations, neural tube defects, and abdominal wall defects) (Decreased levels seen in Down syndrome)
What is the relative risk of peripartum infection in vaginal deliveries and C-sections?
5-10x higher in C/S
What are restrictions on use of indomethecin as a tocolytic as a result of possibility of premature ductus arteriosus closure?
Do not use after 32 weeks (use from 24-32 weeks) Do not use more than 48-72 hours
What is the recommendation for antidepressents and breastfeeding?
Can continue normal regimen while breastfeeding
What should be done if cord prolapse is associated with a reassuring fetal heart rhythm?
Elevate fetal head with a hand in the vagina (to prevent cord compression) and deliver by C-section
What fetal endocrine abnormality is associated with post-term pregnancy?
Fetal adrenal hypoplasia
What endocrine abnormality may be seen in molar pregnancy?
Hyperthyroidism (high HCG levels mimic TSH)
What vaginal infection is assocaited with thick, curdish discharge?
Vulvoavaginal candidiasis
What is pelvic congestion syndrome, and how does it present?
Chronic dilation and stasis of pelvic veins leading to vascular congestion. Presents with pelvic pain and a sensation of “fullness” or “heaviness.” The uterus may be enlarged due to ovarian and uterine vein dilation. It may vary cyclically because estrogen vasodilates and worsens the congestion. It may worsen over the day. There may also be vaginal discharge, backache, and urinary frequency.
What medication has been shown to reduce the risk of premature labor in those with a history of premature later associated with PPROM?
17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (given from 16-20 weeks until 36 weeks)
How is pruriturus gravidarum treated if it is refractory to antihistamines and topical emollients?
Ursodeoxycholic acid (itching due to bile salt retension) (Can consider pruriturus gravidarum to be a mild form of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy)
What old features of severe pre-eclampsia are no longer considered?
Total 24-hr urine protein >5 g Fetal growth restriction
What is suggested by mild fever and mild uterine fundal tenderness in the peripartum period?
Endometritis (seen after 2% of VD and 10-15% of C/S)
What is the treatment for a single vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) III lesion?
Wide local excision
Other than fever, what physical exam finding can suggest intra-amniotic infection?
Uterine fundal tenderness
What tocolytic is myasthenia gravis a contraindication for?
Magnesium sulfate
How is syphilis treated in a pregnant woman with serious penicillin allergy?
Give Penicillin G, but “desensitive” by slowly building up dose over hours (There are no proven alternatives to penicillin for syphilis in pregnancy - doxycycline/tetracycline are normally second-line, but are CI in pregnancy) (I did find a paper that says ceftriaxone may work well)
What do you worry about with loss of fetal station?
Uterine rupture
What induction medications are contraindicated in patients with prior C/S?
What vaginal infection is associated with erythematous patches on the cervix?
Trichomonas (“strwaberry cervicitis”)
What is the pattern of the different biometry measurements in TORCH infection?
Symmetric IUGR: All measures decreased equally, normal HC/AC and FL/AC ratios
What is the next step in the workup of LSIL and in a 24 year old?
Repeat Pap + HPV in one year.
What is the pattern of the different biometry measurements in trisomy 13 and 18?
Symmetric IUGR: All measures decreased equally, normal HC/AC and FL/AC ratios
What vaginal infection is associated with yellow, frothy discharge?
Trichomonas vulvovaginitis
Other than abscess, what postpartum infection can persist despite appropriate antibiotics? What else is required in treatment?
Septic thrombophlebitis requires short-term anticoagulation (heparin) as well as antibiotics (Infection of thrombosis of venous system of pelvis)
What is the treatment for arrested dilation in the active phase with contractions every 2-3 minutes?
AROM if intact. Afterwards (or if already ruptured), may use pitocin.
What are three common conditions that can lead to increased risk of first trimester pregnancy loss?
Lupus, DM, thyroid disease
What enzyme deficiency leads to masculinization? What marker is used to test for this condition?
21-hydroxylase deficiency. 17-hydroxyprogesterone is elevated.
What drug with anti-androgen effects (but more commonly used for another purpose) can be used in conjunction with OCP to treat idiopathic hirsuitism?
Spiranolactone (aldosterone receptor antagonist that also has antiandrogen effects)
How does history suggestive of drug abuse affect the treatment of a newborn without respiratory effort?
Relative contraindication for naloxone as this can lead to fatal opioid withdrawal. (Instead, give positive pressure ventilation and prepare to ventilate).
What is the preferred management for severe hemolytic disease(e.g. in zone 3 of the Lilly curve)?
Delivery or intrauterine fetal transfusion (depending on gestational age)
What is the recommended time for avoiding pregnancy after D&C for molar pregnancy?
6 months after negative HCG levels
What is the biggest risk factor for peripartum infection after a vaginal delivery?
Protracted labor (others include prolonged ROM, multiple vaginal exams, internal fetal monitoring, manual placental removal, and low socio-economic status)
What is the gestational age cutoff at which manual vaccum aspiration abortion is no longer an option?
8 weeks
What is a noninvasive method for detecting fetal anemia?
Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (increased in anemia)
What organism most commonly causes lactational mastitis?
Staph aureus
What is the the best predictor of chorioamnionitis on amniocentesis labs?
Low glucose (
What is the primary function restored by infusing cryprecipitate?
Coagulation (contains fibrinogen, vWF, Factors VIII and XIII)
In a patient under 24 who is having repeat Pap 12 months after ASC-US or LSIL, what are the potential next steps depending on findings?
ASC or higher: colposcopy Negative: repeat in 12 months, and then return to regular screening if that is negative.
Which out of these non-Rh(D) antibodies can be associated with hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)? ABO, Duffy, I, Kell, Lewis, MNS, P, P1, Rh(c), Rh(E)
Associated with HDFN: ABO, Duffy, Kell, MNS, Rh(c), Rh(E) Not associated: I (not expressed on fetal/newborn RBC), Lewis (IgM), P1 (IgM) Clarification on P: Only associated with HDFN when the mother has the very-rare “p” phenotype, which has antibodies against P1+P+P(k). In contrast, women with P2 often produce anti-P1 antibodies, but these are IgM
What vulvar lesion presents with whitish, hyperkeratoric areas mottling over a fiery red background?
Paget’s disease of the vulva (reaction to SCC or internal carcinoma). (Analogous to Paget disease of breast)
What uterotonic is contraindicated in patients with significant asthma (especially if poorly controlled?
Prostoglandin F2alpha (Carboprost/Hemabate) (Smooth muscle constrictor that leads to bronchoconstriction)
What blood pressure levels require treatment in pregnancy? What is the blood pressure goal in pre-eclampsia?
Threshold for treatment: >150 or >160 systolic, >105 or >110 diastolic (recommendations differ) Target: 140-150 systolic, 90-100 diastolic (recommendations differ) Key take home: want to control, but don’t be too aggressive due to risk of fetal harm
What is the least invasive treatment for missed abortion?
Misoprostol (PGE1) to contract uterus to expel products of conception (Can also use manual vaccum aspiration or D&C)
How can cervicitis present in pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding (cervix much more vascular in pregnancy)
What are the first three steps in evaluating postpartum hemorrhage?
Assess uterine tone Assess for retained placenta (examine delivered placenta for completeness) Assess for lacerations
What is given for prophylaxis in infants born to HIV-positive mothers? When does this begin? When does HIV testing begin?
Start AZT (Zidovudine) at birth HIV testing beginning at 24 hours of life (not birth)
What parenteral regimen for PID includes no beta-lactams?
Clindamycin + gentamicin
What is the treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis?
A topical synthetic imidazole, or oral fluconazole
How does the use of chemotherapy and radiation change during pregnancy?
Chemotherapy: risk of birth defects or fetal loss in first trimester (especially antifolate drugs). In 2nd/3rd trimesters, some chemo regimens can be used, although there are still increased risks of stillbirth, IUGR,and fetal toxicities). Radiation generally avoided
What are the patterns of different biometry measuremens in the following causes of IUGR: Pre-eclampsia, Smoking/alcohol/heroin, TORCH infection, Trisomy 13/18, Uteroplacental insufficiency?
Asymmetric IUGR: Abdominal circumfrence decreased disproportionately to other measures (HC and BPD may be normal). High HC/AC ratio. Seen in pre-eclampsia and uteroplacental insufficiency Symmetric IUGR: All measures decreased equally, normal HC/AC and FL/AC ratios. Seen in Smoking/alcohol/heroin, TORCH, Trisomy 13/18
How is pregnancy with a large fibroid protruding into the lower uterine segment managed?
What is the gestational age cutoff at which medical abortion is no longer an option?
7 weeks (49 days)
What adverse events does terbutaline put the patient at risk for?
Maternal heart problems and resulting death
What is the risk of fetal loss with chorionic villus sampling?
What is the biggest risk factor for post-partum depression?
Personal history of depression
What stragtegies does evidence support for preventing pre-term delivery in twins?
No clear best strategy. Ensuring good early maternal weight gain (first 20-24 weeks) may help, at least with preventing low birth weight. (Bed rest, cerclage, prophylactic tocolytics starting at 24 weeks, and home uterine monitoring have been shown to be ineffective)
What are the treatments for bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vulvovaginitis? What are alternate agents for each?
Both treated by metronidazole. Trichomonas can be treated by a single high dose, bacterial by multiple low doses. BV can also be treated by clindamycin, Trichomonas can also be treated by tinidazole.
What is classically associated with size > dates uterus and elevated HCG?
Molar pregnancy (especially complete mole)
Other than tocolytics, what drug likely needs to be given to a woman going into premature labor at 34 weeks?
Ampicillin (GBS status most likely unknown, since, testing occurs at 35-37 weeks)
What is indicated when a breast mass is reduced by fine needle aspiration, but the aspirate is bloody, and the mammogram is normal?
Excisional biopsy (normal mammogram does not rule out cancer)
What is the dilute Russel viper venom test a proxy test for?
Lupus anticoagulant (part of antiphospholipid syndrome workup for recurrent pregnancy loss)
In severe uterine atony requiring laporoscopic intervention, what is the first procedure to try?
B-Lynch suture (brace sutures that vertically wrap around the uterus itself)
What size babies are associated with type I diabetes, type II diabetes, and gestational diabetes? In each of these, are newborns are risk for hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, or neither?
Type I: small Type II and GDM: large All: increased risk of hypoglycemia
For what malignancy is biopsy NOT the gold standard of diagnosis? How is the diagnosis made instead?
Choriocarcinoma (highly vascular, DO NOT biopsy) In a setting of recent pregnancy (term, miscarriage, termination, molar), elevated HCG when uterine and ectopic pregnancy ruled out is diagnostic for GTD
How is abnormal intrauterine pregnancy treated (slow HCG rise, low progesterone)?
Expectant management is sufficient. Misoprostone, vaccum aspiration, and D&C may be used.
On colposcopy, what do punctations and mosaicism represent?
New blood vessels on their ends (punctations) and sides (mosaicism)
How should preterm labor (
Induction of labor if reassuring FHR, otherwise C/S (Fever and tender fundus suggest intra-amniotic infection, so tocolysis and/or observation are not appropriate)
What rare complication of severe postpartum hemorrhage can lead to fatigue, prolonged amenorrhea, milk production failure, and hypotension?
Sheehan’s syndrome: Nectrosis of anti-pituitary leading to deficit of gonadotropins, TSH, and ACTH
What thresholds on 24-hr urine protein for pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia with severe features in old guidelines?
Pre-eclampsia: >300 mg w/ severe features: >5 g (Note: latest guidelines do not include
What is the treatment for invasive SCC of the vulva?
Microinvasive SCC (lesion
What maternal genetic mutation is associated with maternal thrombosis as well as stillbirth, preeclampsia, placental abruption, and IUGR?
Factor V Leiden mutation (the most common inherited thrombophilic disorder, Factor V is resistant to activation by Protein C).
What cardiac conditions have maternal mortality of 25-50% in pregnancy? (3)
Pulmonary hypertension Aortic coarctation with valve involvement Marfan syndrome with aortic involvement
How do the rates of fetal death and cerebral palsy in twins compare to singletons?
Both are about 5x more likely
Vacuum vs forceps-assisted operative vaginal delivery: which has a greater risk of: Cephalohematoms? Hyperbilirubinemia? Maternal lacerations? Transient neonatal lateral rectus paralysis?
Vacuum has greater risk of cephalohematoma and therefore hyperbilirubinema, as well as transient neonatal lateral rectus paralysis (but the last resolves spontaneously and isn’t clinically important) Forceps has greater risk of maternal lacerations
How do cervical polyps compare to cervical cancer on examination?
Cervical polyps usually soft, cancer usually hard or nodular (Both can cause vaginal bleeding in pregnancy)
What adverse fetal effects are associated with maternal valproate use? (3)
- Neural tube defects 2. Hydrocephalis 3. Craniofacial malformations
What is the definite treatment for severe endometriosis in a patient who has failed medical management and does not desire fertility?
Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy
What surgical procedures have the best 5-year success rate in the treatment of genuine stress incontinence with urethral hypermobility?
Retropubc urethropexy / suspension (tension-free tape or sutures from vaginal tissue around urethra, anchored to pubic bone) AND suberethral sling are both highly effective (Needle bladder neck suspension is less effective)
What is the treatment for mastitis during breastfeeding?
NSAIDs and antibiotics with SA coverage. Encourage to continue breastfeeding. (Antibiotics: Cephalexin or dicloxacillin if MRSA not suspected. Beta-lactam allergy: Clindamycin Severe disease: TMP-SMX (but not if breastfeeding newborn due to kernicterus risk) or vancomycin)
What should the response be to ASC-US with reflex HPV testing positive for a high-risk type?
How is thyroid storm treated in pregancy?
Thiomide (propylthiouracil/PTU, carbimazole, or methimazole - inhibit thyroperoxidase) Propanolol Dexamethasone (decrease T4 conversion to T3) Sodium iodide (blocks thyroid hormone release) Radioactive iodine (I-131) is CI due to congenital hypothyroidism
What is the most common side effect of fluoxetine?
What complications does smoking put you at risk for? (5)
Placental abruption Placenta previa Fetal growth restriction Infection Preeclampsia
What provocative test can be used to determine ovarian reserve?
Clomiphene challenge test: give clomiphene citrate in mid-follicular phase (days 5 to 9), testing FSH before (day 3) and after (day 10). (If good ovarian reserve, FSH begins low and stays low (
How is hydrops fetalis defined?
Edema in at least 2 fetal components on ultrasound: Ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, and skin edema
How should decreased fetal growth with reassuring AFI and non-stress test be treated?
Weekly non-stress tests to ensure fetal wellbeing