uwbxuebd Flashcards
it is an area of work that promotes and maintains the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers.
A. Community Health
B.Occupational Health
C.Public Health
D. Epidemiological Health
These are the examples of occupational health, except?
A.Drug screenings
B. Collisions
D. Medical history
These are the examples of occupational health, except?
A.Drug screenings
B. Collisions
D. Medical history
It is the process wherein bacteria converts nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into ammonia.
a. Nitrogen fixation
b. Nitrification
c. Denitrification
d. Ammonification
It is the final step of the nitrogen cycle when anaerobic bacteria can turn nitrates back into nitrogen gas.
a. Nitrogen fixation
b. Nitrification
c. Denitrification
Is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the heaith and well-being of humans, wildlife and environmental quality.
a. Noise Pollution
b. Neighbourhood Noise
c. Transport Noise
d. Industrial Noise
Hearing health Foundation reports that…. is the 2nd most prevalent health issue globally.
a. Hearing loss
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. Alzheimer’s disease
d. Diabetes
What is the purpose of control measure?
a. To prevent or reduce the level of risk
b. To produce ionization directly.
c. To maintain the level of hazard
d. All of the above
All are control measure EXCEPT:
a. Cleaning
b. Pest control
C. lonization
d. Temperature control
The 3R’s are REUSE, REDUCE, and ..
All are waterborne illnesses, EXCEPT
A. Typhoid fever
B. Cholera
C. Diarrhea
Refers to the ability of the test to correctly identify individuals with the disease.
A. Agent
B. Specificity
C. Host
D. Sensitivity
The ability of the test to correcty identify individuals with the disease.
A. Sensitivity
B. Host
C. Specificitty
D. Agent
It is a situation in which all community residents obtain a safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes community self-reliance and social justice.
A. Community Food Security
B. Community Health and Food Security
C. Health and Food Protection
Causes of Food Insecurity, EXCEPT:
A. Soil depletion
B. Climate change
C. All of the Above
D. None of the Above
A non-hazardous wastes generated from households
a. Community waste
b. Hazardous waste
c. Biodegradable waste
d. Industrial waste
Community waste are waste that are generated from the following, EXCEPT:
a. Households
b. Commercial land
c. Street waste
d. Hospital facilities
The process of collecting solid waste for transportation from the producer of solid waste.
a. Street waste
b. Disposal
c. Collection
d. Waste Compaction
The process of controlled combustion of garbage to reduce it to incombustible matter.
a Landfill
b. Incineration
c. Waste Compaction
d. Solid waste
The simplest method for determining whether a water source is contaminated with bacteria.
A. Coliform test
B. Chlorine test
C. Testing of waters
It is the measurement of relative clarity of a liquid.
A. Salinity
B. Turbidity
C. Nitrates
D. phosphates
We have two known cities without sewer systems, what are those?
1. Port-au-Prince
II. Bengaluru IIl. Haiti
A. I and II.
B. I and III,
C. II and III.
Sewage system pairs old methods with new science that get human waste safely back in the ground. Thus, cities without sewer system lacks:
A. Conventional sanitation
B. Safe drinking water
C. Water pollution
D. Both A and B.
What is clorine?
A. Alcohol
B. for drinking
C. To kill bacteria
D. all of the above
What are the uses of chlorine?
A. To disinfect
Who provides funds for the sewage treatment?
A. Central processing unit
B. Local government unit
C. Local government code
D. Central government code
Defined as the management of money and includes activities such as investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving and forecasting.
A. Fiance
B. Investment
C. Finance
D. Funds
The contamination of indoor and outdoor environments by means of physical, chemical, or biological agents that may alter the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
A. Airline Pollution
B. Hair Pollution
C. Hear Pollution
D. Air pollution
The atmosphere is made up of 4 gases, namely: Nitrogen, Argon, and Carbon dioxide
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Oksijen
D. Magnesium
Some are preventive measures to mitigate radiation pollution except
a. proper disposal of radioactive wastes
b. excessive exposure to doses of radiation
c. banning nuclear tests
d. using alternative eco-friendly sources of energy
It is the presence of any substance in air, water, soil, or food which threatens the health of human, animal and plant life.
a. Disposal
b. Climate change
c. Pollution
d. Incineration
The following are water related diseases, EXCEPT:
a. Hepatitis B
b. Dysentery
c. diarrhoea
d. cholera
Daily water intake (fluid) or the amount of water consumed from foods, drinking water and other beverages?
a. water supplies
b. water conservation
c. water consumption
d. water pollution
It is a type of toilet that collects human waste in a hole in the ground.
A. Bidet
B. Portable Toilet
C. Pit latrine
D. One-piece toilet
enter the pit through a drop hole in the floor, which might be connected to a toilet seat or squatting pan for user comfort.
A. Urine and feces
B. Blood and Urine
C. Food and Water
D. Feces and Foods
What is the main source of groundwater supplies?
A. River
B. Swaps
C. Rainfalls
D. Spring
All of these are germs that contaminate other sources of groundwater supplies, EXCEPT;
A. Parasites
B. Bacteria
C. Cholera
D. Virus
The conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life.
A. Housing
B. Social determinants of health
C. Epidemiology of Housing and Health
Examples of poor housing quality are … Except?
A. Water leaks
B. Pest infestation
C. Easily damaged
D. Proper ventilation
Any discarded material that is abandoned by being disposed of burned or incinerated, recycled
or considered waste-like.’
A. Collection
B. Waste Reduction
C. Solid Waste
D. Disposal
The collection, processing, and recycling or deposition of the waste materials of human society.
A. Collection
B. Waste Reduction
C. Solid Waste
D. Disposal
Which of the following is NOT a function of The Local Water Utilities Administration?
a. LWUA functions as a lending source
b. LWUA functions as a model for nationwide water-related organizations
c. LWUA functions as an expert in water supply development
d. LWUA functions as a financial expert
The Water Code of the Philippines is also known as the?
a. Presidential Decree NO. 1067, S. 1976
b. Presidential Decree NO. 4688, S. 1976
c. Presidential Decree NO. 1067, S. 1967
d. Presidential Decree NO. 3782, S. 1967
What is an example of community responsibility?
a. Disobeying the community rules and regulations
b. Disrespecting the elders
c. Talking with friends in the community
d. Volunteering and supporting every political or social issues that help others
What does it take to keep a healthy home?
a. More pests in the kitchen
b. A well- ventilated home
c. A happy and loving family members
d. A dusty surroundings
What is the purpose of adding fluoride to drinking water?
a. To kill any harmful bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms that may be present in the water
b. To get rid of any harmful minerals
C. To combat tooth decay
d. None of the above
Which if the following is a naturally occuring mineral thats often used in dental products?
a. lodine
b. Sodium
c. Fluoride
d. Calcium
How are foodbome illnesses spread?
a. From contact with animals or their environment
b. Person-to-person spread
c. Indirect contact
d. All of the above
It is caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages.
a. Foodborne illnesses
b. Waterborne illnesses
c. Airborne illnesses
d. None of the above
It is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage
a. Regulation of Sewage Disposal b.Financing Sewage Treatment
c.Lagoon Treatment
d.Sewage Disposal
The following are the importance of Regulation of Sewage Disposal:
a. Conservation of natural environment b.Water conservation
c. Prevent blockage of water
d. All of the above
Up to how many percent of illnesses in the developing world are linked to inadequate water and sanitation?
d. 50%
What is the primary objective of safe drinking water legislation?
a. Promoting water conservation
b. Ensuring access to clean and healthy water
c. Reducing water pollution
d. Regulating water prices
How does safe drinking water legislation promote transparency and accountability?
a. By requiring water suppliers to publish annual water consumption reports
b. By providing tax incentives for business that conserve water
c. By establishing a public hotline for reporting water quality concerns
d. By mandating regular reporting of water quality information to the public
An environment where it can vary widely depending on personal preferences and interests.
A. Renewable Environment
B. Recreational Environment
C. Creational Environment
D. Refreshment Environment
The issue of smoking in public places has been a subject of significant debate and regulation in many countries around the world. What are some key points to consider?
A. Healthy Lifestyle
B. Legislations and Regulations
C. Arguments in Nature
D. Both A and C
it is natural water that has not penetrated much below the surface of the ground.
a. Ground water
b. Surface water
c. Distilled water
d. Purified water
Which is NOT an example of surface water.
a. Lake
b. Wetiands
c. Rives
d. Man-made well
What method is used for lagoon treatment
a. Mixed treatment method
b. Experimentation method
c. Anaerobic
d. Aerobic
The three main variations of waste water treatment
a. Lagoon, lake, river
b. Anaerobic, aerobic, facultative
c. Chemical, biological, physical
d. pumping, mixing, dredging
A facility building or any portion of a facility buiiding that is used for living, sleeping, counseling, dining.
a. Recreational Environment
b. Recreation
c. Residential Environment
d. Occupational
Defined as “the workplace surroundings that encompass the physical and social environment”
a. Resident
b. Recreational Environment
c. Occupational Environment
d. Residential Environment
All are four types of radiation except:
a. Alpha radiation
b. Beta radiation
c. Gamma rays
d. Protons
Is directed to assemble, study, and disseminate information on observed levels of ionizing radiation and radioactivity (natural and man-made) in the environment and its effects.
a. World Health Organization (WHO)
b. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
c. UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)
d. International Labour Organization (ILO)
What determines the milk quality for raw milk to be considered of a suitable quality level?
a. Free of debris and sediment, off flavors, abnormal coloring, low in bacterial count and free of chemicals.
b. Results in having diarrhea, gas and bloating after drinking dairy products.
c. Raw milk that has not been pasteurized.
d. Milk from cows with lameness and infertility conditions with bacterial infections
What are the examples of milk products?
a. Butter, cream, yogurt, cheese, ice cream
b. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard
c. Soymilk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk
d. Flour, eggs, potatoes
What are meat products composed of?
a. Products made from animal tissues used as food, which are submitted to a process such as cooking, salting, smoking, or addition of condiments and seasoning.
b. It is composed of eggs
c. Meat comes from nuts, seeds and soy products
d. It is made out of nuts
What are meat products composed of?
a. Products made from animal tissues used as food, which are submitted to a process such as cooking, salting, smoking, or addition of condiments and seasoning.
b. It is composed of eggs
c. Meat comes from nuts, seeds and soy products
d. It is made out of nuts
Below are different kinds of meat, except;
a. Beef, lamb, pork, sausages
b. Cabbage, carrots, potatoes
c. Goat meat, turkey meat, duck meat
d. Buffalo meat, goose meat, chicken meat
What digestion happens in effluent
a. Aerobic
b. Trickling Filter
C. Activating Sludge
d. Oxidation Ponds
What kind of disinfectant is used in drinking water, swimming pools, or even in households?
a. Flourine
b. Chlorine
c. Magnesium
d. Sodium