UW7 Flashcards
How do you confirm a dx of psoas abscess?
CT scan
What is the surgical standard of care for SCC
Moh’s Micrographic surgery
What nerve is responsible for the Trendelenburg sign?
Superior gluteal nerve (innervates gluteus maximus and medius)
What should be done in a hemorrhaging pt before intubating them? Why?
Bolus with IVF because the CVP is already low in hemorrhage so placing them on ventilator will increase the intrathoracic pressure even more leading to possible cardiac arrest
What humeral fractures are associated with compartment syndrome? What long term complication may arise from this?
Supracondylar fractures; Volkmann’s Ischemic contracture (dead muscle all replaced by fibrous tissue)
What is the appropriate mgmt of SBO
Admit, place NGT, make NPO and put on IVF as NGT will cause ongoing fluid losses with hypokalemic hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
What is the most accurate test for intraductal papilloma? What is seen on US?
Retrograde galactogram; oftentimes, NOTHING!
What is the most common cause of death in Ludwig angina?
Asphyxiation. Due to posterior displacement of tongue
What needs to be given to any pt prior to surgery who is on chronic steroids (i.e. greater than 3 weeks)
Stress doses of steroids
What is the likely cause of acute pain and swelling in the midline sacrococcygeal area? Cause? Tx?
Pilonidal cyst infected; due to friction in the area; Tx is I/D with excision of the sinus tracts
Why should a hip dislocation be promptly reduced?
Decrease risk of AVN
What is the MC cause of post-rhinoplasty whistling?
Septal perforation (Note Wegeners, Leprosy, and congenital syphilis also often have septal issues with a saddle nose deformity)
What virus can cause AIHA?
What are the radiologic signs of acalculous cholecystitis? Tx?
GB wall thickening, distention, and pericholecystic fluid; percutaneous cholecystostomy acutely and later definitive tx with cholecystectomy
What is the most common cause of mesenteric ischemia?
Embolic as opposed to thrombotic, Afib is MC with lodging into SMA
A vertebral burst fracture is associated with which neurologic syndrome?
Anterior Cord Syndrome (total loss of motor fxn distal to the lesion with preservation of proprioception)
What is important to rule out when making a dx of hypoparathyroidism?
There must be normal renal fxn; i.e. hypocalcemia and hyperparathyroidism IN THE PRESENCE OF NORMAL RENAL FXN
When tx inhalational smoke injury why should you have a low threshold for intubation?
Progressive edema of laryngeal structures may preclude intubation further down the line if truly needed
What drug should be given in Afib RVR with acute CHF?
Digoxin; BB and CCB would be CI; However, the digoxin can increase contractility and provide rate control from increased vagal tone
In whom must you be careful giving etomidate to for rapid sequence intubation?
Pts with HPA axis suppression (i.e. on chronic corticosteroids)
T/F high dose steroids are indicated in severe burn injuries; why or why not
FALSE; they are immunosuppressive and diabetogenic; burn victims already at increased risk infxn and in their hypermetabolic phase will have excess cortisol and hyperglycemia any way
Surgical length greater than ____ is a risk factor for post-op PNA
3 hours
What is an important complication that may occur when an arterial puncture site is made ABOVE the inguinal ligament?
Retroperitoneal hematoma (can present like AAA rupture); since hematoma formation always an issue at arterial puncture sites and above the inguinal ligament it can extend retroperitoneally
What is an important study to obtain in any pt s/p MVA or fall from great heights?
CXR to rule out aortic trauma
Why may a perforated duodenal ulcer present similarly to acute pancreatitis? What is a major diff?
Both are retroperitoneal processes; duodenal ulcer perf would likely be more painful but also not assoc with N/V as much as pancreatitis and if there was vomiting it would probs be coffee ground emesis
What makes diverticulitis complicated?
When assoc. with abscess formation, perforation, obstruction, fistula formation, or medically refractory dz; if collection 3cm then IR drainage
What should you always think of when a pt has fx of the first or second rib?
Potential aortic or carotid injury; these are very hard to break so implies a very large force!
What is the MC complication of thyroidectomy?
Hypocalcemia; be esp. careful in pts with malabsorption as they may already have impaired calcium homeostasis
How is the presentation of acute mesenteric ischemia diff from ischemic colitis?
Ischemic colitis is often painful but not nearly as bad as acute mesenteric ischemia; also mesenteric ischemia does not always present with bleeding sometimes not until later
What is the most important diagnostic study to perform after the ABCs in chest trauma?
What is a common cause of forefoot pain in the female athlete triad
Stress fx
How does a blunt trauma pt get air embolism?
The blunt trauma can result in a communication between blood vessels and the airways leading to air in the vasculature; often presents AFTER positive pressure ventilation is induced
How do you treat a rectal lesion less than 5 cm from the anal verge? Why?
Abdominoperineal resection with end colostomy; it is too distal to treat with low anterior resection with maintenance of any sort of sphincter mechanism
When does screening colonoscopy start in pts with known FMHx of FAP?
10; these pts can be full of polyps by age 20
What is the proper tx of diphenhydramine OD?
Physostigmine to reverse the anticholinergic effects and probably intermittent catheterizations prn urinary retention
Explain the hypermetabolic phase that occurs after burns
There is an increase in catecholamine release and cortisol that causes increased protein wasting
What exactly causes a post-op ileus?
There is excess sympathetics because you have violated the peritoneum; additionally post-op narcotics don?t help the situation
What needs to be ordered in any pt with blunt chest trauma and signs of acute CHF or shock?
Urgent echocardiogram
How should you deal with hip fx in the elderly with comorbid conditions?
Surgery can be delayed up to 72 hours to treat acute medical conditions
What is important to do in any pt with spinal cord injury to monitor VS
Bladder catheterization
What is the number one cause of death in burns?
Hypovolemic shock
How do you evaluate penetrating thoracic injury below the nipple with hemodynamic instability?
Exploratory laparatomy because below the nipple is abdomen; indicated when there is hemodynamic instability, peritoneal signs, or clear evisceration
What can fat necrosis look like histologically?
Foamy macrophages and fat globules; if seen in breast after trauma just observe
How do you manage penetrating trauma to abdomen with instability
Ex lap; no need for CT or even US (FAST) because there is obvious intraperitoneal bleeding
What is the typical timeline for ventilator associated PNA and what is the MC bug?
usually after 48 hours of intubation; P. aeruginosa
What is Leriche syndrome?
Due to aortoiliac occlusive disease it is bilateral hip, thigh, and buttock pain with wasting and impotence
What is the most likely route of infection of psoas abscess? Describe the physical signs based on palpation
Hematogenous with S. aureus most common i.e. from cellulitis of thigh etc.; deep palpation required to elicit tenderness because is a retroperitoneal process
How do you manage hydroceles in kids?
If under 12 months it tends to resolve spontaneously; after 12 months it should be closed surgically to avoid developing indirect inguinal hernia
Describe the CXR findings of pulmonary contusion
Initially after injury may be normal, often worsen with fluid administration secondary to third spacing; later CXR will show a fluffy infiltrate (white out)
Why should a cricothyroidotomy eventually be converted to a formal tracheostomy?
Prolonged use of the cricothryoidotomy can lead to subglottic stenosis
What is triple therapy for H. pylori
Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, and PPI
What are some signs of thermal injury to the airway? What does this tell you?
Presence of soot, ash, frank burns, or singed nasal hair; this is an airway emergency and rapid sequence intubation is needed
What is bleeding in diverticular bleed?
The vasa recta
What does fever, chills, and deep abdominal pain suggest
Retroperitoneal process
What is the Bosniak classification system used for?
Evaluates renal cysts on the basis of radiographic findings; contrast enhancing lesions are usually Bosniak III-IV and more likely malignant
How do you manage early dumping syndrome?
It is usually self limiting so first you do dietary modification with more frequent smaller meals, then octreotide, then if truly refractory can convert to a Roux-en-Y
What do you do for a pelvic fx with hemodynamic instability?
Monitor response to IVF and follow serial H/H. You should never explore the hematoma as bleeding is usually from several of the smaller vessels and not usually amenable to tx
Define massive hemoptysis? What should be done and why?
> 600 ml blood; you should do a bronchoscopy (for tamponade/cautery) with the bleeding lung in the dependent position; you do this bc the main risk assoc. with massive hemopytsis is asphyxiation
What is the first step for a nondisplaced scaphoid fx or suspected scaphoid fx without radiologic evidence?
Thumb spica cast 7-10 days then rescan
How does gastric outlet obstruction usually present?
Post-prandial pain, early satiety and vomiting (often due to edema from ulcer)
How do you manage a contrast enhancing renal cyst?
Nephrectomy or nephron sparing nephrectomy; this is a Bosniak III-IV lesion so risk for malignancy is high
Why do you have to be careful with IVF in flail chest?
There is likely underlying pulmonary contusion and overagressive volume rescuscitation can cause third spacing into it
What is the mgmt of penis fracture?
Retrograde urethrogram followed by surgical exploration of the penis
What is the likely cause of shock when the PCWP increases after IVF administration?
What is the 4-2-1 rule of maintenance fluid replacement
4 ml/kg for first 10 kg; 2 ml/kg for 10-20 kg and then 1 ml/kg for each kg after that
Explain the following interventions for lowering ICP? 1) Head elevation 2) Sedation 3) IV mannitol 4) Hyperventilation 5) Removal of CSF
1) increases venous outflow from brain 2) decreases metabolic demand 3) osmotic diuresis which removes free water 4) removal of CO2 allows for vasoconstriction 5) Shunt placement
How would you treat coagulopathy in pancreatic cancer? Cirrhosis?
Vitamin K since it is due to malabsorption due to CBD blockage therefore supplementation will work? In cirrhosis the liver is shot so giving vitamin K wont really help, you need to give FFP
Trochanteric bursitis occurs near insertion of what muscle?
Gluteus medius (innvervated by superior gluteal n. i.e. trendelenburg sign)
What goal is a labeled RBC scan trying to achieve?
Localize the bleeding when colonoscopy failed to visualize a source so that either mesenteric angio can be done or repeat colonoscopy
How does central cord syndrome present? What predisposes to it?
Hyperextension injuries in pts with pre-existing degenerative changes; paralysis of upper extremities more than lower
What is the mgmt of acute mediastinitis s/p CABG?
Surgical Debridement with immediate closing and prolonged abx
What happens when a pt with flail chest gets intubated and put on positive pressure ventilation?
The paradoxical respiratory motion will correct
What is the next best step in diagnosing subacute knee pain s/p twisting injury?
MRI, likely medial meniscus
What is the most likely type of parotid neoplasm to be there if it is recurrent?
Pleomorphic adenoma
Why does general anesthesia increase risk of gastric aspiration?
It impairs laryngeal functioning
What if rib fracture pain is not adequately controlled with NSAIDs? Major risk of this tx?
Intercostal nerve block; PTX
What is the most important goal in rib fx? Why?
Adequate pain control to prevent splinting, atelectasis, and pneumonia
What is the next best step in abdominal trauma if a pt is hemodynamically stable after a fluid challenge?
CT scan; esp. with splenic injury because you want to grade the injury so you can hopefully salvage rather than take it out