UW Week 1 & 2 Flashcards
What does succusion splash help dx?
Gastric outlet obstruction; retained gastric material >3 hrs after a meal will generate a splash indicating presence of viscus filled w/ fluid and gas -> definitive eval w/ endoscopy
57yoM episodes of blood in urine, fatigue, and fever for 4 weeks, 50 pack year smoking, father died of blood disorder (meh) but pt unsure of name, left sided varicocele that fails to empty when pt is recumbent. Hgb = 18, WBCs 7400, PLTs = 580000, U/A > 10 RBCs/hpf, dx and imaging?
Renal cell carcinoma (classic triad of hematuria, back pain, and palpable mass not always present), note LEFT SIDED varicocele that does not empty while recumbent is pretty good indicator for mass - left gonadal vein drains into left renal vein; note ectopic production of EPO by tumor can produce polycythemia. Get CT abdomen
Management of pulseless electrical activity or asystole?
Uninterrupted CPR along w/ vasopressor therapy to maintain adequate cerebral and coronary perfusion; potentially reversible causes of PEA = the 5H’s and 5T’s; there is no role for defib or cardioversion in PEA pts
Polycythemia vera vs carbon monoxide poisoning question (47yoM, daytime HA, dizziness, nausea, works as a traffic controller in underground parking garage - cars in an enclosed space)
Polycythemia vera: clonal myeloproliferative disorder that causes inc in all 3 cell lines (PLTs, white count, hematocrit) pts often asymptomatic w/ occasional transient neuro symptoms or thrombosis
Carbon monoxide poisoning: can see secondary polycythemia d/t tissue hypoxia prompting kidneys to produce more EPO, pulse ox dose not differentiate btw carboxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin so can not be used to dx CO poisoning; dx made on ABG w/ co-oximetry; tx w/ oxygen or hyperbaric/intubation if severe
31yoF, nephrotic syndrome, renal bx performed, pt started on diuretics and salt and protein intake is restricted, edema improves but pts suddenly develops right sided abdominal pain, fever, and gross hematuria, dx and what will renal biopsy show?
Renal vein thrombosis! RVT is an important complication of nephrotic syndrome d/t loss of antithrombin III in the urine *inc risk of venous/arterial thrombosis. RVT can occur in any etiology of nephrotic syndrome but commonly seen w/ MEMBRANOUS!
Gross or microscopic hematuria w/ MINIMAL proteinuria after upper respiratory
IgA nephropathy - rarely will develop into glomerulonephritis or nephrotic syndrome
Fhx of colonic polyps and osteomas and alteration in tumor suppresor gene adenomatous polyposis coli, dx and mgmt?
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), pts w/ classic FAP develop >1000 polyps and universally develop colorectal cancer -> inc screening and elective proctocolectomy are standard of care (start w/ annual sigmoidoscopies for children starting at 10-12 followed by annual colonoscopies - start screening 8 years after initial dx for adults). Also look out for upper GI tumors. CEA monitoring is used for pts w/ established colorectal cancer
Hard unilateral non-tender lymph nodes are always suspicious for cancer; in pts w/ hx of smoking w/ lymph nodes in submandibular or cervical region, c/f what?
Head and neck cancer d/t squamous cell carcinoma
Pts w/ severe bladder outlet obstruction d/t BPH will have inc in Cr and develop AKI, next steps
Get renal U/S to assess for hydronephrosis
Ototoxic medications?
Aminoglycoside antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, aspirin, and LOOP DIURETICS. This pt had renal failure and was on aspirin (baby dose) and furosemide (normal dose but d/t renal failure = higher risk of ototoxicity leading to hearing loss)
HIV screening in asymptomatic man preparing to “take the next step”
HIV screening recommended for all pts age 15-65 regardless of risk factors at least once
Pts develops well-circumscribed and raised erythematous plaques w/ central pallor; pts have intense pruritus that can persist at night, individual lesions appear and enlarge over minutes to hours before disappearing within 24hrs, dx?
Acute urticaria (<6wks) can be d/t infections, NSAIDs, IgE mediated (abx, insects, latex, food), direct mast cell activation (narcotics, radiocontrast) or idiopathic (50% pts have this)
Random Facts
1) Contact dermatitis - erythematous papules/vesicles and last several days
2) Atopic dermatitis - flexural areas lasting days/weeks
3) Erythema multiforme - target lesion w/ iris shaped macule +/- vesicle or bullae, extensor surfaces
4) Pts w/ malnutrition, pregnancy, or certain comorbid conditions (diabetes mellitus) should be started on pyridoxine supplementation (B6) when tx for latent or active TB w/ isoniazid to prevent INH induced peripheral neuropathy
5) Fluoroquinolone is a/w tedinopathy and tendon rupture (commonly Achilles); stop drug at onset and avoid exercise/use, change abx
IVDU w/ fevers/chills for a week and holosystolic murmur at cardiac apex last used heroin yesterday, now w/ right arm weakness/lower facial droop/broad-based gait/difficult heel to shin (cerebellar lesion), dx?
Cerebral septic emboli; next steps include draw cultures, initiate broad spec abx, and obtain echo for vegetations
Neck pain, syncope, hx of HTN, mediastinal widening on cxr, and pericardial effusion, but NO pulse differential blood pressure in UE, dx and next steps?
Aortic dissection (BP differential is present in only 20-30% pts); next steps get CT angio if kidneys working and HDS - TEE if hemodynamically unstable or renal insufficiency
Painless, rapid, transient monocular vision loss, dx and imaging?
Amaurosis fugax - curtain descending over visual field - retinal ischemia d/t atherosclerotic emboli originating from ipsilateral INTERNAL carotid artery - get duplex US neck
Dx and mgmt of esophageal rupture (pt had recent EGD)?
Contrast esophagram! Start w/ water soluble contrast since less inflammatory but if that is nondiagnostic get barium study; if perf confirmed = primary closure of esophagus and drainage of mediastinum
Constipation, polyuria, and possibly abdl pain in the setting of Ca lvl of 11.4, and low phosphorus
Symptomatic hypercalcemia d/t primary hyperparathyroidism
Hyperparathyroidism, recurrent PUD/ulcers/burning upper abdl pain, pituitary adenomas, dx?
MEN1 - the GI/pancreatic endocrine tumors including gastrinomas aka Zollinger Ellison
Hypothyroid myopathy has myalgias, proximal muscle weakness, and elvated serum creatine kinase levels; pts often have features of hypothyroid (fatigue, delayed reflexes)
Vs polymyositis: SYMMETRIC proximal muscle weakness (lady just had LE), also myalgias is typically absent and DTR are normal (get bx to confirm polymyositis)
Mechanism or etiology of Mallory-Weiss?
Sudden increase in abdl pressure (forceful retching or blunt abdl trauma) causes mucosal tear in esophagus (submucosal arterial or venous plexus bleeding); risk factors include hiatal hernia or alcohol, dx w/ endoscopy, most heal spontaneously
Types of hearing loss:
Prescbycusis: old age hearing loss, high frequency first
Otosclerosis: chronic conducting hearing loss a/w bony overgrowth of the stapes, low frequency first (middle age pts)
Meniere’s: episodes of tinnitus, vertigo, and sensorineural hearing loss
Acoustic neuroma: most common tumor causing hearing loss - a/w unilateral hearing loss
AIDS pts on HAART, 32yo, complains of 1 mo left sided difficulty hearing, no HA/fever/chills/weight loss/ or ear discharge, exam shows dull tympanic membrane that is hypomobile on pneumatic otoscopy, dx?
Serous otitis media (non infectious effusion)
Mediterranean (this question was Greek), hemoglobin 10.2 w/ MCV 70, unresponsive to iron, dx?
Beta-thalassemia (minor)
Note on oxygen management in COPD exacerbation pt:
Goal of SaO2 of 90-93% or PaO2 60-70 in chronic COPD pts since increase in oxyhemoglobin reduces the uptake of CO2 from tissues by the Haldane effect (CO2 remains in tissues). Uptake in CO2 leads to acidosis (this inc GABA and glutamine/decreases glutamate and aspartate causing changes in consciousness. Also hypercapnia causes reflex cerebral vasoDILATION and may induce seizures
Celiac sprue and bone loss, mechanism?
Malabsorption -> severe Vit D deficiency -> osteomalacia (defective mineralization of organic bone matrix). Vit D def leads to dec intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption resulting in hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia -> which in turn leads to secondary hyperparathyroidism bringing Ca lvl to normal or near normal by inc Ca reabsorption in bone and kidney *this also leads to elevated alk phos. Osteomalacia - look for x-rays showing thinning of cortex w/ reduced bone density
How bone formation and remodeling works?
Osteoclasts create cavity at bone surface that osteoblasts fill w/ organic matrix (osteoid). Calcium and phosphorus then deposit in the matrix to provide adequate mineralization
Lights criteria?
At least one of the following:
Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio > .5
Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH > .6
Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 ULN ( so greater than 60)
If pleural glu < 60 = d/t rheumatoid pleurisy, complicated parapneumonic effusion/empyema, malignant effusion, TB pleurisy, lupus pleurisy, esophageal rupture
If pleural glu < 30 = empyema d/t high metabolic activity of leukocytes or bacteria
Pt w/ plantar puncture wound through footwear are at risk for what osteomyelitis infxn?
Pseudomonas; beta hemolytic streptococci and coag neg staph (staph epi) rarely cause osteomyelitis in the absence of predisposing factors like T2DM
Small cell lung cancer paraneoplastic and associations
Lambert-Eaton (pre-synaptic NMJ dysfunction), ACTH/ADH
Wide split fixed S2
Fever and sore throat in pts just started on antithyroid drug, dx and mgmt?
Agranulocytosis - stop drug and check WBC
Celiac sprue and bone loss, mechanism?
Malabsorption -> severe Vit D defiency -> osteomalacia (defective mineralization of organic bone matrix). Vit D def leads to dec intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption resulting in hypoCa and hypophosphatemia -> which in turn leads to secondary hyperparathyroidism bringing Ca lvl to normal but STILL LOW by inc Ca reabsorption (not elevated like in primary PTH) in bone and kidney *this also leads to elevated alk phos. Osteomalacia - look for x-rays showing thinning of cortex w/ reduced bone density
How does bone formation and remodeling works?
Osteoclasts create cavity at bone surface that osteoblasts fill w/ organic matrix (osteoid). Calcium and phosphorus then deposit in the matrix to provide adequate mineralization
Management options for acute pain (including opioids) even in pts w/ prior substance abuse hx?
Pain management will be similar for all pts regardless of substance abuse (given documented need for analgesic); although those w/ hx of opioid addiction who are given opioids may need close f/u to avoid relapse
22yoM recently returned from Honduras p/w 2 weeks fever, malaise, exudative pharyngitis, hepatosplenomegaly, generalized lymphadenopathy (he had posterior cervical), he also developed autoimmune hemolytic annemia and thrombocytopenia, dx?
Infectious mononucleosis; this is not malaria since that presents w/ cyclic fevers and dose not have leukopenia, lymphadenopathy, or exudative pharyngitis (although it does p/w fever, malaise, HSM, and anemia)
Rare complication of infectious mononucleosis?
Splenic rupture, airway compromise, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia (d/t cross reactivity of EBV induced antibodies against RBCs and platelets - antibodies are IgM cold agglutinin antibodies that cause complement mediated destruction)
Old lady on chronic NSAID and aspirin, here for fatigue p/w conjunctival pallor, renal function normal, dx and concern for?
Iron deficiency anemia likely d/t gastritis and or gastric ulcers leading to chronic GI blood loss and depletion of iron
Type 4 renal tubular acidosis (hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis) is characterized by a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, persistent hyperK, and mild to moderate renal insufficiency; commonly occurs in pts w/ poorly controlled diabetes
Primary hyperaldosteronism causes inc H+ and K+ excretion leading to hypoK and metabolic alkalosis! Renal artery stenosis causes secondary hyperaldo d/t low perfusion to kidney; look for similar hpoK, metabolic alkalosis, and HTN. Vomiting causes hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis d/t loss of gastric HCL. Loop diuretics are potassium wasting and cause metabolic alkalosis
Causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis:
Good mneumonic but for the most part remember diarrhea (GI loss) or RTA; where is bicarb being loss (HARDUP)
Hyperalimentation (starting TPN)
Renal tubular acidosis (Type 1 = distal, 2 = proximal, 4 = hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism)
Uretosigmoid fistula
Pancreatic fistula
PaO2 is influenced mainly by what vent settings? PaCO2 is therefore a measure of what?
FiO2 and PEEP. PaCO2 is a measure of pulmonary minute ventilation = affected mainly by RR and TV. Think of it like this: look at PaO2 and PaCO2 to determine what settings you need to change: FiO2/PEEP for PaO2 while RR/TV for PaCO2
Finasteride mechanism of action?
5-alpha reductase inhibitor: second line for BPH since not as fast as alpha 1, prevents conversion of testosterone to potent DHT (anti-androgen) so good for hair loss and transgender women
Skin lesion that does not meet ABCDE characteristics for melanoma but has these features; ugly duckling sign (different from others, dark brown instead of light, or nodular) has sensitivity up to 90% for melanoma, any mole that itches or bleed since benign lesions are
generally asymptomatic, next steps is melanoma suspected?
Excional biopsy w/ initial margins of 1-3mm of normal tissue
Pt w/ severe bladder outlet obstruction d/t BPH will have inc in Cr and develop AKI, next steps?
Get renal U/S to assess for hydronephrosis
Painless, rapid, transient monocular vision loss, dx and imaging?
Amaurosis fugax - curtain descending over visual field - retinal ischemia d/t atherosclerotic emboli originating from ipsilateral INTERNAL carotid artery - get duplex US neck
Proximal muscle weakness (inc difficulty up stairs,) pain is mild/absent, elevated muscle enzyme (CK, aldolase, AST), autoantibodies (ANA and anti-Jo-1), bx will show endomysial infiltrate, patchy necrosis, dx?
Polymyositis (anti-Jo-1 like dermatomyositis but w/o skin findings like Gottron papules or the butterfly rash)
Progressive pain in pts w/ prostate cancer and bony metastases even after androgen ablation, radionuclide bone scan now showing inc uptake in these pain areas next step?
Radiation therapy
Recent diverticulitis (or a Crohn disease, malignancy), p/w air in urine, stool in urine, recurrent UTI, dx and use what to dx?
Colovesical fistula - dx w/ abdl CT w/ (oral or rectal) contrast
Pernicious anemia MOA?
VitB12 deficiency d/t presence of autoantibodies against gastric intrinsic factor (which is required for B12 absorption); confirm w/ anti-intrinsic factor antibodies
Megaloblastic anemia in whites of Northern European ancestry shiny tongue (atrophic glossitis), vitiligo, thyroid disease, and neuro abnormalities (autoimmune and megaloblastic anemia), dx?
Pernicious anemia - antibodies against intrinsic factor = B12 def
Elevated alk phos, normal hepatic transamniase, normal RUQ U/S, positive AMA antibody, dx?
Early primary biliary cholangitis (chronic progressive liver dz w/ cholestasis and autoimmune destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts); very common in middle-aged women look for pruritus and fatigue first symptom onset; tx ursodeoxycholic acid as soon as dx made regardless of symptoms (liver transplant if severe)
Murmur? Delayed and diminished carotid pulse, soft second heart sound, mid to late peaking systolic murmur w/ maximal intensity at 2nd right intercostal, radiation to carotids
Aortic stenosis!
Chronic epigastric pain suddenly worsens, acute abdomen w/ rebound tenderness and guarding, x-ray showing radiolucency under diaphragm, dx?
Perforated peptic ulcer - air under the diaphragm
66yoF agitation, restlessness, and poor sleep; past 3 mo HA and weight gain, no meds, smokes 50 yrs. BP 160/110 and pulse 90; skin findings show facial plethora and scattered bruises on extremities. Lab findings NOT RAS but Cushing syndrome, why?
Likely paraneoplastic w/ ACTH. Cushing syndrome: HTN, hyperglycemia, weight gain, easy bruising (causes look for excess glucocorticoid intake, ACTH producing pituitary adenoma, and ectopic ACTH - eg small cell lung cancer)
NOT RAS because: RAS is severe HTN a/w flash pulmonary edema, resistant HF, chronic kidney disease (elevated Cr), abdl bruit, look for other features of atherosclerosis
Work up of hypercortisol?
Start w/ low dose dexamethasone or 24 hr urine free cortisol or late night salivary cortisol measurement -> if these are positive get ACTH lvl next to determine whether ACTH dependent (Cushing disease or ectopic ACTH) or ACTH independent (adrenal disease or
exogenous glucocorticoid)
20yoM w/ 4-6 watery bowel movements w/ intermittent bright red blood per rectum; sigmoidoscopy demonstrates mild erythema involving the rectum and distal sigmoid colon and rectal biopsy confirms mucosal inflammation and crypt abscesses, dx and future required screening?
CRYPT ABSCESSES = UC (Crohn has abscesses but not crypt). Ulcerative colitis; inc risk for colorectal carcinoma. Other complications of UC = toxic megacolon, PSC, erythema nodosum/pyoderma gangrenosum, spondyloarthritis
Arteriosclerotic lesions of afferent and efferent renal arterioles and glomerular capillary tufts are the most common renal vascular lesions seen, dx? Vs increased extracellular matrix, basement membrane thickening, mesangial expansion, and fibrosis, dx?
HTN (arteriosclerotic) vs Diabetes (mesangial expansion)
Lady w/ hx of migraines but develops new type of headache w/ signs of INC pressure (frequent nausea, vomiting, blurry vision), next steps?
MRI - need to r/o mass
Toxic shock rash vs meningococcemia rash?
TSS: staph aureus exotoxin will cause erythroderma (macular rash similar to sunburn)
Meningococemia: petechial rash
Skin infection caused by poxvirus presents as small pruritic skin colored papules w/ umbilicated centers, dx? And which pts have prolonged course as opposed to self-limiting 6months?
Molloscum contagiosum; pts w/ impaired cellular immunity ie HIV disease, have prolonged course w/ widely distributed papules, facial involvement, and lesion counts in the hundreds *test for HIV in aduts w/ large or numerous lesions
Primary vs central AI
Primary: most common cause autoimmune, dec cortisol (same in central), elevated ACTH, DEC ALDO, look for hyperpigmentation/hyperK/hypoNa/hypotension
Central: most commonly d/t glucocorticoid therapy, dec cortisol, DEC ACTH, normal aldo, less severe symptoms/no hyperpigmentation/no hyperK
Bones, stones, abdominal moans, psychic groans (muscle weakness, recurrent nephrolithiasis, neuropsychiatric symptoms, hyperCa), dx?
Primary hyperparathyroidism - majority of cases d/t parathyroid adenoma; HTN w/ primary hyperparathyroidism is suspicious for MEN2A (parathyroid hyerplasia) w/ pheochromocytoma requiring w/u
MEN1: primary hyperparathyroidism, enteropancreatic tumors (gastrinoma), pituitary tumor
MEN2A: medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, parathyroid hyperplasia
MEN2B: MTC, pheo, other (mucosal/intestinal neuromas, marfanoid habitus)
Low frequency tinnitus w/ feeling of fullness, episodic vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, dx?
Meniere disease
Common causes of vertigo: meniere, BPPV, vestibular neuritis, migraine, brainstem/cerebellar stroke
Meniere: recurrent eps lasting 20 mins to hrs, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus w/ feeling of fullness (mechanical humming causing distortion of speech) BPPV: brief eps triggered by head movement, dix-hallpike causes nystagmus
Vestibular neuritis: acute single ep last days, follows viral syndrome, abnormal head-thrust test
Migraine: vertigo a/w HA or other migrainous phenomenon (visual aura), symptoms resolve in btw eps
Brainstem cerebellar stroke: sudden onset persistent vertigo, w/ other neuro symptoms
Lesion at spinal cord affecting bladder?
Thoracic or sacral
Diabetes insipidous - central vs nephrogenic?
Cental = decreased ADH secretion from pituitary Nephrogenic = normal ADH but kidneys resistant to ADH . Cutoff for dilute urine = 100mOsm/kg
Polyuria in nonhospitalized pt can be d/t diabetes mellitus, primary polydypsia, and diabetes insipidus
Primary polydipsia (HypoNa) = inc water intake that surpasses kidney’s ability to excrete it; look for hyponatremia (Na <137), very dilute urine (osmolality <100mOsm) and urine osmo < serum osmo
Polyuria in nonhospitalized pt can be d/t diabetes mellitus, primary polydypsia, and diabetes insipidus
DI = central vs nephrogenic (both HyperNa). Ddx the two w/ water deprivation test (also distinguishes if there was true polydipsia). The pt must abstain from water for 2-3hr; urine osmo >600 suggest primary polydipsia d/t INTACT ADH and ability to concentrate urine in the absence of water intake. Pts w/ continued dilute urine likely have DI. These pts then receive desmopressin to distinguish btw central and nephrogenic. Central DI = >50% inc in urine osmolality w/ demopressin (ADH analogue replacing the nonexistent ADH)
Nephrogenic DI will not see inc in urine osmo since kidneys do not respond to ADH. Tx for central DI is desmopressin (ADH analogue)
Demeclocycline is for SIADH; where you see hyponatremia w/ concentrated urine
Cystic hepatic lesion w/ egg shell classification, dx?
Will also see hydatid cysts d/t echinococcus, tx w/ surgical resection under the cover of albendazole (aspiration can be performed but there is risk of anaphylactic shock d/t cyst content spillage)
High fever, chills, tenosynovitis, polyarthralgias, pustular/papular lesions on trunk and extremities, commercial sex worker, dx?
Disseminated gonococcal infection; blood cx may be negative so get NAAT. IV ceftriaxone (switch to oral cefixime when improving) and empiric azithro/doxy chlamydial co-infection coverage
Classic TSS rash by Staph aureus?
Diffuse erythematous desquamating rash throughout the body including palms and soles; also look for hypotension and fever
When to start colonoscopy screenings in pts w/ UC
8 years after initial diagnosis and repeat 1-2 years after for CRC
4 indications when to start statin
1) any atherosclerotic disease (ACS, MI, stable angina, stroke, TIA, PAD)
2) LDL > 190
3) Age 40-75 w/ diabetes
4) 10 year ASCVD risk > 7.5
Antiplatelet therapy vs anticoagulation therapy (recommended in A-fib pts w/ appropriate CHADS-VASC scoring)
Antiplatelet = aspirin and clopidogrel Anticoagulation = Warfarin or non-Vit K antagonist orals like apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban
Contraindications to anticoagulation?
Active bleeding or failed therapy = consider IVC filter
Ankylosing spondylitis buzz words?
Reduced forward flexion of lumbar spine and tenderness over lumbosacral area. Chronic progressive back pain and stiffness; pain relief w/ activity; lumbosacral tenderness *SI; and reduced spinal range of motion *bamboo sign d/t fusion of vertebral bodies w/ ossification of discs. Prevalent in young and males
Best dx for ankylosing spondylitis?
X-ray of SI joints more specific than HLA-B27; not everyone w/ HLA-B27 has AS
6mo intermittent upper abdl pain w/ nausea, dull epigastric pain worse after meals, relieved leaning forward, occasional diarrhea *steatorrhea, lost 15lbs over 12 months; five years ago w/ similar event. Alcohol daily. Dx and use what to test?
Chronic pancreatitis; best modality is CT to look for pancreatic calcifications *lipase in chronic panc may only be slightly elevated or even normal
Presbyopia and poor near vision, d/t loss of what mechanic?
Loss of lens elasticity; cornea shape change = astigmatism
Skin lesion presents as macules, vesicles, and bullae w/ honey colored crusts (common in children); dx and what bug?
Bullous impetigo caused by Staph aureus (coagulase negative staphylococci that threw you off on the poison ivy question - common skin contaminant in cultures)
Armpit lesion w/ painful nodules and abscesses *chronic and relapsing, dx?
Hidraneitis suppurativa
22yoM yellow eyes, otherwise feels well no symptoms, has noticed occassional darkening of urine in past; no other medical problems, immigrated from Turkey. Fasting for past 2 days for religious reasons, normal vitals, scleral icterus present. PE - heart lungs abdomen normal, no HSM or masses. Labs - elevated INDIRECT total bili and direct bili, normal alk phos, dx and mgmt?
Gilbert syndrome , reassurance/supportive care. Intermittent jaundice d/t mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia w/o evidence of hemolysis; triggered by fasting or consumption of fat-free diet, physical exertion, illness, stress
1) Elevated unconjugated bilirubin (aka INDIRECT) = think hemolysis or reduced conjugation process like Gilbert. Elevated conjugated bili (DIRECT) = think hepatobiliary disease obstructive nature (cirrhosis, hepatitis, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor)
2) Unconjugated bili disease = Gilbert -> Crigler Najjar (bad for babies) *GC
3) Conjugated bili disease = Dubin Johnson and Rotor *DR
4) Aortic coarctation vs dissection (the dissection is before the aortic split - pressure difference btw arms will be present) (the coarctation is after the split - difference in UE vs LE BPs *unless the coarctation occurs proximal to the left subclavian artery)
5) Plantar warts are d/t HPV infection and most commonly occur in young adults and immunocompromised individuals; lesions appear as hyperatotic papules on sole of foot that can be painful when walking or standing
1st line tx for chemotherapy induced nausea
Serotonin (5HT) receptor antagonist, like ondansetron, that target 5HT3 receptors; second line if refractory is dopamine antagonist (metoclopramide, prochloperazine, promethazine)
HyperK management: 3 goals in this order
Stabilize cardiac membrane w/ calcium gluconate -> shift K intracellularly (fastest is insulin/glucose) -> reduce total K ie Kaexelate (sodium polystyrene sulfonate)
Cough, chest pain, hemoptysis, numerous round alveolar infiltrates on chest imaging, murmur best heard systolic murmur inc on inspiration, prior IVDU, dx?
Infective endocarditis affecting tricuspid valve leading to pulmonary septic emboli (most commonly staph aureus)
Note on paradoxical aka reversed splitting of second heart sound: normally A2 closes then P2 (A before P - makes sense longer breath)
In paradoxical: A2 comes AFTER P2; best heard during expiration - commonly d/t fixed LVOT obstruction (aortic valve or subaortic stenosis, LBB)
Most reliable indicator for opioid intoxication?
DEC respiratory rate! Dec bowel sounds and hypotension are good indicators too; absence of miosis does not exclude diagnosis
Pt w/ organ transplant on high dose immunosuppressive suddenly stopped bactrim and valganciclovir, now p/w pneumonitis (diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrates), gastroenteritis (bloody diarrhea), and hepatitis (elevated transaminases), dx?
CMV; dx w/ CMV PCR; tx w/ either IV ganciclovir if severe or oral valganciclovir (not acyclovir)! Legionella - hyponatremia, diarrhea, pulmonary symptoms (NO bloody diarrhea)
Concern for what bone complication in pts w/ rheumatoid arthritis?
Osteoporosis (soft tissue swelling, joint space narrowing and bony erosions)! Osteitis deformans = aka Paget disease of bone
BP 180/120 *high, they’ve mentioned it being this threshold on multiple questions, HA, upper abdominal systolic-diastolic bruit, dx?
Renal artery stenosis (look for resistant multi drug HTN, malignant HTN, pressures 180/120, abdl bruit, unexplained atrophic kidney, or unexplained rise in Cr after starting ACE). Vs AAA = abdl bruits typnically NOT present, most pts are asymptomatic, if anything look for pulsatile mass
42yoM 4 weeks fatigue, weakness, fleeting joint pains/low grade fever/dark cloudy urine/pain in fingertips (Osler) and SOB; exam shows swelling and tenderness in several finger pads. Normocytic anemia, elevated leukocytosis, SUPER elevated ESR and elevated RF, UA 2+ blood and 1+ protein, dx?
Infective endocarditis! The giveaway was the Osler nodes and abnormal urine sediment
Another bone pain w/ hx of Crohn’s and small bowel resection, what are the calcium phosphate and PTH levels
LOW Ca, LOW phos, HIGH PTH. Malabsorption causing Vit D def causing low calcium and phosphate absorption -> high PTH = concern for osteomalacia. Note high PTH also causes inc urinary phosphate excretion as serum calcium levels try to go up (Ca and Phos go in opposite direction unless this is a malabsorption problem)
Polycythemia management
Myeloproliferative disorder characterized by erythrocytosis - HTN, transient vision disturbances, facial plethora, and splenomegaly are common! Tx w/ serial phlebotomy; bone marrow suppressive drugs like hydroxyurea may be added if there is high risk of thrombosis
HACEK organisms account for 3% of organisms that can cause infective endocarditis
Eikenella a/w normal human oral flora - dental procedure or peridontal infection
1st line mgmt of carpal tunnel syndrome
Start w/ nocturnal wrist splinting -> if significant weakness or refractory symptoms consider surgical decompression
Nephrotic range proteinuria and hematuria w/ electron microscopy showing dense deposits within glomerualr basement membrane; immunofluorescence microscopy is positive for C3 not immunoglobulins, most likely pathophysiologic mechanism?
COMPLEMENT activation antibodies against C3 convertase - MPGN. Persistent activation of the alternative complement pathway = membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (unique nephropathy because IgG antibodies against C3 convertase of the alternative complement cause persistent complement activation). VS immune complex mediated glomerulopathies is d/t circulating immune complexes (SLE, post strep glomerulonephritis)
Raw oyster consumption or wound contamination during sailing/boating or raw seafood handling; usually causes mild cellulitis but those w/ liver disease or hemochromatosis are at risk of nec fascitis w/ hemorrhagic bullous lesions and septic shock, dx?
Vibrio vulnificus: dx w/ blood and wound cultures and tx w/ IV ceftriaxone + doxycycline
Organ transplant prophylaxis?
Bactrim for PCP proph and ganciclovir or valganciclovir for CMV coverage
Scabies? Bed Bugs?
Scabies = intense pruritus that is worse at night, pustules, finger web involvement, and excoriations (mites dig burrow into skin causing delayed type IV hypersensitivity); focus on flexor surface of wrist, lateral surface of fingers, and FINGER WEBS. Tx w/ permethrin topical or oral ivermectin
Bed bugs: breakfast/lunch/dinner bites sparing palms and soles, worse at night
55yo white male, many falls for the past weeks, dizzy, dry mouth, dry skin, erectile dysfunction over this period, past hx of resting tremors, orthostatic hypotension, dx?
Multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome): degenerative disease w/ 1) parkinsonoism, 2) autonomic dysfunction (postural hypotension, sweating, bladder/sexual problems), 3) widespread neurological signs (cerebellar, pyramidal, or LMN)
Always consider what syndrome when a Parkinson pt experiences orthostatic hypotension, impotence, incontinence, and other autonomic symptoms?
Shy-Drager: concern for laryngeal stridor/bulbar dysfxn; tx is aimed at intravascular volume expansion w/ fludrocortisone, salt supplementation, alpha adrenergic agonists
Loss to f/u in prospective studies create potential for attrition bias a subtype of selection bias
Timeline of renal changes in pts w/ diabetes?
Glomerular hyperfiltration (as early as several days after diabetes dx is made) -> this leads to intraglomerualr HTN leading to progressive glomerular dmg and renal fxn loss -> thickening of GBM -> mesangial expansion -> nodular sclerosis (specific to diabetic nephropathy) *ACEi help diabetes by reducing intraglomerular HTN
Schilling test
How well stomach can absorb B12 (intrinsic factor problem vs absorption vs dietary)
34yoF diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue for a year; diarrhea 2-3x daily w/ abdl pain; no tenesmus or bloody diarrhea but stool is very foul smelling and floating; also complains of diffuse bone pain; lab shows Hgb 9.8 w/ MCV 72, dx? and expected calcium, phosphate, pth
Steatorrhea and malabsorption (from some chronic GI disease) resulting in poor absorption of Vit D thereby causing poor absorption of calcium and phosphorus -> pts with low calcium and phosphorus d/t poor absorption will develop secondary hyperparathyroid (low Ca and low phos high PTH). Low Vit D can
lead to osteomalacia (bone pain
Tylenol toxicity management; toxic ingestion = > 7.5g
Initial mgmt = focus on gastric decontamination w/ activated charcoal if pts presents within 4 hrs of ingestion; also obtain acetaminophen level at that time. Next use nomogram to determine change of hepatotoxic effects given acetaminophen level at hr since ingestion - tool will guide whether NAC is required
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, dx criteria? Tx?
Paracentesis - PMNs > 250, positive culture (often gram neg like E. coli or Kleb), protein < 1 and SAAG > 1.1. Tx = 3rd gen cephalosporin; fluoroquinolones for SBP proph
Corneal vesicles, opacification, dendritic ulcers, dx and tx?
Viral keratitis d/t herpes simplex or VZV tx w/ ganciclovir or trifluridine
Localized swelling along margin of lower eyelid w/ erythema and tenderness, no conjunctival injection or ocular discharge, dx and tx?
External hordeolum (stye!) - acute inflammatory d/o of eyelash follicle or tear gland often d/t staph aureus but sterile in many cases; start w/ warm compresses first (pustule may form -> then rupture w/ pus/relief of pain -> chalazion may take its place and regress over months)
Mgmt of pts w/ vasovagal syncope?
Reassurance and education about benign nature of condition, advised to avoid triggers and use physical counterpressure maneuvers during prodromal phase in order to abort episode; BB don’t help - no sig benefits in trial
Autoimmune hepatitis vs hemochromatosis:
Hereditary hemochromatsis a/w calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition (pseudogout) in joints leading to chondrocalcinosis, pseudogout, and chronic arthropathy. Not autoimmune hepatitis since that affects symmetric small joints while the pt w/ hemochromatosis (both him and dad w/ diabetes and aminotransferases) had a single bad knee
Cardiac (aortic dissection, MVP), skeletal (disproportionately long extremities and inc arm-span-to-height ratio), pulmonary (spontaneous pneumo), and ocular (ecoptia lentis), abnormalities, dx? All of these pts w/ acute chest pain require eval for what?
Marfan syndrome; aortic dissection! Pts w/ dissection and or progressive aortic root dilation can develop AR. Look for early descrendo diastolic murmur best heard along left sternal border at 3rd and 4th intercostal space w/ pt sitting up, leaning forward, and holding breath after full expiration
All about Marfan: tall w/ long arms, flexible joints, pectus carinatum
Skeletal: arachnodactyly, upper to lower body segment ratio is dec while arm to height is inc, pectus deformity/scoliosis/lyphosis, and joint hypermobility Ocular: ectopia lentis CV: aortic dilation, regurgitation or dissection (the trifecta of aortic valve!), and MVP
Pulmonary: spontaneous pneumo from apical blebs
Tachyarrhythmia (narrow or wide doesn’t matter), a/w clinical or hemodynamic instability (hypotension, cardiogenic shock, signs of ischemia, acute HF), first line tx?
Immediate synchronized cardioversion (amiodarone is for maintence of sinus rhythm - duh antiarrhythmic)
Hypothyroidism can cause what additional metabolic abnormalities?
HYPERLIPIDEMIA, hyponatremia and asymptomatic elevations of creatinine kinase and serum transamniases
Common side effect of CKD pts started on EPO (after ruling put iron def anemia)?
Hypertensive crisis (pts who receive large dose or exp rapid rise in HgB)
40yo w/ SLE on prednisone has atraumatic hip pain w/ normal x-ray findings, dx and best imaging modality?
Osteonecrosis (aka avascular necrosis) of the femoral head (d/t disruption of circulation of bone through micro-occlusion); common complication of SLE/pts on glucocorticoids. X-ray normal in first few months; MRI more sensitive
Absent of identifiable bacteria on culture or gram stain, mucopurulent discharge in a pt who is sexually active suggests what dx?
Chlamydial urethritis; get NAAT
What to check before initiating these therapies: TNF-alpha inhibitor vs Trastuzumab
TNF-alpha inhib - tx of rheumatologic disease, can cause reactivation of latent TB prior to initiating agent get PPD
Trastuzumab - used for HER-2 positive breast carcinoma. Risk of cardiotoxicity get baseline echo and ctm
MOA of nitrates?
Primary anti-ischemic effect = systemic vasodilation and dec in cardiac preload resulting in a dec in left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volume -> this in turn leads to 1) reduction in left ventricular systolic wall stress (which reflects afterload and is proportional to pressure*radius/thickness) AND 2) dec in myocardial oxygen demand
Antiischemic effect of nitrates?
Mediated by systemic vasodilation w/ a dec in left ventricular end diastolic volume and wall stress resulting in dec myocardial oxygen demand
Multiple myeloma pts are at increased risk for recurrent infections d/t what abnormality?
Impaired effective antibody production (bone marrow infiltration by neoplastic cells alters normal leukocyte population thereby causing hypogammaglobulinemia)
New mom holding infant w/ thumb outstretched (abducted and extended); inflammation of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons passing through fibrous sheath at radial styloid process; pain elicited w/ direct palpation of radial site of wrist at base of hand (also positive Finkelstein test = passive stretching of tendons) dx?
De Quervain tenosynovitis
Pain over palmar aspect of first MCP joint and locking of the thumb in flexion?
Trigger thumb
Wells score < or equal to 4 = PE unlikely -> get diagnostic study before starting IV heparin
Wells score > 4 = PE likely -> consider symptoms and contraindications then start IV heparin
Wells score takes into account what factors?
3+ for signs of DVT or no alt diagnosis 1.5+ for previous PE/DVT, HR >100, or recent sx/immobilization 1+ for hemoptysis or cancer
Mgmt of C diff? Suspect in what pts?
Any pt on abx and has diarrhea and or abdl pain; send stool studies for C diff TOXIN; tx initial ep w/ oral vancomycin or oral fidaxomicin; pts w/ fulminant dz (like hypotension, ileus, megacolon) should be tx w/ high dose oral vanc and IV metro
The lupus anticoagulant, an anti-phospholipid antibody, is a prothrombotic immunoglobulin that causes artifact error w/ prolonged aPPT in vitro; with this prolongation and clinical findings = still anti-phospholipid syndrome
Specific tests like diluted Russel viper venom test exist
Thickened white patch inside mouth after recently started chewing tobacco? Granular texture on buccal mucosa, not indurated, not removed by scraping w/ tongue depressor
Leukoplakia. Canker sore = aphthous stomatitis
You can scrape of thrust (oral candidiasis) but you can not scrape off leukoplakia
Fever, leukocytosis, prostate tenderness, more pronounced than UTI symptoms w/ systemic symptoms like fever, chills, ill appearance, associated REGIONAL pain, dx and what to get next?
Acute bacterial prostatitis - get mid stream urine sample to direct abx therapy (start empiric w/ bactrim or fluoroquinolone while waiting cultures)
Amiloride side effects?
Potassium sparing diuretic - hyperK. Other potassium diuretics = spironolactone, eplerenone (both aldosterone antagonist), triamterene (sodium channel blocker like amiloride)
Tx categories for Parkinsonism?
Levidopa plus carbidopa (dopamine precursor), benztropine (anticholinergic), amantadine *unclear MOA, bromocriptine/pramipexole (dopamine agonist), selegiline (MAO B inhibitor)
Most common initial side effect of levidopa plus carbidopa? long term side effects?
Hallucinations! Dyskinesia/dystonia appear after 5-10 years after therapy
Cerebellar dysfunction causes what, vs pyramidal tract disease?
Ataxia, intention tremor, impaired rapid alternating movements; pyramidal signs = look for pronator drift, focal weakness, spasticity, hyperreflexia and Babinski sign. Basal ganglia dysfunction causes EPS signs (resting tremor, rigidity, choreiform)
10-20 days after strep throat or skin infection, now w/ hematuria, HTN, red cell casts, and mild proteinuria, dx?
Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
How to ddx ACL tear from MCL/meniscus?
ACL injuries usually present w/ rapid onset of pain/swelling w/ hemarthrosis
Renal transplant dysfunction in the early post op period manifests as oliguria, hypertension, and inc Cr/BUN; what causes are there and what’s the immediate tx in acute rejection?
Ureteral obstruction (expect dilation of calyces on US), cyclosporine toxicity (supratherapeutic levels), vascular obstruction, ATN, acute rejection (heavy lymphocytic infiltration and vascular invlvmt w/ swelling of intima = IV steroids!)